The super duper uber luber thread on making girls like you


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2005
Reaction score
florida baby
Well recently an old thread (2003) was dredged up. it was titled "Attention ALL High Schoolers!!!" and in it two guys, whatsupwiddat and The Antichrist_Star proceeded to tell the forum that they were gonna make the post to end all posts. They were gonna make a 100 question guide to highschool. it would cover everything. i mean u might as well have printed it out and made shooting targets out of the sosuave forum servers.

of course, nothing was ever done and they made themselves look like asses. pretty funny to read, actually. i, naturally, thought how cool it would be to have a post like this and make an ass out of myself in front of the whole forum. and, i might actually sorta kinda pull it off and it'll be wayyyy awesome.

so here i will post the super duper uber luber thread on making girls like you (i made the name up myself :D ). i, unlike the other two who have preceeded me, know i will probably fail and be laughed at. but who cares!

honestly, it'll be like a danno-ized version of the dj bible. just way crappier and not as famous. you smartasses can feel free to hurl insults and maybe, just maybe, stop thinking about urself and contribute to help the youngins.



Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2005
Reaction score
florida baby

Mindset is the most important thing. ever. people will tell u kino is, but they're wrong. kino is the most important technique. techniques are fine...for me to poop on! if u want to step up ur game tremendously, ur gonna need the mindset of a player. a pimp. a don juan.

u'll need to be like me.

i've successfully tricked myself into thinking im the hottest guy on planet earth. i look at the mirror and admire everything about myself. conceited? probably. confident? hells yes. and trust me, its better to be over-confident than under-confident.

so you're thinking...right, but what if i dont look as good as danno? well, you probably dont (hehe) but theres only one thing to do...fix it! my professional opinion holds that good looks are not as much a gene as more of how well u take care of yourself, ecspecially among guys. you have acne? go to and get it taken care of. you dress from goodwill? you can get some affordable prep clothes at aeropastle, or, if you can afford it, american eagle, hollister, abercrombie, etc. just remember if you're buying from aeropastle, buy stuff that doesnt say "AEROPOSTLE" across it. it's usually a frowned upon brand.

anyways, you can see where i'm going with this. get a better haircut. shave more often. buy a good cologne, or get some axe. dress neatly, brush your teeth (IMPORTANT!!) and wear a smile. u can work on some expressions in the mirror (you'll feel lame doing it so make sure you're alone). little stuff like this can give u a new lease on life and new confidence. trust me, i used to have zero confidence, and now i have way too much.

now that you know you're the hottest guy on planet earth besides that one guy one sosuave named dannowillbookem, you'll gain confidence. you'll know immediately that all girls are honored to be with you. and they should be. why? cause you take care of urself. you smell good. you look good. and god you are a player. this mindset, which may take time to achieve, is worth all the work of getting there. its the answer to half of lifes questions.

confidence is attractive, and it tricks people into thinking your way cooler than u might be. i was at a party last night and, taking an honest check, i'd bet i'm a 8.0. but wow there were a group of girls reminding me over and over again how hot i was. why? cause i really have fooled myself into thinking i'm a humble 97.8 on a scale of one to ten.

that's how most achieve the don juan mindset. fool yourself, and know NO GIRL IS TOO GOOD FOR YOU

BUT, theres more to it than knowing ur the catch of the century. it's how you sit, how you touch, how you talk. some guys will get these naturally after they tap into the dj mindset. congratulations. some need a few little suggestions.

thats what the next few posts will be.


Don Juan
Feb 27, 2005
Reaction score
Tijuana, MX
UMMM this might help! but at the part that says, no girl is better than u, hey wat happens if u start talkin out of nowhere to this girl cause ur into that mindset that no girl is too good for u, and it still doesnt work? does it some way affect ur game? i think it might make u think a lil bit negative or something, doesnt it?


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2005
Reaction score
florida baby
Originally posted by snoop8
UMMM this might help! but at the part that says, no girl is better than u, hey wat happens if u start talkin out of nowhere to this girl cause ur into that mindset that no girl is too good for u, and it still doesnt work? does it some way affect ur game? i think it might make u think a lil bit negative or something, doesnt it?
just forget her. ur not the type to sit around worrying what people say to you or think about you, ur main objective is to get in her pants/get her as a girlfriend.

obviously u have to fine tune parts of your game (such as cold pickups) and have to work on not seeming like a creep, but basicaly if she rejects you, forget her.

i used to have the problem of being rejected and then it tore me down the entire day. now i laugh about it, jot it down, and when i get home i get on here/aim and tell people how funny it was. u have to take it in that spirit, that she just missed out and it was funny being rejected.

btw, i'll pretend i didnt read that, goodtothelastdrop


Don Juan
Dec 19, 2004
Reaction score
a pimp. a player. and a DJ are not the same thing. not even close.


Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2005
Reaction score
I think Danny might be trying to get more posts then me:crackup:
But I agree that this is a good Idea. I mean say you have a pretty simple problem about getting a girl to like you in highschool then you can post it here. Because the bible can be hard for some highschoolers to understand. Some people have told me that it seems geared towards older people. And while I had no problem using the bible, it would be good if we had something like this.

Like say you had a problem that you know is pretty common, then you can just look through here. Or post it and one of us will answer.
It seems like a good idea and we might as well see how far it goes. Plus it can clean up the highschool forum alot. Of course I can see alot of problems and the potential downfall of this thread but I am not going to state them. lol.


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
hyphy bay area, ca
I'm Whatsupwiddat

There is no way to make girls, or anybody for that matter, like you.

You gotta be sexy, you gotta be able to act and talk like a real man. Your attitude is everything. When I walk into a crowd, girls ALWAYS ask their friends "WHO is THAT?!?!"

Always. There is no exception. I wasn't gifted with looks, but I worked out for 2 years, ran, used pimple cream, get fresh haircuts every week, get new outfits every other week, always look fresh, and girls will notice. They will ask.

Suddenly, they want to get to know you better because they like the way you look and the way you carry yourself. THEN, you can put in DJ moves, a little bit at a time.

PS: You know you're a DJ when the most "player" girl says "you're too player for me"... haha.

I consider myself, 4 years later, a success with women.

Understand that attitude, grown onto it, embrace it, and become it.


Don Juan
Dec 19, 2004
Reaction score
PS: You know you're a DJ when the most "player" girl says "you're too player for me"... haha.


that doesnt make you a DJ. that makes you a player. get the 2 right


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2005
Reaction score
florida baby
oh wow this picked up.

yeah i figured it'd be a pretty good idea.

haha sebs ur wuwd? lol i read that post. it was funny.


Don Juan
Jun 18, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by dannowillbookem

i've successfully tricked myself into thinking im the hottest guy on planet earth. i look at the mirror and admire everything about myself. conceited? probably. confident? hells yes. and trust me, its better to be over-confident than under-confident.
lol thats so me :cheer:


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2005
Reaction score
florida baby
Originally posted by Javelin44
PS: You know you're a DJ when the most "player" girl says "you're too player for me"... haha.


that doesnt make you a DJ. that makes you a player. get the 2 right
yeah they actually kinda are. pimp=player=dj. AT LEAST IN MY THREAD! lol


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2005
Reaction score
florida baby
Originally posted by Javelin44
you, sir, do not know what a DJ is.
lol we could be talking about kino and mindset and sex tips but we're talking about...vocabulary?


Don Juan
Dec 19, 2004
Reaction score
yes we are. look at the title of this forum. Don Juan discussion forum. I'm tired of hearing so much complaining about girls like they are your life. They are a problem that can be resolved, not a problem of life and death. Life is the goal of a DJ. To suceed in life, which includes women.


Master Don Juan
Feb 2, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by snoop8
UMMM this might help! but at the part that says, no girl is better than u, hey wat happens if u start talkin out of nowhere to this girl cause ur into that mindset that no girl is too good for u, and it still doesnt work? does it some way affect ur game? i think it might make u think a lil bit negative or something, doesnt it?
Well even though you will probably more often fail with those types of girls, your success rate doing that will be much higher than if you just sat on your ass.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2005
Reaction score
florida baby
Originally posted by Javelin44
yes we are. look at the title of this forum. Don Juan discussion forum. I'm tired of hearing so much complaining about girls like they are your life. They are a problem that can be resolved, not a problem of life and death. Life is the goal of a DJ. To suceed in life, which includes women.
lol i come here to complain/chat about girls. this forum is part of my life. i view it as a hobby, a fun little something to occupy my time between hanging with friends, playing music and fishing.


Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2005
Reaction score
lol a player is not the same thing as a DJ. And being a Pimp is not the same thing as being a player. And a pimp isn't a DJ. It is like they all get sex but in very different ways.

Let me explain.

Actually he should explain. He is a pimp. A pimp gets money for loitering sex and basically he gives his girl sex only after she has earned it. His game is so excelent that many guys wouldn't even want to have that good a game. lol. He never lies and has very much the same mindset as a true DJ, but is different.

A player is someone who gets sex from all the chicks he wants but has to lie about it and the other girls don't know about each other and they all think he loves them. Total opposite from being a pimp and I would rather be a pimp. He really has to work to pull a chick.

I don't have any resources concerning the playa since I don't want to be one. But People will call someone a player and more then likely they are just a DJ but no one knows what a DJ is so they are fine just being called a playa.

A DJ could be a pimp but like I said a Pimp is really highly advanced game. lol.

So basically it's ok to confuse their names if you don't know better but if you do, and you should since you have read this post, then you should reprasent. biatch.

I also enjoy posting here because I am grateful to this site for helping me.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 5, 2004
Reaction score
I agree with danno...who the **** cares about the vocabulary. Yes, they are not the same, just like Pickup Artist and DJ are not the same. If someone wants to believe otherwise, well, they will figure it out for themselves eventually.

I don't agree with the mirror thing in your thread though, danno. Arrogance isn't a good thing, because it's only a compensation for some insecurity that you have. Plus it makes you look like an idiot sometimes. I actually did that last year. I looked in the mirror and I thought of all of my accomplishments and I felt so ****ing proud. And it made me arrogant. And I lost the will to improve. I do think that confidence is a good thing, but not arrogance.