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The Truth About Women


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Aug 16, 2005
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Originally posted by Broham
'I agree with everything said in this guy's post, except where he says to make the girl feel angry/sad. I think you should def play to the girl's emotions, but I think when you first meet her, you should keep it positive. Then, as the relationship progresses, stir up a lil controversy and keep her guessing as to what you'll do next.'
My take on his statement 'make her feel sad and angry' is that you do it on a small level. ie tell her a sad story 'Tell stories about your sick puppy' thats one example from the original post. That being said i do also believe that things need to remain postive overall.


New Member
Aug 16, 2005
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Re: Controlling emotions

Originally posted by izza
Would you please clarify what you mean by "controlling women's emotions?" Isn't this an unrealistic goal?
On the other hand, how you feel always does seem to affect others around you.
Still, I think that there is danger in thinking you can control another's emotion - influence it perhaps.
One lesson that was important for me to learn was that there's always a chance to be burned in loving women. This risk is the ante to play.
I look forward to what you have to say - I'm not trying to persuade you of anything, I'm looking for help resolving an inner debate. All the best,
'Women follow their emotions, and that leads them to sleep with men like me (who know how to control female emotions.)' Thats from the original post. I think it is a realistic goal. you are right when you say how you feel affects others. But so do your actions and words (which communicate your emotional state). You say influence anothers emotions, i say control by influence. example holding eye contact with a woman causes certain emotions in her, the action has influence and i exercised control on her emotions (i got a response that i 'wanted'). There is danger in being able to control other peoples emotions. Look at what hot women do to men. Looks cause emotional responses in men and they control this emotion to acquire resources and favours. I think the inner debate your trying to resolve is 'should i control women'. Its one i have come to terms with. Yes you should. Women need to be dominated by a strong, mentally healthy, powerful man. They need emotional, physical, pyscological control exerted over them. Domination has got a really ugly stigma to it. But my parents dominated me ie controled me and took care of me. I have dominated ex lovers kept them in check. It was hard for me to deal with until i stepped outside of being a man. I realise women arent like me.. i would hate being dominated because i am a man. A woman i believe wants nothing more than to be cared about enough by a great man who actually takes the effort and responsiblity to make sure she is not heading for disaster.

anyways thats enough outta me
ps. The guy who wrote the intial post isnt the tyoe of guy i talk about in the end of this reply. lol


Don Juan
Oct 26, 2003
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Richmond, VA
I actually despise men like librito, but there is a lot of truth in this post. You just can't let your guard down with women. Its a sad truth. Just like he said, women are emotionally driven creatures and even the most strong willed woman can be susceptable to the right seduction. Its an imperfect world so spare yourself and dont idealize.

Master Homer

Don Juan
Mar 18, 2004
Reaction score
West Palm Beach, FL
I don't like it. It has alot good in stuff in but no examples.

Keep the woman always swinging somewhere between validation and rejection. If she feels rejected, she drops out or gets REALLY MAD. And if she feels too validated, she will ditch you in a heartbeat. So push her away (emotionally) and then pull her back in.
That's nice. But how the hell do you that. Where are the "Say:" and "Do:", the examples? It's way too vague and just repeating the same **** over. Needs to be more specific. There needs to be a guide there is more like a walkthrough then a set of guidelines. You don't buy a game guide so it gives you advise on how to beat the game, you buy it so it gives you directions on how to beat the game. That's what this is lacking.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2004
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HOMER said ...........................You don't buy a game guide so it gives you advise on how to beat the game, you buy it so it gives you directions on how to beat the game. That's what this is lacking.

this will not give you DIRECTIONS because only your experiences in the field will guide you to understand half of what this man is saying.
youll understand the other half once you become a DON JUAN.
any more AFC questions?
this is what I said before.... youll not be able to understand even if you tried your very best and I dont blame you for it because I was just like you.


New Member
Aug 16, 2005
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Master Homer

Push / Pull is a technique used to cause emotional rollercoasters. you push with a tease or funny insult and you pull with a compliment or praise. basically your are validating then disqualifing, its a technique that is used alot and is very effective so go out and TRY it. As for your Game walk through analogy. This isnt some computer game. No ones going to hand you a book that will give you success 100%. No, the only thing anyone can give you is advice on what works for them . the closest thing i've ever read to what you want is Real world Seduction by swinggcat. Go out and buy it and apply it. But by the attitude your conveying in your post i think u'd rather sit there and complain about things than rather going out there and doing something.


Don Juan
Aug 15, 2005
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This post really made me think about something that happened to me.

My current ex-gf (lol) & I were ~2months together, then we went on a trip. She was always crazy about me, was sweet with me, even told me she loved me (i'm dutch speaking in dutch this is really hard to say, mostly we say something like I like you, i love you is harder & deeper).

Anyway, we came back & she went out with one of her best female friends. She had a little party at her appartement. /me was not there that night (had to work + I thought give her space)

The following day she called telling me she loved me, how sweet I was with her, she deeply loved me bla bla. Then she talked about the boyfriend of her friend how bad he was in comparision to me.

Ok ok I think what's this all about?

Then she starts: a friend came over & tried to seduce her, he tried all night long. Even wanted to rent a room with her to **** her. He said it that way, she went on a drink with him she told me. She explained to me she told the guy that she like me so much she couldn't do it. I didn't care about the story of that guy, I never showed her that I'm jealous, I told her I didn't care about her "other guy stories". She even gave me the phone number of the guy to phone him & ask him if anything happened (I didn't phoned of course, what do I care).

Anyway, I never knew & I guess I'll never will know what really happened. Thing is that night lasted 24hours (tuesday evening untill wednesday evening) & she had taken drugs (coke, she likes it) that night.

I was really angry about the fact that night lasted so long & the fact that she had taken drugs in the week. She started messaging me sorry/never do it again/I don't deserve you/you're to good for me so find someone else/...
I never heared anything about that guy neither.

After reading this topic, I think she did something with him.
-how to find the truth (i'm curious lol)
-what do u guys think?



Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2004
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newbie81 said.......The following day she called telling me she loved me, how sweet I was with her, she deeply loved me bla bla. Then she talked about the boyfriend of her friend how bad he was in comparision to me.

Ok ok I think what's this all about?

Then she starts: a friend came over & tried to seduce her, he tried all night long. Even wanted to rent a room with her to **** her. He said it that way, she went on a drink with him she told me. She explained to me she told the guy that she like me so much she couldn't do it.

answer: I gotta tell you that she cheated on you. first, she started to apologise, and didnt tell you why. that means that she is feeling guilty about something she did and it is not about the coke that she is apologising about.
once I went out with a girl that played me like a fool for about two years. your girlfriend has all the characteristics of a ***** just like mine was.
the only way you could find the truth from her is to get her really and I mean reallllllllllyyyyyyyy drunk(no coke) and ask her what happened that night and that you will not punish her and everything will be just fine after she tells you.
she will tell you because her deep concience is dirty and she wants to confess it to you.
this is what happens when criminals confess to terrible murders eventhough they are incriminating themselves.


Don Juan
Aug 15, 2005
Reaction score
Well she is my ex gf now :)

I was thinking about asking one of the persons presents at that time, like the guy in question.

Asking this way:

me: "yeah you know, it's over between me & her"
him: "really?"
me: "myeah"
then some bla bla talking
me:"Things went wrong the day she cheated with you, you know I didn't trust her anymore from that day on"

So I would pretend to know that she has cheated me, to see the reaction. Still he could still act as if nothing has happened, but he could also tell me something happened :p

what you think?


Master Don Juan
Sep 15, 2005
Reaction score
Duluth, MN
This article is right on the money. And like this guy, I also wish I didn't know sometimes. It's actually depressing to think about if - like this guy - you grew up believing in these disney cartoon/chick flick romances. That somewhere out there, there is an attractive woman with a beautiful personality that isn't going to leave you for every man that just happens to have a great game.

But after playing the role of the guy the girl cheats on her boyfriend with so many times, I pretty much look at couples all the time. I look at her boyfriend standing right next to her thinking he's the luckiest guy in the world. He's smiling, he's having a great time, he thinks he's living in some perfect world with a romance that could only be out of some fairy tale. And I know the minute she walks away from him, I could take her. If I really wanted her, I would. I mean, every attractive woman has a boyfriend. If you let boyfriends stand in the way the most you're going to get is some ugly chick who *****es about how the world works and how her cat always ****s on the carpet.

And I can understand completely how the guys their girlfriends leave for me feel. I've had it happen and it's probably the worst feeling in the world when you believe that everything is perfect, you're in love, etc. And she runs off with your best friend.

There are times where I find myself wanting an actual relationship. But it's impossible when you know that no matter how good you are, no matter how many tips you find off of this website, no matter how long you've been with her... She'll cheat on you if she gets the chance. And if you try to take that chance away from her, she's going to break up with you because she feels trapped. There's nothing you can do. She's going to cheat. So, I stick to one night plans. For one night (or week if that's how long it takes to get her in bed), you live out your romance. But that's where it ends. It doesn't go any further. You end it there so you don't get hurt.

I was talking to another guy the other day. We ended up getting into a conversation about women and he says, "I seem to be the guy that the girl always cheats on. By the way, my names Bryan". He extends his hand, and I look at him and say "Nice to meet you, Bryan. I'm the guy they leave you for". That's pretty much where our conversation ended.

I was talking to a girl about this the other day. She gives me the usual, "not every girl is like this". But then she mentions, "look at all these couples who have been married for 60 years". And I say to myself, "I wonder how many times she cheated on him and how many times the poor fool forgave her and said 'just don't do it again'" because he didn't want his fairy tale ending to be ruined.

And how the hell are you supposed to look at this topic positively? I mean, yeah. Women cheat. More sex for us. But none of us are going to find a relationship where we can live out some dream we once had about settling down and finding a woman you can put all your trust in and say anything to. Because we know the truth. And no matter how positively you try to think about the truth, the truth still hurts. Doesn't it?


Don Juan
Jan 8, 2005
Reaction score
One thing I have to ask.

Just because this guy says he gets all these women, and that it's the only way to get women, and that love doesn't exist and that all women will cheat...

Why in hell's name do we believe him when there's no proof?


Don Juan
Jul 14, 2005
Reaction score
I have slept with more women that had bf's than not. One was with a guy for two years. Another had just got off the phone with her with her bf before we did it. And the one thing that tottaly killed me on having relationships or getting married, my best friend's wife of 4 years started feeling me up after he left the room one night (don't worry, I didn't sleep with her, he found out about it as soon as he came back in the room).

And all of these women claimed to be in love :down: . I've dropped all thoughts of actually finding a girl with integrity.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 18, 2005
Reaction score
It is depressing how much truth there is in that post. After reading 'the Game' by Neil Strauss, I can begin to see why Mystery got so depressed.

Relationships are supposed to be fulfulling, and with someone you trust. Mystery saw the internal workings of the matrix (or the female mind). He could use his method to steal a girl from her boyfriend. Other guys could use his method to steal girls from him. Nothing is sacred. Whoever applies the rules of attraction better wins.

As sad as this is, I try to look on the bright side. At least I have taken the red pill. I could have been one of those guys saying "me and my girl are sooooooo in love", while she is out making out with other guys at a club.

I've spent too much of my life in relationships and with oneitis. For the last few months I have been single, enjoying myself, and playing the field. I see so many trusting guys getting made a fool of by girls, that I don't feel the need for a relationship now, or in the foreseeable future...


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2000
Reaction score
This is a terrific thread. It should not be seen as depressing but as liberating. It can take quite a long while for your sense of reality to readjust, but you are better starting off from reality than fantasy.

"Pook! You have destroyed my woman's honor!"
"No sir, SHE has destroyed YOUR reality."
*slaps Pook with the back of a glove*
"I demand satisfaction!"
"Yes, you demand satisfaction but your girl also demanded satisfaction. I cannot spend my time day and night satisfying the demands of all the women you know."

And on and on it goes. It's incredibly easy to get other guys girlfriends and wives, disturbingly easy. I don't do it because its another form of manipulation, turning man against man, brother against brother. I have no respect for guys who use their 'success' with women to stomp on other guys. The mistake many guys make when they go for a wife or a girlfriend is that they think they are 'hot stuff' because they are getting these 'taken women' but in reality the woman is often using him, usually to belittle the husband or boyfriend she's with (or to make other women jealous). When couples 'wife swap', it is often the wife trying to out-manipulate the other wife's husband (a contest of who can steal the other husband's love). This is Female Game.

But take this initial post and look at it culturally. If a wife takes her kids out and the husband cheats, it is rightfully seen as wrong and bad. However, if the husband takes her kids out and the wife cheats, it is called The Bridges of Madison County, a great best seller! If a woman seduces and makes an arch bishop breaks his vows, it is called The Thornbirds, another great best seller! What about a movie where the woman gets to act like a *****, spit on culture, cheat on her fiancee, abandon her family, to run off with a guy with no job? And to add insult to injury, when the girl dies where does she spend heaven with? She chooses not to be with her husband but rather with the one time lover! It is called Titanic, the best selling movie ever.

What is sad is that in trying to help your fellow man see the truth, they just grip their horse tighter in fear. The men start to turn against you, saying, "How dare you speak like that!" And once they get married, what happens? His entire life gets shunted into the material utopia. New cars for the wife, new house, bigger house, endless remodeling.

Think about how much wasted talent there is pursuing women and pleasing the wife. It didn't use to always be this way. A century or so ago, there were much tighter measures on such flippant behavior. If a single woman got pregnant, she would move away from the community. Today, that single mother is enshrined as a goddess.

"Why are women this way?" it will be asked. The male and female brains differ. Females have a stronger right hemisphere of the brain, this hemisphere focuses on sensation, feelings, and all.

Due to the right brain's dominance, women will choose astrology over astronomy, junk food over nutrition, adultery over vows, movies over books, unlogical 'descriptive' books like Harry Potter / Romance books over logical non-feeling books like Aristotle, Plato, Erasmus, Dante, Aquinas, and so on. This is also why the player's 'game' always revolves not around the woman's emotions, but her sensations.

Consider that when men are manipulated, it is because they are using their right side of their brain (rather than the dominant male left side). The men fall in "love". They are drugged into sensation wonderland. Then, with a caught donkey, the woman can lead the man around to her choosing.

It is well said that men are more logical than woman. But the reverse is also true, that women are more sensationalistic than men. If a man goes the sensation route (falling or love, or the 'false players' who think they are getting 'lucky' with a girl, who see the woman as achievement), women will dominate him and his life.