The Ultimate Boyfriend Destroyer


Don Juan
Sep 5, 2006
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I believe an average guy in a relationship does fall back to some sort of AFCdom considering the comfort zone sitiuation...and that's why you'll find gurus like Gunwitch betting their lives on the fact that all girls cheat (in one way or another) which is a fact...

Under an ideal scenario keeping in mind how a chic's brain works...all women can cheat physically or mentally ...and I guess guys shouldn't be shocked when they find that out...(I did that to my last girlfriend ...I was completely cool...though it's very very difficult considering the emotional involvement of a yeah keeping a check on your emotions is very important...)

In an ideal scenario..which I'll mention as caveman-type-sitiuation which is all about manhood, testosterone, natural polygamous human brain etcetra etcetra ..., the whole idea is about procreation...

animals do...birds do...insects do...lizards do...and humans do's different for us though ; but offcourse we are humans...we have got bigger many emotions, a lot more complexity....

Think of a hypothetical more advanced civilization...a species so advanced that human look like dogs to them...offcourse, they'll look at our sexual patterns as no brainers....

No matter how complex our brain gets, underlying chemicals hormones will still remain the same...

Now coming back to the Boyfriend Destroyer Pattern...

I guess when chic tells you that she has boyfriend us it should be like ""...

So far I have kinda tricked my brain into believing a few facts which area great help while sarging....or seducing (I find seducing better since I like the feeling of getting a girl all gooey over me and the sense of power... oh my!...Love's better than sex...seducing is better than pick up)

Fact 1. A woman has every right to dump me and walk away and have sex with the man across the nowhere affects my reality since "cummon, being a woman it's her birthright to sattisfy her desires..." ...guess what none of my women want to look at any other man ..since she wants me and just me...(which is totally another thing)

Fact 2. I like getting my heart burned ...I like emotional upheavels ...I like the possibility of a chick cheating on's like a sadisitic pleasure ....which gives me power...power of independency...
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Don Juan
Sep 5, 2006
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Fact 3. It's not about you and are not speacial...we're all singing and dancing c_rap of the world...(courtesy F.C.)

Fact 4. It's not about a relationship or hearts or minds or souls's about procreation since <Fact3.> and love happens because <Fact3+Brain+emotions>

Fact 5. I let myself to be completely attracted by any chic no matter of her availabilty status...don juanism is not about controlling everything as taught by many seduction artists around ...

Seduction is like mental as much when I starts seducing a girl ... I'm already having sex with her...

She's in a relationship...great...she has no plans of seeing anybodyelse or cheating on her I'd suggest get married to him...have sex with him everyday...

Real seduction is when she fvcks her boyfriend she thinks of you.

At this stage you don't have to worry about availabilty of a are just you...and you like the game of seduction...

I'm single ...and have no plan of seeing anyone...or being a boyfriend (cummon!)...all woman can keep their boyfriends...My game is that they'll do anything to have sex with me just once...

Dec 18, 2007
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I don't mean any disrepect here but who would want to destroy a woman's boyfriend? That to me sounds like the weakness of oneitis.

With all of the AVAILABLE single women out there who would want another man's woman? He has been pissing up in her and she swallowing him...that doesn't sound like some place I really want to tread just for the sake of a ego trip.

And if you land her will you ever really trust her? Or is the goal just a ego score?

Help me out here I am trying to figure out this anger stuff and hateration think within these communities.

The thought of some amped up guy out there pissed off and getting a gun because now he thinks his life is over because I took his woman doesn't appeal to me.

As a former bouncer I have seen stupid stuff happen over women a lot.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
Most women have an inner ho/slut that will come out to play every now and then at which point she will cheat on her man, you are not special if you are lucky enough to be there at the right time. If its not you it will be the next guy... Those guys your girl calls her friends are really just waiting around for her to get mad enough at you to F them...


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
TheRealSupreme said:
I don't mean any disrepect here but who would want to destroy a woman's boyfriend? That to me sounds like the weakness of oneitis. .
Um no, actually its basic competition for limited resources... "Try and take what the next man has" - its the human way.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
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I wouldn't call women a "limited resource".

This kind of reasoning is scarcity mentality at its finest which is a division of AFC thinking.

Go out and get a single woman without a compromised integrity DJ's.

If you can steal another man's woman she wasn't worth stealing in the first place because she has zero loyalty.

Good post Player Supreme.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
KontrollerX said:
I wouldn't call women a "limited resource".

This kind of reasoning is scarcity mentality at its finest which is a division of AFC thinking.

Go out and get a single woman without a compromised integrity DJ's.

If you can steal another man's woman she wasn't worth stealing in the first place because she has zero loyalty.

Good post Player Supreme.
I have 4 women now but 90% of men dont and cant... why is that...?

Lord Shinra

Senior Don Juan
Sep 4, 2007
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DonGorgon said:
Um no, actually its basic competition for limited resources... "Try and take what the next man has" - its the human way.
I respect the territory as far as they respect mine. May the lord have mercy on the man who takes what is mine.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
Lord Shinra said:
I respect the territory as far as they respect mine. May the lord have mercy on the man who takes what is mine.
LOL>.. It's 2008 and feminists say she aint yours.... she is free to F your enemy if she so chooses... and the court system is ready to enforce if you rebel.

Lord Shinra

Senior Don Juan
Sep 4, 2007
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DonGorgon said:
LOL>.. It's 2008 and feminists say she aint yours.... she is free to F your enemy if she so chooses... and the court system is ready to enforce if you rebel.
Feminists (and females in general) don't understand the territory because they are the territory. Unfortunately, 95% of males in society agree with "she aint yours" which makes me :cry:

But I got news for them, as long as I have atleast 51% of the power, she is.

What the feminists should do is figure out which species they really are, some look like dogs.


Don Juan
Sep 5, 2006
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I don't mean any disrepect here but who would want to destroy a woman's boyfriend? That to me sounds like the weakness of oneitis.

With all of the AVAILABLE single women out there who would want another man's woman? He has been pissing up in her and she swallowing him...that doesn't sound like some place I really want to tread just for the sake of a ego trip.

And if you land her will you ever really trust her? Or is the goal just a ego score?

Help me out here I am trying to figure out this anger stuff and hateration think within these communities.

The thought of some amped up guy out there pissed off and getting a gun because now he thinks his life is over because I took his woman doesn't appeal to me.

As a former bouncer I have seen stupid stuff happen over women a lot.
I would never steal a friend's matter what...even if she wants to cheat on my friend...

But otherwise I have no resrvations in flirting with somebody's girlfriend or I'm not being cunning to steal somebody's partner, I'm not talking bad about her boyfriend...that's her trouble...I don't even know the guy...

One more thing...most HBs are taken...yes if you are waiting for that One chic who's single and fits your frame...I'm sorry man you might have to wait a long time...



Don Juan
Apr 15, 2006
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Most hot girls are taken? This is some scary ****. Just means we gotta get out and APPROACH!


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
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DonGorgon said:
I have 4 women now but 90% of men dont and cant... why is that...?
If you have four women that cheated on their boyfriends to be with you then all that means is you have four fvck buddies that you can never transition into a trust based relationship.

Congrats to you if all you're looking for is a fvck I guess.

Most guys don't have such an iron will or understanding of themselves and what they can maintain and deal with over time so they will usually fall for one of their wh0re party/rotation/bull pen members over time then get burned and wonder why that happend to them and I have the answer for them which is the same as the answer Last Man Standing always gave.

Because you trusted and loved a wh0re.

To answer your direct question though it could be that part of the 90% of men who don't have your set up are AFC's and believe in only having one girlfriend at a time or DJ's that don't have time for more than two or three girls because they are so busy persuing their goals or they are DJ's that simply don't reward cheating women with their presence and the part of the men in the percentage that can't get your setup are AFC's that simply have no clue on how to attract a woman.

"I respect the territory as far as they respect mine. May the lord have mercy on the man who takes what is mine."

I agree when it comes to personal property such as money or items but when it comes to a woman you are with unless the guy raped her this does not apply.

The fault, blame and anger for a cheating woman should not go towards the guy who she cheated on you with but her for being a corrupt human being herself.

Sure you can beat up such a guy if it will make you feel better but its still misplaced anger that belongs with the girl that cheated on you and no I'm not saying beat up the girl instead all I'm saying is your anger belongs with her because it is a decision she made.

The guy was just doing what the majority of immoral weak men with an AFC scarcity mentality would do.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 2, 2008
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"I have 4 women now but 90% of men dont and cant... why is that...?"

Good for you mate.

By the way for someone taking baby steps into DJ-dom, I'd be really interested in knowing how good were u with girls when you got into the "community" and how long it has been since you got into the community?
Dec 18, 2007
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DonGorgon said:
I have 4 women now but 90% of men dont and cant... why is that...?
Ok I have had as many as 13 women that I was boning. I never once saw a limited amount of women who are already available.

Oh before you doubt me check my old posts on here under Player_Supreme and we can save time. I think I used to post photos as proof with me in the shots you know the real type...them kissing me or licking me...

So your saying that because of limited amount of women (which I have never encountered in 30 years out there) that we should take other mens women?

Now I have done this. Check my old posts. I talked about a woman. A vegas dancer way back then. She was married to a rich dude. The rich dude found out and told her he could have me killed from his contacts in vegas for $2,000.00.

Ok I think my life is worth more than that. I didn't stop seeing her either.

But, symps are not aware of the rules of the game being that you don't fight over women.

In my town lazy hick town of Sacramento California Domestic disturbance is one of the number one calls according to aquaintances on the police force.

Many of them because the men caught the girls cheating these days.

Recent surveys show with divorce hitting all time highs nearing 50% women are cheating 35% of the time.

Are you aware of how many men go to jail over shooting another man who has been boning a man's women?

Are you aware of how many fights break out in the clubs over this stupid crap???

You ever bounce?

Probably not. It isn't pretty work.

If you did you would know about this being a major problem in clubs. Guys defending their territory.


A young guy who happend to be a friend of a client of mine (I own a personal training studio) had just turned 21 a few months back. He went to a old farts club that I used to go to at the end of my game.

He didn't live to see the next day after his birthday cause he got shot after a altercation in a old farts club for god sake.

Over a female.

Geezus keerist! 21 years of age man.

Boom. Gone from this earth. No chance to get any women for him ever and ever.

Just gone.

And it happens everyday over women.

Are any of you willing to risk this over another man's woman?

Yeah I am a hypocrit having done this. The vegas girl was dancing with another BLACK guy like me on the floor when I went up behind her and started dancing on her ass and then took her from the kid.

But I was stupid and egotistical back then. I was pimping women on a call girl thing and felt like my shyt didn't stink.

The girl I got into the pimp game with had a pimp from Los Angeles pull a gun on her and try to force her to go back to LA with her.

I entered the house and took it from him and ......

Over a woman.

I could of been shot.


No more Player_Supreme.

Over pvssy?

Dec 18, 2007
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Oh 20% of the guys get 80% of the women. That old 80/20 rule still applies to this community also.

But we deserve it since the cowards and chickens will not step up and be men and go for what is there right to get up on.

And to rest my case read your own forum:

Don Juan

Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 147
Ex Bf of girl im dating got my number and is now harrassing me


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
Sometimes you HAVE TO steal someone's girlfriend. The way I am, If a woman cheats on me, I put her ass out then I kick her to the curb, no questions asked. I put more women out of my life than in my life!


Don Juan
Mar 19, 2009
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So how do you seduce a girl with a boyfriend when she won't go out with you because she has a boyfriend?

I think the OP is just pure theory no practice


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2009
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LDBaha said:
So how do you seduce a girl with a boyfriend when she won't go out with you because she has a boyfriend?
umm, you don't. Just treat them like any other single girl, if they go out with you good, if not then find a girl who will. It doesn't matter whether or not she has a boyfriend, that's really not your problem (unless the guy is your friend, I'm loyal to my friends). I know lots of girls that are in relationships they don't want to be in, it's just that no other guy asks them out because they have boyfriends.