I have never been cheated on (not that I know of).Originally posted by MysteryWoman
Just answer this question, how many of you guys have been cheated on here, and did the girl put out straight away?
However I do agree with your stats and agree that many of us get cheated on. This is one reason I dont trust anyone (as I dont trust myself after a few drinks with beautiful woman). I have cheated on girls numerous times. (not something I am proud of, just the truth).
If a girl puts out straight away she does loose respect in my book. Just as I wont sleep with a woman until I really know and like/love her. I have done my fair share of sleeping around and it does nothing for me unless there is emotional attatchment.
The only girls I have kept around for longer than a few weeks are girls who DONT put out! Of course they do eventually, but not within the first few weeks.