Lately I've been browsing this forum during my free time at work, and I feel like I have to chime in after reading some of the stuff I've been seeing:
- Guys saying they don't wear condoms because they "can tell" whether a girl is a slut and would have STDs...
- Guys saying it's wild to kiss women on a first date...
- Guys suggesting you "date down" if you want to eventually be happy with a woman...
- Guys throwing tantrums after being denied sex, with others validating him by saying to "let her fight her own battles if she gets attacked, 'bEcAuSe ThAt'S yOuR pReFeReNcE'"...
Among other dumbass takes.
So I want to weigh in, because finding this forum as early as I did definitely helped me get on a solid road to self-improvement and success with women. For that reason, I want to give back and provide a little perspective to the people on this forum who are actually asking for/giving good advice to the people who need it.
There are a lot of people here giving advice, who should not be. Guys will see a high
message count and reaction score, a sensible profile picture and username, and well-worded responses and think "ok this guy sounds like he knows what he's talking about", and I want you to know, more often than not, that is an incorrect assumption. I have some of these guys as Facebook friends and have met some in real life. THEY. ARE. CORNY. So first and foremost, let me describe me, the person giving THIS advice...
I am 29 years old. I am a white, 6ft tall, lean-muscular man around 200lbs. I am good-looking to the extent that I had a modeling contract, although my agency never got me work. I don't make much money, and I live at home with my parents. I have had 3 serious girlfriends in my life and have slept with around 92 women. I stay in my lane...I'm not going to be the one giving you advice on maintaining a long-term relationship, dealing with marriage, or making smart decisions financially - but if you want to seduce women, get in good shape, and sleep around, I can certainly advise you on that. I am not perfect and do not claim to be; I tend to overanalyze situations and have had plenty of issues dealing with difficult women with whom I get into long-term relationships. That said, I also am not the person that will spend all day on this forum theorizing, looksmaxxing, finding redpill articles, etc.
Ultimately, everybody's goals will be different, but this is a message to the newer, younger guys who discovered this forum and are trying to get to a better place with the women in their lives. I HIGHLY advise you to take ANY advice given on this forum with the most massive grain of salt you can imagine...there are some people here who know their **** and walk their talk, but they are few and far between.
Recent posts here have become excessively redpill, defeatist, and entitled, and I just want to set the record straight that this is the internet - where 90% of people will exaggerate claims and make themselves out to be experts in something they are not. It's like the phenomenon that when you ask somebody a question they don't know the answer to, they won't say "I don't know", but rather provide an answer THEY THINK is correct in an effort to either not sound dumb or to come across as an authority.
You might even hold me to the same level of scrutiny that I'm advocating for, and that's fine, I'm not here to convince you that everything I've said is true, it's your choice what you want to believe. If you really wanted to, you could read through my cringe-ass journal and see how I evolved over the years. That said, if you're new to all this, my best advice is to go out, learn to talk to girls, get rejected a ****load, and develop real confidence. From there, you can do whatever you want; be a man*****, be a lover boy, find a wife, whatever your end goal is.
But between the posts I've been seeing on this forum and some of the **** you guys have been posting on Facebook...I just want to tell the new guys to be careful who they're taking advice from.
Enjoy your night.