The truth about women, the sex they have, and how guys handle it


Senior Don Juan
Apr 12, 2011
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One of the girls I was dating had another guy she was doing. I couldn't say anything because she wasn't mine. We had a friends with benefits going. Not every guy is a great catch and will be scoring lots of chicks so some can get what they can get and shouldn't call out a chick if she is with other dudes. One of the best posts I ever read on here.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 12, 2011
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Mr. Fantastic said:
Great post Elmer. With that being said, there are some things I would like to say...

Don't you mean if she is lucky enough to be getting some from you? What ever happened to being 'The Great Catch'? Are we now just dogs that will roll over and play dead for a piece of that a$$? Haha so now the women are choosing to screw us and we have no say so? That is hysterical. To me it sounds like she (well these women you speak of) is (are) using these 'guys' who she is sexing as various dildos for her monstrous sexual appetite. (Which one should I use today? Ah yes the Mr. Gantry vibrator sounds lovely.) You speak the truth about women's desire for union, but then you go off and offer yourself as a puppet for her enjoyment. You realize the truth, but yet you ignore it for some action? I thought this site made men not boy toys...

He is semi right. If you don't like what she is doing then remove her from your life. You are not her father. Calling her names and such just feeds her emotional needs. It shows her that she has her hooks in you. The best thing to do is walk away and never look back. Women can't stand this, and you leave with your manhood, dignity, and self-control intact. However I disagree that you should not just "shut-up and take it" so you can smash her (unless you want to be used). You are right 'hot' women will always have a guy lined up, but you know what? She is going to have to prove herself to me and not the other way around. I have lost too much time, money, and self-respect being a woman pleaser and I am not about to turn back for some wet hole...

Exactly! They will make them-selves available to you, and it is your job (especially if she is married) to say no. The reason for this is twofold. One is because you decide what you want (not her, not me, not your parents, etc.). You are the master of your destiny and just because some foxy hottie wants you does not mean that you are going to drop everything just because she is available. You have priorities and she is going to have to work her way onto your list. The next reason is because (Well, this deals with 'taken' women i.e. married/ LTR chicks) going after her is just another form of manipulation. Pitting man against man. But your ego prevents you from seeing this. You just see her as trying to 'upgrade' instead of what seeing what really is really going on. WOMEN'S GAME IS MANIPULATION. That is why they love challenge. They want to see if they can successfully manipulate you.

Instead of calling her names he should have said "Good-bye" and that would have been that. Wait a second... Did you say she is not accepting his calls? Why is he calling her if he was put off by her behavior? That reeks of insecurity. Be a good friend and help your bro out.

Overall Good Post (Even though the The Truth About Women post already covered this topic). Just don't fall for manipulation. You set your terms with the girl and if she doesn't like it then tough $hit for her. Do not let her set the parameter's, it is the only way you will not get used.

you're a loser not every guy can be a "great catch". how are guys rolling over when she is sleeping with you lol sounds pretty successful to me if you can get lots of girls. they will have other men besides you. Always. you just tried to twist this to fit your own spin lol not working too well for ya.


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2010
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Ace_Magnamus said:
You missed the OP's point

can't people read on here?

they are not your girlfriends......these are girls you are not in a relationship with....they dont have a boyfriend....they will sleep with other men whether you like it or why should you care?....that was the point he made

how is it dark? women will sleep with guys all the time. do you not know that?

that is the truth of what he says

why dont you guys understand?

lot of guys on this thread have no clue about women.....very sad
You didn´t understand mine.. In a religious country as mine, at least 50 % of women only sleep with boyfriends, even the sluttiest.
My point is that most women don´t have a fvck buddy. Now this may vary with countries.

And I´m really sorry for you if you only know girls who sleep around with every guy they find attractive.

It´s not my fault that most guys here don´t have much of a social experience, and create this mindset that everything is against them. And that all women are sluts and have had 30 sexual partners by the age of 20.
And that even women bald women have 5 guys around them.... enough...


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2010
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Mr. Fantastic said:
Don't you mean if she is lucky enough to be getting some from you? What ever happened to being 'The Great Catch'?
I apologize for veering off topic but this particular part stuck out at me. Now I'm all for having pride & integrity but this part comes off as self delusion.

I'm sorry but for the normal SS member or real life dude, how exactly is a chick lucky to be f'ing you? Just because you're you? Just because you happened to be born with your consciousness?

You're a great catch? What made you this great catch? Is it your money? You talents/status? Are you a 8+ in looks? Are you amazing in bed? Or are you a great catch because you listen to motivational tapes when you wake up & because the DJ Bible told you that you are?

I'm not directing this post at Mr.Fantastic or anyone for that matter, I'm just asking a general question.

In reality flimsy self confidence won't get you very far. In my experience even if you do get some success you get exposed sooner or later if there's nothing superficial backing it up. Also I wouldn't underestimate the options of any moderately attractive girl, there's bound to be 2-3 guys she knows that are vastly superior to you.

(However if you've managed to evolve yourself to a point where you're one of the top guys in her contact list then by all means disregard this post.:rock: )


Don Juan
May 13, 2011
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Kirro said:
I apologize for veering off topic but this particular part stuck out at me. Now I'm all for having pride & integrity but this part comes off as self delusion.

I'm sorry but for the normal SS member or real life dude, how exactly is a chick lucky to be f'ing you? Just because you're you? Just because you happened to be born with your consciousness?

You're a great catch? What made you this great catch? Is it your money? You talents/status? Are you a 8+ in looks? Are you amazing in bed? Or are you a great catch because you listen to motivational tapes when you wake up & because the DJ Bible told you that you are?

I'm not directing this post at Mr.Fantastic or anyone for that matter, I'm just asking a general question.

In reality flimsy self confidence won't get you very far. In my experience even if you do get some success you get exposed sooner or later if there's nothing superficial backing it up. Also I wouldn't underestimate the options of any moderately attractive girl, there's bound to be 2-3 guys she knows that are vastly superior to you.

(However if you've managed to evolve yourself to a point where you're one of the top guys in her contact list then by all means disregard this post.:rock: )
I agree, Kirro. A lot of guys here seem to be promoting false confidence by deluding themselves into thinking they're the baddest mother*****r that ever lived. There is nothing wrong with self confidence, but we are all human. Remember that first and foremost. Even the richest most handsome man puts his pants on one leg at a time. Hell even the hottest chick is far from perfect or "the greatest catch"
I just try to have confidence in myself and everything else will follow. Humility is a virtue. Pride comes before the fall

That being said though, What makes us lucky to be banging a chick? Just because she's a woman? Because she's hot? Don't put yourself up on a pedestal, but don't swing it in the opposite direction either by making it sound like WE as men are the lucky ones because some hot chick gave us play. Hot chicks give play all the time. If they didn't then the human race wouldn't be as over populated as it is right now


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2010
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BlackMack177 said:
I agree, Kirro. A lot of guys here seem to be promoting false confidence by deluding themselves into thinking they're the baddest mother*****r that ever lived.

In reality only a few SS members can do this & be taken seriously because lets face it, while I think reality will humble most of these guys when they get off the cpu, I believe that somewhere in the world a small number of SS posters can use this stuff & be taken seriously.

There is nothing wrong with self confidence, but we are all human. Remember that first and foremost. Even the richest most handsome man puts his pants on one leg at a time.

While I agree, you have to concede that rich, handsome men have a lot of aspects of their lives a lot better than normal men do. Not to say they don't have any drawbacks, I'm just saying that they have an objective advantage.

Hell even the hottest chick is far from perfect or "the greatest catch"

This is absurdly true but it doesn't stop her from having endless options.

I just try to have confidence in myself and everything else will follow. Humility is a virtue. Pride comes before the fall

I have confidence in my abilities, I have confidence in my ability to improve these abilities. However I always make sure never to ignore the facts no matter how unpleasant or harsh they may be.

That being said though, What makes us lucky to be banging a chick? Just because she's a woman? Because she's hot?

A lot of dudes seem to be struggling. So they attribute it to luck when they succeed.

Don't put yourself up on a pedestal, but don't swing it in the opposite direction either by making it sound like WE as men are the lucky ones because some hot chick gave us play.

I never put women on a pedestal, however I do always take facts into account. The fact is, women spin plates just by existing, men will seek them out no matter how secluded they are especially in these "desperate times". Only the very top of men can attract women just by existing & in my experience these are the sons of the top men who had to work their asses off to reach that level. Average to above average men(7s) have to work & play the numbers game if they want to get consistent play. Like it or not, the default game is feminine favour. Again, that said I still don't put a woman not matter how hot before my personal integrity.

Hot chicks give play all the time. If they didn't then the human race wouldn't be as over populated as it is right now
While I agree hot chicks give play, I doubt they give that much play.:D


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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Wow some of the dudes in this thread really put women ahead of themselves. Whatevs


Don Juan
Apr 5, 2011
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West of the Mississippi
This thread is the PERFECT example of some insecure and naive men

I really think this is an excellent thread, not only does it demonstrate about how women go about having sex, it also clearly shows how a lot of guys who are unsuccessful with women, can't handle the fact that women will sleep with other guys who they are not in a relationship with. Hell, some girfriends will even cheat on their boyfriends if they are turned on and really attracted to a guy. How do I know that? Because I hooked up with girls who had boyfriends. That's how I know. It all comes down to knowledge and experience with women, how to understand them, and how to be successful with them. If you are not, then we get the absurd comments from guys like women_haze, BadNews (BadAdvice), and Mr. Fantastic who appears not so fantastic now, after his ridiculous comical post. What is funny is they they tried to insult me when I'm speaking the truth, and I know what I'm talking about, but infact, they have no clue what they are talking about, and they look very foolish now after they posted these absurd comments. I really hope they continue to post on here because their insecurities show through and through. They, along with the guy my buddy knew at the bar, are the PERFECT example of why I wrote this thread. I'm so glad they decided to post on my thread for all of us to see.

I would like to ask The Three Musketeers this question.... If you're lucky enough to meet a girl you get engaged to, and she has had 3 boyfriends prior to you, and 2 hook ups under her belt. Are you going to call her a slut and diseased as well? Because if you know anything about women, that is about the average number of guys that she slept with before they met you. So, sorry to inform you, that you're not her first, She has had several before you. The older she is, the more she will have. Hope you guys understand this now.

It's amazing to me how many guys don't understand women and how they operate. It is mind boggling that some of these guys have no clue at all. But they come on here and spout off these absurd comments and they all look very foolish after. They all think that women are "innocent and pure" and are saving themselves for them and won't hook up with another guy. Which is simply not true, but in their insecure and naive minds, that is what they really think. So they get angry, upset, insecure when they find out that a girl they are talking to, or lucky enough to hook up with, is talking to or hooking up with another guy. So they act like the guy my buddy knew at the bar. They call her names like a slut, AIDS infested, because they are insecure of themselves. But most likely those guys like women_haze, BadNews, and Mr. Fantastic aren't having success with girls, so they call them names because they are angry because they won't sleep with them. If they were having success they certainly wouldn't be talking this way. Again, this is not your girlfriend, so why should you care who she is with? She will be sleeping with someone, so you should be happy that she is sleeping with you.

There are a lot of average guys who don't have success with women. They are AFC's, who don't get a lot of action on a regular basis. They are not a great catch or a big prize. They might try to think they are in their minds, but thinking you are, and actually being a prize, are two completely different things. Women are not instantly attracted to them when they go out, they don't get hit on a lot or at all, they haven't been with a lot of women. So they are not a great catch, or a prize, yes they can think that all they want, but they are not a prize that can attract lots of women. Lebron James might think he is a champion. But until he actually wins an NBA Championship, he is not a champion. So these AFC guys who are talking to a girl or who are lucky to be hooking up with one, find out there is another guy she has, they get upset, call her names, and the ruin a good thing because they are insecure and can't handle what women do. They are not their girlfriend, but they think they have some control over her, and then we get these stupid comments that these guys spew that support the reason why I wrote this thread. Again, thank you guys for posting and proving me right once again.

Look at all the great Classic Rock bands of the 60's, 70's, and 80's. Do you think they cared about all the guys their groupies were banging when they were banging them backstage or back at the hotel? Hell no, they were laughing and having a good time, infact, they all were probably taking turns banging the same chicks all night. They didn't care. They weren't their girlfriends. They got what they wanted out of them. Successful guys do that because they can get women. They don't care. They are not needy, they are able to get laid, and they do regularly by different women. So what if they have been with other men? Unless you get a virgin from the start and keep her all to yourself, any chick you meet or sleep with will have had other guys prior to you. That is a fact that can not be disputed. Even the fat and the ugly girls will have had guys. Are they all sluts too? Now, these rock n' rollers were lucky to have the fame and fortune to get these women. Because if you saw what some of them look like, they would be an average guy if they weren't famous, and would be AFC and lucky to get girls if they were a regular guy.

My cousin just turned 15. He told me that some girls in his class are already having sex, just as girls did when I was that age. So when they turn 21, they will probably have at least 3 boyfriends and a couple of hook ups to their credit. Sorry to inform the Three Musketeers on this, but that is 5 guys she had sex with before she met you, as in the case with most girls you meet. You don't know them, or their sexual history, you can't really believe what they are telling you. Girls lie about who they sleep with or slept with all the time. So I don't know why this should be such a big surprise to you. It only should if you have no success with women or don't understand them, and from you guys it shows.

That dsilvirea guy seems to be naive as well calling women sluts who have sex. They will always have sex and just because it's a different country, he doesn't know every girl in his country, and what they do. I've been to other countries, and women will hook up as well. Just because it's a different country, women have the same minds, and operate the same. I know real religious girls too, they have sex or get knocked up by guys that are not their boyfriends. So every girl who has had sex with 3 or more guys...are they all sluts too?

Ace_Magnamus made a great point about fat and ugly chicks. They get laid too, also by guys who are not their boyfriends. Are they sluts too? If they were thin and hot, they would be getting more than what they are getting now, that is a fact. So how can you deny that? You can't.

I know some girls who have been single for months at a time, even a year at a time. Their relationship status says "single" for everyone to see. So, do you actually think those girls who stay "single" for months or a year at a time, are going to go dry without sex just because they are not "in a relationship" status? You are sadly mistaken and vey stupid, if you really think that. They will be getting their sex from someone, a f*** buddy to fill in the time until they get a boyfriend. That is who they will be getting laid from. Maybe they don't want a boyfriend, so they have a f*** buddy instead. So for the Three Musketeers, let's say you meet that girl and she gives you her number, she still has her f*** buddy right? She isn't going to drop him for you, because she wants to get laid, and she just met you. Is she a diseased AIDS infested slut as you call them? Are you needy if she decides to hook up with you? Are you going to get insecure and angry because she still has the other guy? Yes, fellas, that is what women do, welcome to the real world of women. Hope you are enlightened with this knowledge.

Finally, let's look at 2 different girls. One girl had sex with 6 boyfriends in her life. Maybe one of them lasted a couple weeks. The other girl had sex with 6 guys that were friends with benefits. They were sort of a boyfriend. What's the difference? They both had sex with 6 different men right? Are they both sluts? Just because one had an "in a relationship" title, and the other didn't, really doesn't make any difference at all. A relationship is just a verbal agreement between the guy and the girl that can be broken at any time. Who cares...they both had sex with 6 according to the Three Musketeers, and the other guys who think that way, both these girls should be considered sluts because they have had sex with 6 guys each. A "relationship" title makes no difference, she still has done the deed. So therefore, with their illogical thinking they should be branded as sluts.

Women will have sex with guys if they are good looking. Girls that are hot, average, ugly, and fat girls will have sex as well with the men they are attracted to. They will sleep with boyfriends, and guys who they choose to have sex with as hook ups. Almost every girl had a hook up. That is a fact, and I don't understand why guys don't realize this. Next time, I hope the guys like the Three Musketeers, and the others who have no knowledge, success, or understanding of women, don't try to come on and spout off a bunch of garbage to a guy who is experienced, and more successful than they are. Because, they just make an ass out of themselves, when they spout off a bunch of nonsense, and make themselves look very foolish with no credibility whatsoever. I'm glad they posted to prove my point, because they are the PERFECT example of why I wrote this thread in the first place. Hopefully they gain some experience and learn from their mistakes.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 14, 2008
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A better place, a better time.
I more or less agree with everything Elmergantry has said thus far.

Would also like to add that most of us would be doing the same thing too if we could... isn't that why we are here?


Master Don Juan
May 15, 2005
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THanks bro, I needed to read this right now. Ive been tryin to fvck this chick I work with lately. She'd been single and not gettin laid for a few months, but had plans to go back to her hometown for memorial day weekend. I knew she was into me from always flirting at work and having good times gettin drunk the first couple times we hungout outside work. I felt I had to hit it before she went home for memorial day and let some other guy she knew from home hit it. I came close but didn't fck, she went to her hometown for memorial day and told me when she got back that she fcked one of her exes and that his d)ck was the size of her forearm. For some reason I started catching feelings for her after that, and it made me want her more and I feel like I started losin my head, until I read this. You're so rigt dewd, who the fck cares? I think I was on the verge of fcking things up like your buddy, and losing all my power. I think I'm gonna go in the opposite direction now and show her she's nothing more than a chick I wanna bang. I'll stop showing her attento and stop making time to hangout, and if it makes her come after me then cool. If not, so be it.

Mr. Fantastic

Don Juan
Dec 22, 2010
Reaction score
Uh... Hashbrowns?
Mr. Fantastic walks away from the thread laughing at Mr. Gantry's lack of basic comprehension skills. :crackup:


Master Don Juan
Sep 29, 2003
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As far as I'm concerned, a sexual relationship with any women is casual until she and I have a conversation in which we both decide that we'll only sleep or fool around with each other.

Anything that happens before that conversation - on my end or hers - is fair game. No strings attached until she and I attach them together.


Don Juan
Jul 20, 2010
Reaction score
This is why I do not respect women.

I will never get into another long term relationship unless I know she's not screwing other guys while concurrently dating me. Yea, I guess that means I'm going to be single forever until I change my mindset.

I realize this to be the truth, however I can't bring myself to be exclusive with some slut that was spreading her legs for multiple guys while we were dating. Then what the hell is the point of dating, it seems like anything and everything you do is pointless since some other guy is going to be doing the same.

I'm just sleeping with women now, for the first time I do not want a relationship. I just leave after sex while they're begging to cuddle and do bf/gf activities.

F*CK that, Hoes do not deserve to get intimate time. It just seems like they're undeserving of everything.

I realize I must be pretty jaded at this point. Perhaps It's just a progression into becoming a DJ?


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2005
Reaction score
What a trainwreck, right from the first post.

Interesting how many women I've had sex with who were good looking and told me "it's been months, so be gentle" I bet they were lying to me, yes that's it, can't trust women, they apparently have a new d!ck in their mouth as soon as they turn the corner.

Yes there are girls who will be screwing other guys same time as you, but have you ever considered that a girl might want to pick ONE guy out of all the ones she is banging and stick with him.. 9/10 times a girl wants a relationship, so unless she REALLY wants to just mess around and not commit (there are those too) my money is if you are banging her 3-4 times a week you are probably top choice.

Man I gotta get out of here...


Senior Don Juan
Mar 7, 2011
Reaction score
Amazing said:
What a trainwreck, right from the first post.

Interesting how many women I've had sex with who were good looking and told me "it's been months, so be gentle" I bet they were lying to me, yes that's it, can't trust women, they apparently have a new d!ck in their mouth as soon as they turn the corner.

Yes there are girls who will be screwing other guys same time as you, but have you ever considered that a girl might want to pick ONE guy out of all the ones she is banging and stick with him.. 9/10 times a girl wants a relationship, so unless she REALLY wants to just mess around and not commit (there are those too) my money is if you are banging her 3-4 times a week you are probably top choice.

Man I gotta get out of here...
This is so true i have this 9 that said she hadn't had sex in 11 months. She was a 9 because everywhere i went with her. dudes and girls couldn't keep there eyes off her. and tight as she was i believe it. On the side note women are sexual creature even more sexual in men for most part. So not a surpise if a woman is screwing with other dudes when you met her. The point can you be the one she drop the other guys for. What you guys need to get out of your head is this disney fantasy that these girl sit around wait for the right guy. They will screw and so should you. You made have slut and hoes that give up easily , you should enjoy your time don't make it nothing serious and go find a woman you really want to put your time in.


Don Juan
Apr 28, 2011
Reaction score
All over the place
If she is banging several other guys, it's very obvious that many of those who disagree with the post do not wish to be in a relationship with such a woman. Not caring what she does is not wanting to be in a relationship. That does not, however, mean that you cannot still have sex with her. Which brings us to the point that I extract from this: you already know you are not going to want a relationship with someone like this, so why ruin a good thing? You most likely enjoy having sex with this girl, or she would be gone already. You can still continue to bang her and stop worrying what she does on the side.

If you wanted a relationship with her, chances are you would care (but it's hard to absolute, everyone is different). If you didn't, you definitely wouldn't and shouldn't.

Amazing said:
Yes there are girls who will be screwing other guys same time as you, but have you ever considered that a girl might want to pick ONE guy out of all the ones she is banging and stick with him.. 9/10 times a girl wants a relationship, so unless she REALLY wants to just mess around and not commit (there are those too) my money is if you are banging her 3-4 times a week you are probably top choice.
Very true as well. Just like us, not all women are the same and there is no one truth to all of them. Some men would care, some wouldn't. Some women would have sex with other men, some wouldn't.

I think what a lot of people are missing is the first sentence:

When a girl that you are talking to, hanging out with, or going out on a couple of dates with, or even starting to have sex with, is talking to or hooking up with other guys, why should you care?
This isn't your girlfriend. This is someone you just started seeing. She could very well have FBs just as you might... but that doesn't mean she will continue to do that if she turns out to like you.


crazyboy said:
So not a surpise if a woman is screwing with other dudes when you met her. The point can you be the one she drop the other guys for. What you guys need to get out of your head is this disney fantasy that these girl sit around wait for the right guy. They will screw and so should you.
Yes! Definitely agreed all the way.