I have been thinking about this particular topic for a long time. Don't know exactly what it's like in the U.S. but i guess it's pretty much the same as here in Germany.
It's 2009 and you can't turn your back on the whole texting thing. I mean, you couldn't for the last 10 years. Girls/women love it.
But as a guy i believe you definitely have to follow some ground rules for not to mix up girl-girl texting with guy-girl texting. The fact that your cellphones text-archive has a guy:girl ratio of 1:100 speaks volumes.
Don't overdo it by telling long stories/drama. KISS - Keep It Short and Simple
Don't send texts saying stuff you're too scared to say face-to-face. Don't argue via text. Say it live or don't say it at all. This is class A pvss behavior.
Keep your texts shorter than hers. If she texts 2 sentences, answer with one. If she sends one with 8 words, answer with 5 words.
Rarely or never ask follow-up questions with the underlying intention that she now HAS to reply.
Take at least as much time to answer her as she does to answer you. Don't answer within a minute or so. Think before you text.
Because women tend to read into everything you say or tell them, they also tend to read into every single word you text. Talk about over-analyzing.
Watch your language and watch punctuation, placing of smilies etc. You'll never know who's gonna read it.
The whole misunderstanding/misinterpretation thing is a 2-sided coin. On one hand, you can intentionally misinterpret stuff and have a lot of fun. One the other hand you have the risk of being misunderstood/misinterpreted in a negative way. I mean, it's absolutely ridiculous from a mans perspective, but women operate differently from us as we all know.
I had a girl text me: How was your weekend with the boys in Frankfurt?
I replied: You know how it gets in Frankfurt
I meant we had a lot of fun, as you know Frankfurt and as you know my "boys" from all the great and funny stories i told you.
She understood: Fvck off - i'm not telling you
The other girl wrote: Hah! "I've been thinking of you" from
London Beat is just on Blablabla FM. (Comment: Yucky 80s/90s song by the way )
I answered: Cool! Those were the days.
Obviously i didn't think enough.
After a while wondering why she never called or texted again and became somewhat cold when i contacted her, and after doing some serious CSI-Sh!t, questioning witnesses and co-workers of hers, i finally found out that it took her a lot of time, thinking and courage to come up with such a sneaky line. We had been out a couple of times but nothing ever happened because here interest level seemed to be something between moderate and uninterested, so i didn't make any major moves. How wrong i was.
Had i answered instead "I've been thinking about you too, sweetheart!" i guess we now would be married and would have 15 kids because i really really really liked her. Still do. Damn it!
She took it as a clear rejection and ran off with some other punk a couple of months later.
My point is: Use SMS/texting wisely and think before you text.
By the way: What's the correct term in the U.S? You really say "texting"? Not SMSing or something like that? "I'll send you a text" not "I'll send you an SMS"? Hmmm