The Tragedy Of Being Labelled As A Hunk


Senior Don Juan
Jun 5, 2006
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It must be such a devastating feeling to realize that you are a 10/10 Hunk of a guy.

No hot babes will ever desire to be with you, as you are obviously extremely lazy, will never approach a hot babe, and just sit around and wait for them to fall into your arms.

More importantly you will be a wuss as well on top of this, what a terrible tragedy it must be.

I have to state here now how sorry I feel for Hunks like, Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise, and Justin Timberlake, they must have very sore and blistered palms on their hands, as no hot babes will ever go anywhere near these pathetic lazy handsome creatures.

Before you even consider attacking this post, think about the reality of it for a few short minutes and you will come to the sudden realization of the truth that the hottest babes do indeed prefer the good looking guys.

Looks are not everything of course, but I cannot ever remember meeting any guy who wished that he was uglier than he was, nor have I ever met a girl who complained about her boyfriend being too much of a hunk either.

Show me a gorgeous girl who isn't attracted to handsome guys and I will show you a Tom Cat that doesn't like either eating fish, drink milk, catching birds and mice, and also hates sex. :crackup:

The Juan and only

Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2005
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United Kingdom
It's easier for hot guys?

no sh!t, sherlock.

I dont know who or what you're even arguing against here. Tbh, It's four in the morning and I can't be bothered to write anything more contructive.


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
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Belive it or not there are people on this forum who would actually disagree.

They were probally just born a little ugly and now deny that looks matter.

Ace of Flames

Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2006
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Everywhere you want to be.... I'm like a Visa card
I had no idea what you were going on about until like 5/6 through.

So you're saying guys don't want to be more ugly, and girls like hot guys? Ok, thanks for the newsflash.
Aug 6, 2006
Reaction score
I think the point he's trying to make is that looks matter.

Yeah, a big house, a farrari, and a big bank account DO look nice!


Distant Light

Master Don Juan
Aug 9, 2005
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New York
Well ya of course looks matter but it doesn't mean you will get girls or not. I have friends who look better than me and I get more girls than them. Your game always comes first before anything. Then your style and clothing, then you looks play into it. You can be ugly and be dressed fly as hell and girls will eye you more than just a guy who is cute. If they got game to back up there looks it makes no sense. Don't get me wrong cause I want to keep it a 100% real I think I'm above average some girls called me cute. But back then I couldn't pull nothing even though girls would verbally say things I had no game to back it up.

An that is why I say looks doesn't matter because when it come down to it, it doesn't say whether you can get girls or not its your game.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 5, 2006
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Distant Light said:
Well ya of course looks matter but it doesn't mean you will get girls or not. I have friends who look better than me and I get more girls than them. Your game always comes first before anything. Then your style and clothing, then you looks play into it. You can be ugly and be dressed fly as hell and girls will eye you more than just a guy who is cute. If they got game to back up there looks it makes no sense. Don't get me wrong cause I want to keep it a 100% real I think I'm above average some girls called me cute. But back then I couldn't pull nothing even though girls would verbally say things I had no game to back it up.

An that is why I say looks doesn't matter because when it come down to it, it doesn't say whether you can get girls or not its your game.
I don't know how important clothing and style are as I've seen casually dressed guys in ripped denim jeans and a t-shirt with hot babes and I have also seen guys dressed in expensive stylish suits with hot babes as well, confidence plays the biggest role in the alluring of the hottest babes, but how much confidence is a fat or ugly guy going to have when conversing with a hot babe anyway I wonder, but how do you know that these guys are better looking than you, and why is it that they can't pull the girls, their must be a reason, the tone of the voice when you speak is a very powerful key to alluring the hottest babes, possibly the most important. :yes:


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2004
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Ofcourse looks matter, but if you act confident people think you look better, have you never noticed you met a girl and if she is some wingey girl you dislike you probably think she does not look as good as when oyu first mer her, but if she is nice and smart and respectable, you will think so much more of her.

You also should not use rich and famous actors or singers as examples of good looks since this very reason makes them look 1 million times better!

Distant Light

Master Don Juan
Aug 9, 2005
Reaction score
New York
KoalaKing said:
I don't know how important clothing and style are as I've seen casually dressed guys in ripped denim jeans and a t-shirt with hot babes and I have also seen guys dressed in expensive stylish suits with hot babes as well, confidence plays the biggest role in the alluring of the hottest babes, but how much confidence is a fat or ugly guy going to have when conversing with a hot babe anyway I wonder, but how do you know that these guys are better looking than you, and why is it that they can't pull the girls, their must be a reason, the tone of the voice when you speak is a very powerful key to alluring the hottest babes, possibly the most important. :yes:
Yes you will see guys wearing ripped jeans and stuff and even guys who wear expensive suits. This was talked about extensively in mASF. But its basically a Sexy stereotype that you dress accordingly to. Maybe its dressing looking like a rocker, a Wall street business man.

I know these guys are better looking because sometimes I've as gut renching it used to be, we used to play as cousin's and the girls would ask them why I look like that and he looks like that, meaning how come my cousin looks way better than me. An the reason I get more girls is because of my game and yes my voice tonality. Like once in awhile I'd watch them gaming girls and there doing stuff like being needy, supplicating, etc.


Don Juan
Feb 6, 2006
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First of all, Justin Timberlake is no where near a ten. He looks like a freaking troll--i don't know why this cat has so much credibility? Society has seriously gone mad!

Secondly, i'm as good looking as one can be and people always assume i'm a womanizer or player! This label couldn't be further from the truth. I can't walk around like king $hit because people label you as a pompous jerk and every tough guy in the establishment tries to pick a fight with you. I sometimes wish that i was average looking!

Thirdly, there are good looking guys who my above mentioned problems do not apply to--for some reason or another. But lets face it, a good looking guy doesn't have the stock value that a good looking female has.

Look around, most hotties are with average looking guys. The game of seduction is all about inner game. I know tons of guys who are ugly compared to me, but have dated and banged lots more females then i have. So take it from me, don't worry about it if you don't have the looks of Fabio!

......Diablo is an average looking guy, but he seems to do very well with the ladies!


Senior Don Juan
Jun 5, 2006
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Deus ex Pianoforte said:
Oh, nice. A "looks matter!" thread for a change. What is there left to say, I mean really?

Looks matter (AFC) side:

You can't get a quality woman without good looks.

Looks don't mean s'hit (DJ) side:

You can get a quality woman regardless of your looks.

End of f'ucking discussion. Let it go.
I can't understand why you would think this way, but I suppose that there must be a reason.

I never had a girlfriend until I was 34, at the time I thought that she was way too gorgeous to ever be interested in me, girls had always told me that I was about a 7/10 in looks, but I always desired to be much better looking than that.

As this girl was a HB9 I just shook her hand and spoke to her like I would a guy, where as every other guy that was there was desperately trying to chat her up continuously, I didn't because I just assumed that she was too gorgeous to ever want to go out with me.

It was only that I chanced to hear her say to another girl that she thought that I was cute whilst I was out of her sight behind the closed door of another room that I discovered that she was interested in me.

I was very happy to hear her say this as you could imagine, I continued to act very much the same as before when I spoke to her after that, before I eventually asked her out, at which time she became my girlfriend.

My own level of confidence grew concerning this, as she was only 26, I felt easier around her, than I did when I was younger around gorgeous girls who were my own age back then.

She told me that she was attracted to me because I was reasonably cute and that I treated her like a person and not an ultimate sexual fantasy girl, like all of the other horny guys who met her always did.

We broke up a few months later, yet it had given my confidence and self esteem a dramatic boost.

Every thing in my life changed after this, I continued to treat all the other hot babes that I met after that the same, I just shook their hand when we were introduced and spoke to them like I would a guy and not a girl that I was attempting to seduce and allure.

It continued to work for me and now I have a HB9 Wife who is only 21 and I am 38.

I met her whilst I was studying in the same business studies class as she was in earlier this year, we still study together now.

It was the same thing every other guy in the same class was always attempting to allure her, yet I just treated her like any other person in the class, it worked, but I still wish that I was better looking, all the same, I cannot ever remember talking to anyone in real life, guy or girl, who has told me that they wished that they were worse looking than they are, so I can't understand why so many of the guys who write on here think that way. :confused:


Senior Don Juan
Jun 5, 2006
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noneother said:
my friend is said to be very attractive but he doesn't get HB
I didn't get any hot babes until I was well into my 30's, maybe he is young now, and will get them when they are a lot younger than him, thats how it was with me. :cool:


Senior Don Juan
Aug 9, 2006
Reaction score
to the original post,

at the risk of sounding rude,

wtf are you talking about? this doesn't make sense

The Juan and only

Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2005
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Well, I assumed the majority of his post was an attempt at sarcasm.

But I don't even fukkin know or care anymore. :crazy:


Senior Don Juan
Jun 5, 2006
Reaction score
The Juan and only said:
Well, I assumed the majority of his post was an attempt at sarcasm.

But I don't even fukkin know or care anymore. :crazy:
You are right on the ball my friend, as this is the only place that I have ever read that people actually believe that it is easier to allure and seduce gorgeous woman if you are a guy of unattractive and average looks than it is if you are a guy who is very good looking.

I know where this line of beleif comes from, straight out of the mouths, pens and keyboards of all of these money hungry dating guide Guru's who want to make their millions out of guys who can't attract gorgeous woman.

Some guys will believe everything they read because they want to believe it, like the now dead former Indian Guru of Enlightenment Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh once said, if you tell people what they want to hear they will worship you like a God, how true these words are. :cool:

The Juan and only

Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2005
Reaction score
United Kingdom
KoalaKing said:
You are right on the ball my friend, as this is the only place that I have ever read that people actually believe that it is easier to allure and seduce gorgeous woman if you are a guy of unattractive and average looks than it is if you are a guy who is very good looking.

I know where this line of beleif comes from, straight out of the mouths, pens and keyboards of all of these money hungry dating guide Guru's who want to make their millions out of guys who can't attract gorgeous woman.

Some guys will believe everything they read because they want to believe it, like the now dead former Indian Guru of Enlightenment Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh once said, if you tell people what they want to hear they will worship you like a God, how true these words are. :cool:
well said:up:


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zealand
But thats the thing anyone can have the looks if they spend enough time in the gym with a proper diet, and get some good fashion and hair tips anyone can look good.

But having said that an average guy can get a very very good looking girl, he just needs to put in some effort, by no way will a fat ugly guy who smells like a trash can ever be able to get a hottie no matter how good his game is.

But the simple thing is that in this day and age girls do not get approached or talk to by guys that want to be with them, most are too scared to even say hi .......... but we've been through this before so I'll stop now.


Don Juan
May 29, 2006
Reaction score
as this is the only place that I have ever read that people actually believe that it is easier to allure and seduce gorgeous woman if you are a guy of unattractive and average looks than it is if you are a guy who is very good looking.
If that's such a common belief on this forum then you should have no problem providing us with...oh...lets say...10 examples. I'll bet you can't even find 1.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 5, 2006
Reaction score
Slevin said:
If that's such a common belief on this forum then you should have no problem providing us with...oh...lets say...10 examples. I'll bet you can't even find 1.
It has already been implied by three of the posters on this thread alone already, I read it every single time that I come into this site, open your eyes and you will see it too. :cool: