The Three Levels - a philosophic point of view


New Member
Oct 8, 2011
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Here's a very interesting philosophy or viewpoint, that some of you might find interesting and teaching. I'll just call it the three levels, where each human is in one of them.

This philosophy can be implemented into virtually every aspect of life, even dating.
As I previously said, it has 3 levels. Let me quickly describe these seperately

Level 1:

This is where most human beings are.
People who are level one's usually blame everything on the circumstances when something doesn't go as one would have hoped. Examples on this would be sport teams blaming the defeat on the referee/bad weather, skiers saying their ski's were much worse than all the other skiers' or maybe people saying that the reason for their rejection was him/her ****blocking... Stuff like that.
These people always blame everything on anything but themselves. These people never learn anything either from their mistakes.

Level 2:

Level 2's blame everything on themselves, but keep on going to achieve whatever their goal is anyway. They might succeed, but they'r'e trying the same stuff over and over again. Imagine someone trying to hit on a woman with some stupid direct line (e.G. Just straight "wanna fvck" to women he doesn't know) or something, or someone trying to open a door the same way all the time.
Going to women saying "wanna fvck" won't work with many women, but there's always exceptions. So, after x amount of women (and x amount of slaps), they will succeed - most likely. But it will be really hard and tough to get to his goal like that. These people are much more determined than level 1's though, which is why some of them might succeed.

Level 3:

Level 3's do not put the blame on anything or anyone!!!
People who are level 3 see everything as POSITIVE and TEACHING! It's like Edison once put it: "I have not failed, I have just found 1000 ways that won't work."
Now you might ask, how can someone see everything in life as positive and teaching? It sounds so stupid, everything in life can't be positive and teaching.
This, is the reason why there are so few level 3's in this world. Even the worst tragedies that have happened have been positive in the way that they taught us something! Of course, it might not have seemed like that when it happened, or even close to that time. But sooner or later, level 3's will find a positive and teaching side to it all!
People who are level 3 are just as (if not even more) determined as people in level 2, but the BIG DIFFERENCE is, that the people in level 3 ADAPT their approach!! This is very important.
If they'll approach a woman, without succeeding, they have found another way which won't work, so they won't use that way ever again!

An example to shed some further light on what I'm saying:

RAFC approaches a HB. HB seems uninterested, and leaves after a quick short discussion with RAFC.
Now, this is where the three levels act differently:

Level 1 starts complaining about how the people walking by RAFC were looking at him, which completely put him off his "game", so it's their fault.

Level 2 starts thinking about how it was his own fault for not being smooth enough, but as he's really determined to get a chick, he'll try again and start approaching some other HB's.

Level 3, the champions, who have nothing against being rejected because it gives them a chance to improve themselves, sit down somewhere, and start running the whole situation again in their minds, looking for something they could improve on. "hmm, maybe I shouldn't talk so fast". "Maybe I should look her more in the eye". Once they're finished with their analysis, and have found things to improve on, they seek up another HB and start hitting on her, this time doing some things differently, seeing how that'll work.

As you might have guessed it, it's a fact that these people are very few in numbers, in percentages maybe 1% of all humans, if you will.

And that's pretty much it. If you've got any questions of some sort, I'll be happy to try to answer them!


Super Hero

Don Juan
Nov 30, 2011
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Dear virgin, Levels my ass.
Do you want a nobel price for this stuff or do you want to get laid.


Master Don Juan
Oct 2, 2008
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Too many places at once
I can't say I admire the research behind your methodology, but yes if you're more positive you will draw people towards you.

You may want to say that level 1/2 are focused towards their failures and looking backwards. They may have valid criticisms -- the issue is more how they framed the experience. Whereas, level 3 is focused to what growth they've gained by each experience. That's a mindset which is ultimately empowering rather than discouraging. And that's a step towards "outcome independence", which is important.

The real question, what are the practical steps to consolidate a different way of thinking?