The Ultimate Bad Boy


Senior Don Juan
Nov 3, 2006
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This game is a mentality, more so a developed mindset that one turns on at any given point in time to attract girls.

Once you fully develop this mindset, women will come flocking to you for purely instinctual reasons. This mindset trumps all other factors in attracting the hottest most feminine women to come hit on you. In essence, they will become the hunters and you will be the huntee.

This is the mindset of the psychopath. A mindset that lures women to your shining aura. A mindset, that once turned on, will even attract religious, Islamic women in front of even their parents and closest relatives to ask for you number. A mindset, however, that when in the off mode will make you another fish in the sea, hopelessly 'gaming' women for their attention.

Today's wannabe bad boys do not have full understanding of this mindset, and thus are a failure in the field. Now let's look at some of the characterisitcs of a typical psychopath:

glibness/superficial charm
grandiose sense of self worth

need for stimulation/prone to boredom
pathological lying

lack of remorse or guilt

shallow emotional response
callous/lack of empathy

parasitic lifestyle
poor behavioral controls

promiscuous sexual behavior
early behavioral problems

lack of realistic long term goals

failure to accept responsibility for their own actions

many short term relationships
juvenile delinquency

revocation of conditional release
criminal versatility

Why are such characteristics rewarded in today's society by women? This is where i believe feminism comes to the picture. This movement has allowed women to fully and unconditionally act upon their 'emotions' and thus allow them to enjoy their cherished 'feelings' year round with various conscious psychopaths.

Let us not generalize all psychopaths as players, but a psychopath's lack of conscious and empathy with others make him a shrine that women seemingly worship. Through the years, he garners reputation as a 'player' and as 'being gay' (mostly by ugly women).

The 'alpha' male is actually the psychopath in disguise. This is very evident, and a little research on PU material by Styles and Mystery show that they are only promoting subtle psychopathic tendencies to attract women. But why they are not painting the whole picture of the '***** matrix' and the psychopathic players involved, misleading their readers on the true nature of this 'game' is obviously for financial reasons.

This is why i advise men to step out of the '***** matrix', as supported by feminism and the media, and see this game for what it really is. In this era, women are having relationships AND are having wild sex with the psychopath next door without your knowledge; in essence having their cake and eating it too. I can not count the number of times I have had sex with women, right after they finish talking to their oftentimes 'wannabe badboy' boyfriends on the phone.

What will be your position in society:

1. Emulate the psychopath to your fullest capability. Meaning, acting like the 'alpha' that women hate on on the surface but secretly desire to have sex with. Real psychopaths were born this way (Hence the phrase 'players are born not made') and cannot change even if their life depended on it. However, I certainly do believe one can emulate their behavior and their way of thinking, through years of spending time with them or just reading and applying their characteristics.

2. You will continue being the nice guy or the fake wannabe 'badboy' and have relationships with todays women. Times have certainly changed, and with the recent advent of contraceptives, women do not care for relationships or marraige untile at least after the age of 30, some even continuing their promiscuous behaviour to late into their 40's. Of course, the great actors that they are, they will certainly fool most men in believing they want lasting compatible relationships so they can use you as a financial and emotional tampon. But guess who they are having wild sex with behind your back?


Don Juan
Apr 22, 2007
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Brooklyn, NY
Persiangino, you had me at "
A mindset, that once turned on, will even attract religious, Islamic women in front of even their parents and closest relatives to ask for you number.
" Tell me more.


Don Juan
Aug 24, 2005
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BC Canada
A boy who is bad.

That was a joke, by the way. They're serial killers who specialize in women.


Master Don Juan
Sep 14, 2003
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I don't agree. For one thing eventually when you move past the point of having women making moves on you like crazy and you realize that it only stopped because they are too intimidated to do it. To be completely honest I had basically the whole game down from the start but I didn't realize it. I am no psycho or bad boy. The truth is women do want a relationship and want to marry (for the most part). Women are extremely emotional creatures. Think about it.. look at the movies they watch.. they love to cuddle and **** like that. Women invented marriage not men. If a girl cheats on you then you are just the guy to hold her b4 she goes to the next guy. The whole bad boy mentality works to get women but it is not even close to the perfect approach. You don't even need to come off as anything like a bad boy. I seriously believe about 1% of the people of this site actually understand the game to its full and the rest just think they do. Its only something you turn on and off when your still using 'it'. It is what you make yourself. Women themselves are irrelivent. You could be a DJ and be gay. Its the way you think not your style of technique you imply to pick up a girl. The person you describe could get lots of girls sure.. but if he met me she would drop him or you in a second. Basically the whole game is to sum it up VERY quickly women are attracted to the most un-insecure man.
Apr 18, 2007
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Not all psychopaths attract hot babes and not every guy can successfully disguise himself as being one.
If you don't care too much about long term relationships or marriage you will attract many more attractive woman.
It is a good thread though.


Don Juan
Jan 13, 2007
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"Through the years, he garners reputation as a 'player' and as 'being gay' (mostly by ugly women). "

Whooaaaa, PLEASE explain this a little bit better because so many women always ask me if I am gay, ESPECIALLY the ugly women!

This sentence really applies to me so I will appreciate it greatly if you can elaborate on that factor for me please.


Don Juan
Aug 24, 2005
Reaction score
BC Canada
michaelhctam said:
"Through the years, he garners reputation as a 'player' and as 'being gay' (mostly by ugly women). "

Whooaaaa, PLEASE explain this a little bit better because so many women always ask me if I am gay, ESPECIALLY the ugly women!

This sentence really applies to me so I will appreciate it greatly if you can elaborate on that factor for me please.
I think it's either the assless chaps or the fishnets that are throwing them off.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
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Once you fully develop this mindset, women will come flocking to you for purely instinctual reasons. This mindset trumps all other factors in attracting the hottest most feminine women to come hit on you. In essence, they will become the hunters and you will be the huntee.
That is absolute bull-fvking-shyt. This mindset -- by itself -- will get you the hottest chicks? Oh please. That is ridiculous!

I have known plenty of "psychopathic" types in my life (grew on bad side of town). Most of them were such compelte fcking idiots that the only chicks they ever got were the gutter rats, and even then, only the average or ugly ones. Getting the HOTTEST chicks requires a lot more than just being a psyocpath.

Jay Jay

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2006
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danielzxc said:
That is absolute bull-fvking-shyt. This mindset -- by itself -- will get you the hottest chicks? Oh please. That is ridiculous!

I have known plenty of "psychopathic" types in my life (grew on bad side of town). Most of them were such compelte fcking idiots that the only chicks they ever got were the gutter rats, and even then, only the average or ugly ones. Getting the HOTTEST chicks requires a lot more than just being a psyocpath.
Took the words outa my mouth.



Senior Don Juan
Nov 3, 2006
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danielzxc said:
That is absolute bull-fvking-shyt. This mindset -- by itself -- will get you the hottest chicks? Oh please. That is ridiculous!

I have known plenty of "psychopathic" types in my life (grew on bad side of town). Most of them were such compelte fcking idiots that the only chicks they ever got were the gutter rats, and even then, only the average or ugly ones. Getting the HOTTEST chicks requires a lot more than just being a psyocpath.
Says so much about your intelligence. So you knew alot of psychopaths cause you grew up on the bad part of town? LOL Psychopaths are the most cunning individuals and ones with a decent IQ become successful and rich because they are good at manipulation and are for the most part extremely self-centered. Your aggravating boss at work is most likely a jewish psychopath, heh.

The point that i was trying to make is that psychopaths are naturals in this game of dating and women seemingly love the abusive relationships with this jerk. From your post, you show not only a lack of understanding of a psychopath but like a 5 year old you quickly assume he is some sort of mental patient, when this is certainly not the case.

Psychopathic behavior seems to be on the rise because of the very nature of American capitalistic society. The great hustlers, charmers, and self-promoters in the sales fields are perfect examples of where the psychopath can thrive. The entertainment industry, the sports industry, the corporate world in a Capitalistic system, are all areas where psychopaths naturally rise to the top. Some observers believe that there is a psychological continuum between psychopaths (who tend to be professionally unsuccessful) and narcissistic entrepreneurs (who are successful), because these two groups share the highly developed skill of manipulating others for their own gain. It is now being thought that they are actually the "same" but that the "unsuccessful" psychopath is merely flawed in their calculating abilities. They are unable to recalculate based on new actuarial data. Successful Narcissists might seem to be perfectly able to add to their actuarial database and "recalculate" and shift course and develop new subroutines based on ongoing input.

In general, the successful psychopath "computes" how much they can get away with in a cost-benefit ratio of the alternatives. Among the factors that they consider as most important are money, power, and gratification of negative desires. They are not motivated by such social reinforcment as praise or future benefits. Studies have been done that show locking up a psychopath has absolutely no effect on them in terms of modifying their life strategies. In fact, in is shown to make them worse. Effectively, when locked up, psychopaths just simply learn how to be better psychopaths.

Psychopaths are not only good at the game of life, but they seemingly are the best players applying the same cost-benefit ratio of alternatives even in the dating game.

Don Juan was a psychopath.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
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pgino, my point was that being a psychopath ALONE is not enough. The guys I was talking about were undoubtedly self-interested, narcissicistic psychopath types (they displayed all the behaviors you described). But they weren't all that bright, and had very little going positive for them in their lives. As "cunning" as they might have been, their personalities were very off-putting. And while they might have been a "hit" among some of the lowest of low class chicks, I would hardly call their sexual exploits "impressive".

Basically, my point is you can't just look at the SUCCESSFUL psychopaths and then conclude that ALL psychopaths are similarly successful, or that being a psycopath is the one factor that "trumps" all others. You are seriously reaching too far here.

That's not to say you don't have anything of value you to add to the discussion, only that you need to be more guarded about your conclusions. Now, this isn't a scientific journal, so I'm not expecting tables of detailed results and discussion of your method...BUT, without those things, any conclusions you reach are highly suspect. If I were you, I would limit myself to saying that being a psychopath seems to increase the likelihood of success with women and leave it at that. To go on and claim that it is the one key thing that will have women (and the HOTTEST women, too) flocking to your door, well, that is just unjustifiable.


New Member
Apr 26, 2007
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Cambridge, MA
So, to clarify: Jews get all the hottest women? or All Jews are psychopaths and you wish you were Jewish? WTF are you blathering about? Women desire psychopaths? Just grow a set and say "Hi". I'm not usually a praying man, but if you're up there, Allen Thompson, these kidz need help...


Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2006
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danielzxc said:
That is absolute bull-fvking-shyt. This mindset -- by itself -- will get you the hottest chicks? Oh please. That is ridiculous!

I have known plenty of "psychopathic" types in my life (grew on bad side of town). Most of them were such compelte fcking idiots that the only chicks they ever got were the gutter rats, and even then, only the average or ugly ones. Getting the HOTTEST chicks requires a lot more than just being a psyocpath.

I agree! I think it is pretty obvious that Persiangiano does not know the first thing of getting girls...... He is what I call a sosuave psychologist.... He reads a few books.... probably never gamed any woman.

Saying Psycopaths get play is one of the dumbest things I ever heard in my life.

Use reallife experiences. Don't read books. Get out on the field. And than tell us about how a psychopath can game woman. Your opinion will hold more weight than.
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