The solipsism insanity


Sep 1, 2018
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Yeah you’re a piece of work BeExcellent. Haha.
Notice that she has turned this entire thread into a discussion about her in particular. This fulfills her deepest narcissistic needs. And they are needs, they're not wants at this point. As a need, she MUST continue on with this charade that she is a mystical goddess princess who never ages yet possesses the wisdom of the ages.

The only reason she posts here is to reaffirm her delusional sense of superiority as evidenced by all of the hot young guys and lines of MD's waiting to date her, fawn over her, and praise her.

She is here to bless us with her superior wisdom although never her awe inspiring beauty. That would be too much of course. One would simply faint in her presence, obviously.

Yet, one has to wonder. If her life were so amazingly blessed. If she were in fact an ageless beauty, why does she spend so much time here? Why is she so dependent on OUR attention as anonymous men when in fact she has the undying devotion of dozens upon hundreds of hot geniuses IRL?

It doesn't quite make sense. What does make sense however, is occam's razor. Or the ring of truth as Judge Kavanaugh put it. Occam's razor tells us the simplest explanation is the most likely. The simplest explanation is that at 50, as a white woman, her age is very obvious to everyone (but herself of course).

The ring of truth is not there when she compares herself to a 23 year old Rebecca Demornay and Taylor Swift.

What sounds the ring of truth is that she is a narcissist with a wildly exaggerated sense of her own importance and an inherent inability to view herself, others or reality in general in a manner which is not self serving or delusional, to a laughable degree.

But this is a good lesson and example of just how delusional most women have become. And anyone who questions this delusion is "racist sexist anti gay" and part of the PATRIARCHY!


Sep 1, 2018
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Only a few species are capable of recognizing their own reflection: humans, higher apes, bottlenose dolphins, orca whales, asian elephants, and eurasian magpies.

I wonder about women though. They no longer seem capable of viewing themselves as they actually are. The goddess norm is typically all they see staring back at them.

Even the fattest and ugliest of women now insist they are beautiful. This means that normally attractive women must have an even more inflated view of themselves.

There is probably some evolutionary basis to this as obviously as women ovulate once per month, whereas men can produce essentially and endless amount of sperm. But feminism has taken this basic biological trait and exaggerated it to infinity to the point where women cannot recognize themselves any longer as human beings. The goddess delusion has kicked in

There are only two solutions at this point: western sharia with western hijab and burka, along with corporal discipline and a strict ban on women's participation in public affairs: work, politics or even driving.

Or, we abandon women to their delusions and instead push stem cell tech to produce eggs and AI, cyborgs and other tech to produce sexbots.


The more you respond to her the more important she feels and the more gratification she gets from participation in this forum.

That's the essence of egocentrism: you do what you have to do to remain at the center of attention, whether the behavior is constructive or destructive or inconsequential. Egocentrism taken to an extreme is narcissism, which often overlaps with borderline personality disorder.

Here are the signs of narcissistic personality disorder:

  • An exaggerated sense of one’s own abilities and achievements
  • A constant need for attention, affirmation, and praise
  • A belief that you are unique or “special,” and should only associate with other people of the same status
  • Persistent fantasies about attaining success and power
  • Exploiting other people for personal gain
  • A sense of entitlement and expectation of special treatment
  • A preoccupation with power or success
  • Feeling envious of others, or believing that others are envious of you
  • A lack of empathy for others
I see a majority of the symptoms in beexcellent, bolded. For example:

I. An exaggerated sense of one’s own abilities and achievements/A constant need for attention, affirmation, and praise/A belief that you are unique or “special
Beex proclaims over and over again in explicit and implicit ways that she has defied the aging process. She claims that at the age of 49, she has the beauty of both a young rebecca demornay and taylor swift combined. She implies she is hotter than both combined.

Now, keep in mind, Rebecca Demornay's most famous role was in the Tom Cruise film Risky Business, released in 1983. Most likely beex is comparing herself to this version of demornay as a narcissist would. The problem is demornay was only 23 at the time of filming. Beex is 49. Taylor Swift is only 28, yet obviously could pass for a few years younger.

In other words, Beex at 49 thinks she is hotter than Demornay and Swift combined in their primes, ie early 20's. This is unrealistic to say the least. Just about every caucasian woman shows significant signs of aging by their early 30's and a significant minority show signs of aging around 26 or even far younger at 23 or so. It's extremely unlikely that she is as attractive as an early 20's demornay or a 20 something swift, much less hotter than both at the age of 49.

I gave one example of the aging process for white women: Charlize Theron. She is in her early 40's. She has recently had numerous procedures: botox, facelift, and may have had some more subtle work done prior such as minor rhinoplasty. She has had collagen fillers probably as well for age lines. She does not have a natural look anymore. She is beautiful but in a plastic artificial way. And the aging process for her was evident fear earlier: by her early 30's at least.

Women lie to one another all the time about how young they look in particular. They lie to themselves. They lie to YOU obviously. One woman, clearly at least in her late 40's and that's being generous, says that she gets ID'ed everywhere she goes. She said bouncers and her friends would pass her ID around in disbelief.

A couple of years ago, I met a woman in her late 40's or early 50's who tried to brag to a group of us about how young she looked. Obviously she was fishing for a compliment, which some dumb broad would have given her at the drop of a hat. Only silence from me. She finally gave in: "but that was a long time ago." She was so far gone, so deluded, she literally thought she could pass for a teenager at 50. It was totally mind boggling. I have had similar experiences many many times. Women in their 40's or even older think that they can pass for 18-23.

II. A sense of entitlement and expectation/A preoccupation with power or success

Notice how beex is constantly harping on the "fact" that she is dating a doctor and that she has younger men hitting on her. I don't know if this is true or not, but if she had the positive personality traits she claims she had, these things, whether real or imagined, would be more or less inconsequential. She would be focused instead on their character traits: intelligence, loyalty, work ethic, compassion, and so on. But she never mentions those things. All she ever mentions is how hot or young or high status the men pursuing her are.

Classic symptoms of entitlement and preoccupation with power and status.

III. Feeling envious of others

Beex is envious of the success and beauty of other women. This is why she is constantly comparing herself to female celebrities, and constantly mentioning how high status SMV of the men who show interest in her. She actually believes she in a status competition with celebrities with hundreds of millions of dollars and millions of fans around the world. I think celebrity culture is stupid but in her narcissistic mind money and power are the be all and end all.

Since beex is not capable of self reflection but is instead a narcissistic automaton, she cannot comprehend her own exaggerations, delusions, or inability to comprehend reality. She has a goddess complex: belief in her own perfection. When others question her claims, she resorts to the rationalization above:

"everyone is envious of my perfect lifestyle and awe-inspiring beauty! I can't help it if I'm immortal and have no flaws! They must be jealous!"

IV: beex is sociopathic and strategic enough to mimic the thoughts and actions of a "normal person"
Freud says the personality is composed of 3 parts: id, ego, superego. He uses the term ego differently than we do here: it doesn't refer to selfishness but it is the practical aspect of the self. It allows us to fulfill the desires of the id or at least some of the id whilst engendering the least danger to the self.

So beex's deepest desire is to have as much sex, money, and fame and adulation possible. Obviously, she can never receive enough praise and adulation. She is a narcissist after all. However, her delusional and distorted self perception is often questioned, especially here online where no process of verification or corroboration is possible.

As a result her narcissistic tendencies are even more exaggerated to the point where it's impossible to ignore. In reaction to the criticism, her ego automatically kicks in to generate some random "faults" which in actually are positive traits. She is "stubborn" meaning she is strong and courageous to endure the onslaught of all these sexist, violent, belligerent men. It's not a real fault at all, it's actually a strength that most mortal women don't possess. Her ego pushes her to admit to a fault, but her narcissism pushes her to choose a "fault" which is actually a strength.

I see women do this all the time. Some kindergarten teacher or nurse for invalids refers to herself as a "queen" or "warrior goddess" or some other bullsh#t and her female friends enable this delusional thinking since they want that type of delusional support in return.

Anyway, beex is a wonderful display of extreme narcissism, bordering on god/goddess complex. She is so far over the edge it's difficult to comprehend. What's wacky is that this is in fact becoming the norm for female thinking.
Actually I want her posting on any thread I start. There’s a wealth of knowledge there to observe.
Trust’s purely my self interest. I will use her to my advantage. It would be impossible for me to even be attracted to her.
I am fully aware and unplugged enough to know that there is nothing I can say or do to change anything. She can see absolutely nothing but from her own programming. The point of this whole thread. You can call it whatever pleases you.
There is nothing evil being expressed by her. She is being a woman and I see value in dissecting her words and feminine programming.


Sep 1, 2018
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@markfromeurope @Ranger

I gave my clear cut paths to liberation from this mess:

1) traditionalism: western sharia with western hijab and burka, along with corporal discipline and a strict ban on women's participation in public affairs: work, politics or even driving.

2) futurism: abandon women to their delusions and instead push stem cell tech to produce eggs, and AI, cyborgs and other tech to produce sexbots.

Obviously the question is what do we do RIGHT NOW?

1) cuck. Become a beta and walk around and be led by your woman like a dog

2) stand up and be a man uncompromisingly and go for LTR and then marriage. You will most likely be "rejected" by at least some young women who can't handle the prospect of a centered, strong man. Her pc programming will kick in extremely hard. Others will be heavily conflicted. You could find a gem though. It will take a lot of work.

3) go for lots of short term relationships. Unsatisfying in the long run, fun short term. All the men fear or admire or envy you for being a pimp. Women lust over you, fight over you, fear you, are heavily triggered because you are a pimp. Difficult to sustain in a smaller setting.

Any other options? It's important to know your goals.


I am option number 3. For as long as her and others i entertain want to share my time or until any of them no longer benefit me. I just trade them in.

Create self-fulfilling prophecies. Always assume the positive. Assume she likes you. Assume she wants to talk to you. Assume she wants to go out with you. When you think positive, positive things happen.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Jan 14, 2018
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@Ranger , @meldiamond and @markfromeurope , I agree on all recent points raised.

For me, she is spreading corruption.

Plenty of young men come here seeking advice, men who are basically requesting help on how to operate themselves - women.

And they get messages that starts off like this; "Advice from an old lady"...

Do you see what I see ?


@Ranger , @meldiamond and @markfromeurope , I agree on all recent points raised.

For me, she is spreading corruption.

Plenty of young men come here seeking advice, men who are basically requesting help on how to operate themselves - women.

And they get messages that starts off like this; "Advice from an old lady"...

Do you see what I see ?
I do. Understood. I will no longer encourage her. My interest is in my brothers.


Don Juan
Aug 24, 2018
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Hope that response sheds some light @rber
It does, thanks for the response.

btw I believe you keep shooting yourself in the foot when you go on describing how awesome you and your life are, regardless of whether what you say is true or not - at least as far as the rest of the guys in this thread are concerned. It's a pretty counter-productive way to convince people of your authenticity. Just an advice from a young man.

@Spaz @Ranger @meldiamond @markfromeurope

It's not about me taking sides or being a knight in white armor or any of that sh*t, but just curious - why the hate? Is it something that goes deeper than this thread?

I agree that I wouldn't ask women for practical advice on how to behave with women or how to view the world in a way that'd benefit men, you obviously need men for that.
Other than that - don't you think you could learn a lot from an insightful woman's opinion and way of viewing the world? All the more if you believe that she's viewing it through reality distorting lenses, you could get a deeper understanding of those lenses.

Her story's authenticity aside - which I can understand can sound suspicious - she's at the very least intelligent, eloquent (man do I sound like a white knight now), and looking for an intellectual debate. Why reject her so harshly?

If you think specific things she says might be bad advice for young men due to practicality / different imperative / etc, you could point those things out and add caveats, but why reject everything she says altogether?

I found many of the things she said make sense and click with my experiences, without even necessarily contradicting red pill.
At the worst - they are observed and interpreted from a completely different angle than mine - but that in itself is often even more valuable to me because I get to learn more about the difference between how men and women view the world and the dynamics within it.


It does, thanks for the response.

btw I believe you keep shooting yourself in the foot when you go on describing how awesome you and your life are, regardless of whether what you say is true or not - at least as far as the rest of the guys in this thread are concerned. It's a pretty counter-productive way to convince people of your authenticity. Just an advice from a young man.

@Spaz @Ranger @meldiamond @markfromeurope

It's not about me taking sides or being a knight in white armor or any of that sh*t, but just curious - why the hate? Is it something that goes deeper than this thread?

I agree that I wouldn't ask women for practical advice on how to behave with women or how to view the world in a way that'd benefit men, you obviously need men for that.
Other than that - don't you think you could learn a lot from an insightful woman's opinion and way of viewing the world? All the more if you believe that she's viewing it through reality distorting lenses, you could get a deeper understanding of those lenses.

Her story's authenticity aside - which I can understand can sound suspicious - she's at the very least intelligent, eloquent (man do I sound like a white knight now), and looking for an intellectual debate. Why reject her so harshly?

If you think specific things she says might be bad advice for young men due to practicality / different imperative / etc, you could point those things out and add caveats, but why reject everything she says altogether?

I found many of the things she said make sense and click with my experiences, without even necessarily contradicting red pill.
At the worst - they are observed and interpreted from a completely different angle than mine - but that in itself is often even more valuable to me because I get to learn more about the difference between how men and women view the world and the dynamics within it.
This thread was about learning and understanding Solipsism. There is a bit of a dispute on the application of its use.
One person is a woman and doesn’t like it being used as the definition is expansive.
Is the definition of Hypergamy...”a woman’s drive to marry or be with a man above her status?”
Well actually it’s a very poor one indeed. Narrow, extremely limited, and doesn’t contain or reflect what is happening in our society. The problem with it is that it doesn’t lead to an understanding and thus a way for a man to protect himself and be able to recognize the things going on around him. Thus that definition is a DELIBERATE attempt to deceive and hide actual Hypergamy.
Jump forward....
Solipsism is not the definitions we all put down. In fact the woman didn’t even submit one. Just outright pretended my question didn’t even exist. Total red flag.
This is why I also listened to lectures on it. I needed a more thorough definition, it’s causes and it’s nuances. So I can actually apply it.
Jump forward now.
These red flags are indicative of the true understanding of solipsism. A better definition would be...”I can’t see ANYTHING beyond my programming and imperatives thus it doesn’t exist.”
Think of it like, the invisible man is in your house and you just walk by him every day. He doesn’t exist. You can’t see him, thus he isn’t there.

Now woven into her narratives are very sinister (from our viewpoints), things that a new guy or a guy unplugged yet, will still try to connect to his beta self still in operation. It comes from an older women, right? Like his mother or his aunt. The very ones who helped programed him into a beta from birth.

It truth there was nothing legitimate in what she said and you can’t use it to be a better man. It’s laced with feminine imperatives. Like you said...
“I found that many of the things she said make sense and click with my experiences.”

She is fully incapable of even communicating without applying, even subconsciously, the attempt to sabotage the thread. This is a VERY contentious thread and quite dangerous from the viewpoint of women. It weaves everything we talk about together.
There’s no way that she even has a concept of what we are communicating at an abstract level.
The first time she posted and rejected the definition...I put out there for solipsism she jumped on it like a dog on a bone. That’s how I know I do understand it just fine.
This is why men and women cannot communicate at a level that you and I can. They understand one way communication if you are direct. Why arguing with a woman is totally her frame.
Her comments are full of psychological warefare.
She commented how she only dates up. Very emphatically as well. Red flag. She tried to go with Wikipedia’s definition of Hypergamy right off the bat and set it in stone.
She did not mention how many men were trashed at the receiving end of the full definition of Hypergamy that she was very good at and still is.
I could tear the whole thing apart but it would just be redundant.

There was not one thing a man could learn from in her comments.


Jan 14, 2018
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It does, thanks for the response.

btw I believe you keep shooting yourself in the foot when you go on describing how awesome you and your life are, regardless of whether what you say is true or not - at least as far as the rest of the guys in this thread are concerned. It's a pretty counter-productive way to convince people of your authenticity. Just an advice from a young man.

@Spaz @Ranger @meldiamond @markfromeurope

It's not about me taking sides or being a knight in white armor or any of that sh*t, but just curious - why the hate? Is it something that goes deeper than this thread?

I agree that I wouldn't ask women for practical advice on how to behave with women or how to view the world in a way that'd benefit men, you obviously need men for that.
Other than that - don't you think you could learn a lot from an insightful woman's opinion and way of viewing the world? All the more if you believe that she's viewing it through reality distorting lenses, you could get a deeper understanding of those lenses.

Her story's authenticity aside - which I can understand can sound suspicious - she's at the very least intelligent, eloquent (man do I sound like a white knight now), and looking for an intellectual debate. Why reject her so harshly?

If you think specific things she says might be bad advice for young men due to practicality / different imperative / etc, you could point those things out and add caveats, but why reject everything she says altogether?

I found many of the things she said make sense and click with my experiences, without even necessarily contradicting red pill.
At the worst - they are observed and interpreted from a completely different angle than mine - but that in itself is often even more valuable to me because I get to learn more about the difference between how men and women view the world and the dynamics within it.
A summary;

Looking in from ur lenses based on ur red pill worldview - she's harmless and even might shed some light on some basic female traits that you've missed or never experienced - the female frame. From a red piller such as urself, what is the female frame ? I'm curious 2 hear ur red pill version of it.

And from mine - The female frame is inconsequential to me or to my frame.

And those broken blue piller who seeks guidance in SS r basically young men brought up, trained as one, lived as one in perfect harmony for many years, decades even in the female frame/worldview/narrative not knowing any better until they ended up here broken - then in swoops "advice from an old lady" - who regurgitates some red pill wisdom interspersed with...? (Use ur red pill imagination).

Now this would be a good discussion.

An intellectual red piller and i do like ur postings.

An interesting thread, very interesting.


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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@rber you know it's interesting. I agree wholeheartedly that it honestly doesn't matter one iota about my personal details.

It's not germaine to the conversation in the thread...unless something I say challenges a belief system.

A common tactic by those who wish to insult and minimize what I say is to attack by way of calling me old or ugly or stupid or some other derisive descriptor. People do this when they cannot debate on the merits. They do it to distract. They merely keep spouting on what they believe and trying to re-create my reality with wishful thinking...and so they actually purposefully create a lose-lose loop. If I allow the derisive comments to remain unchallenged then that detracts from the feedback I provide...which naturally is their intent.

After all. What would a fat ugly poor woman have to contribute to a discussion about dating hot women? Much less than a woman who has been objectively hot her entire life. It is simply a means to discredit what I say.

The alternative is that I state things as they are in my life as I have here & elsewhere knowing full well it is intended to derail the thread and set up the firing squad at me. It is an intentional framework attempting to ensnare. I am well aware of that and the rationale behind it. I merely point this out for the reader. Doesn't matter what it is, for it has no bearing on my actual life...and it doesn't bother me either. It's a quasi intellectual exercise as far as I'm concerned. It's also amusing, lol.

In this way these people intentionally make the thread about me personally, with all sorts of ad hominem attacks...then they call me the show off/braggart/narcissist (insert insult here).

It's simply intended to shame/discredit/bludgeon and erode any credibility I might have here. Duly noted.

It's as obvious as the nose on one's face.

I can't help it if nobody has enough brains or reading comprehension to see the definition of solipsism that I provided in my initial post on this thread...and then referred to later in a subsequent post. It's from a dictionary. Its all there for the reading. They would rather make the thread about me & call me whatever label they pick because I don't just curl up and cry uncle & go away.

I've been attacked like this before. It doesn't upset me at all. It doesn't alter my reality at all. Tonight I was at an event and a fairly well known national sports announcer gushed over drinks that he thought I looked like Morgan Fairchild. That was 90 minutes or so ago.

An ugly woman wouldn't have much to contribute to a place like SS. A desirable woman who concurs with a great deal of red pill ideas would.

That is why the vitriol. That is also why much of what I say here resonates with the community. People find things that I say consistent with their own experience.

I've been the hot chick some guy is trying to Mack countless times. Even just tonight. I've seen every approach/tactic/line/technique under the sun short of a violent crime. I've been in and around the game longer than some of these men have been alive. I've been in the nightlife business and on and on.

And I'm someone with values & self respect.

But I've got to be silenced. God forbid anybody listens.

The moderators here are quite fair. You'll notice I have a thick skin, don't take things personally, dont hurl silly insults back, don't back down & am capable of defending myself here. It's a male space. I am well aware of that and I don't expect people to rescue me.

I've reported less than five things to the mods in my time here. And I've been here on and off for nearly 3 years.

But I'm only one voice. Take whatever I might say and apply if useful. Each reader is his own judge of what is useful.


Jan 14, 2018
Reaction score
@rber you know it's interesting. I agree wholeheartedly that it honestly doesn't matter one iota about my personal details.

It's not germaine to the conversation in the thread...unless something I say challenges a belief system.

A common tactic by those who wish to insult and minimize what I say is to attack by way of calling me old or ugly or stupid or some other derisive descriptor. People do this when they cannot debate on the merits. They do it to distract. They merely keep spouting on what they believe and trying to re-create my reality with wishful thinking...and so they actually purposefully create a lose-lose loop. If I allow the derisive comments to remain unchallenged then that detracts from the feedback I provide...which naturally is their intent.

After all. What would a fat ugly poor woman have to contribute to a discussion about dating hot women? Much less than a woman who has been objectively hot her entire life. It is simply a means to discredit what I say.

The alternative is that I state things as they are in my life as I have here & elsewhere knowing full well it is intended to derail the thread and set up the firing squad at me. It is an intentional framework attempting to ensnare. I am well aware of that and the rationale behind it. I merely point this out for the reader. Doesn't matter what it is, for it has no bearing on my actual life...and it doesn't bother me either. It's a quasi intellectual exercise as far as I'm concerned. It's also amusing, lol.

In this way these people intentionally make the thread about me personally, with all sorts of ad hominem attacks...then they call me the show off/braggart/narcissist (insert insult here).

It's simply intended to shame/discredit/bludgeon and erode any credibility I might have here. Duly noted.

It's as obvious as the nose on one's face.

I can't help it if nobody has enough brains or reading comprehension to see the definition of solipsism that I provided in my initial post on this thread...and then referred to later in a subsequent post. It's from a dictionary. Its all there for the reading. They would rather make the thread about me & call me whatever label they pick because I don't just curl up and cry uncle & go away.

I've been attacked like this before. It doesn't upset me at all. It doesn't alter my reality at all. Tonight I was at an event and a fairly well known national sports announcer gushed over drinks that he thought I looked like Morgan Fairchild. That was 90 minutes or so ago.

An ugly woman wouldn't have much to contribute to a place like SS. A desirable woman who concurs with a great deal of red pill ideas would.

That is why the vitriol. That is also why much of what I say here resonates with the community. People find things that I say consistent with their own experience.

I've been the hot chick some guy is trying to Mack countless times. Even just tonight. I've seen every approach/tactic/line/technique under the sun short of a violent crime. I've been in and around the game longer than some of these men have been alive. I've been in the nightlife business and on and on.

And I'm someone with values & self respect.

But I've got to be silenced. God forbid anybody listens.

The moderators here are quite fair. You'll notice I have a thick skin, don't take things personally, dont hurl silly insults back, don't back down & am capable of defending myself here. It's a male space. I am well aware of that and I don't expect people to rescue me.

I've reported less than five things to the mods in my time here. And I've been here on and off for nearly 3 years.

But I'm only one voice. Take whatever I might say and apply if useful. Each reader is his own judge of what is useful.
Impressive !!

Let's rope in the other 2 ladies that's contributing here and get their perspectives.

@AJ84 and @sazc

Read the entirety of the posts written by our self proclaimed "hot" 50 year old who turns heads with her bikini clad super tight body - HerExcellency and the rest of the men's replies.

The question that you should posed inward to yourself is; how should I respond when my son is exposed to women such as HerExcellency?

That would then be your true perspective as a woman.

I've known of mothers going to great lengths to protect their son's and justly so.

Let's put to test the feminine motherly instincts that's inherently inside both of you.

purple haze

Don Juan
Sep 23, 2006
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I'm as I say. No use beating it to death. I did state that I am not perfect. But you guys all missed that part. Most women who are similar to me ARE married - usually happily so and for the duration if I go by people I know personally.

You don't believe me, no problem. Your beliefs do not change my life or the accurate description I gave you. That's what's so very funny about insulting me and calling me a liar.

You don't have to believe in Gravity gentlemen. Gravity doesn't care. Step off a 10 story building with that belief and you'll be dead no matter what you believe. Because the truth trumps beliefs. What I said is true.

I'll ask again: why all the vitriol toward me personally? You think I can't possibly exist, is that it? But I do. Am I an outlier? You bet your ass I am.

Assume for a minute that I do exist as stated (which is true).

Add to that I am successful on my own merits and support my family in an affluent lifestyle without assistance from a man. I hire & fire men all the time & the guys who work for me enjoy working for me.

If I'm not dating anyone the charge levied is "well gee BeExcellent, if you're so great why aren't you dating?" to which the answer is A. Few men anywhere meet my criteria as noted previously & elsewhere and B. I base a great deal of the time in a small family oriented conservative area where the exceptional people are happily married and have been for a long time...(which is why I maintain another residence in a metro area with a vibrant scene in part - this is why I suggested you relocate @meldiamond...I have found that decision to be advantageous socially and professionally.)

And if I am dating someone then I'm a liar and my life can't possibly be as I say. So some here are going to bully, attack and run me down in any case. Doesn't matter. Just makes me smile.

If you think I have nothing worthwhile to say based on the fact that I'm female, if you think Im a machination or caricature or whatever other exaggerated jaggernaught bogey chick you want to create in your mind that's up to each of you.

Ignore me. Be my guest.

Your opinions have no bearing whatsoever on my factual reality. That's the joke. It's on you guys.

The bigger issue and sadder thing is that your beliefs limit your success with women IRL in proximity to you individually.

You don't see me nor women as human, you see some pariah with some big scary agenda. Most of you guys are all afraid of your own shadows and struggling socially.

I give a viewpoint you can't get just anywhere. That's the viewpoint of a desirable woman with choices. I tell it like it is because sugar coating helps no one. None of you are hot women. You never have been and you never will be. You call me "stupid" but then you go on to pronounce how women think, and why, as though you know. You have no clue. Are you female? No. Therefore you don't know all these things you say. They are merely your fragile belief system.

I don't assume I know how men think. Therefore I go by actions. Actions alone tell the story with people precisely because we cannot know how another person thinks. It is apex arrogance to declare you know how women think. It is also an exceedingly stupid position to take. The red pill works on the premise of behavioral assumptions that are often true; generally true...but never ALWAYS true.

As a side note I made a good thread a while back about raising daughters. A number of men here contributed. Look it up. I found value there. Perhaps you might also Ranger. Daughters can be tough. My father raised 5. God has a sense of humor to be sure.

Enjoy your night gents, lol.
BeExcellent, I believe everything you say. Perhaps God has given you wisdom about how to eat and stay in shape.

I can tell from your avatar you are ruthlessly in shape. Although your face is partly covered by a rose, you are very pretty. Your arm is trim and taut, your torso looks tight, like a teenager's. If you worked as a teacher or administrator in a high school, teenage boys would be looking at you and hitting on you.

There are others like us, although very few. Mick Jagger and Madonna come to mind. Would it be safe to suggest we are a little vain and even an ounce of fat hanging over our pants would be abomination? Really, we merely enjoy good health, looking good, and walking with the vitality of a teenager.

I would be remiss if I didn't say the wisdom we have is from God and we should thank Him without ceasing for this.
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purple haze

Don Juan
Sep 23, 2006
Reaction score
It's sad given the current climate, that I sincerely don't know whether you are joking or not...
No, I'm not joking. Do you not see her avatar? Look at her long, straight neck, the graceful neck of a swan. Even her posture is perfect.

Do not be too easy. If you are too easy to get, she will not want you. If you are too easy to keep, she will lose interest in you. If you are too easy to control, she will not respect you.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Jan 14, 2018
Reaction score
No, I'm not joking. Do you not see her avatar? Look at her long, straight neck, the graceful neck of a swan. Even her posture is perfect.

I believe you hahaha

This has got to be the best thread ever hahaha


Jan 14, 2018
Reaction score
Let me repeat, I am not joking.
Neither am I lady hahaha

Just look at how HAWT Madonna is, who can deny it ?

Those long straight neck, the graceful neck of a swan. Even her posture is perfect in this picture.

The tight body of a teenager !

Henry Cavill would be mightily pleased to have a high valued woman wrapped around his strong mascular arms haha



Impressive !!

Let's rope in the other 2 ladies that's contributing here and get their perspectives.

@AJ84 and @sazc

Read the entirety of the posts written by our self proclaimed "hot" 50 year old who turns heads with her bikini clad super tight body - HerExcellency and the rest of the men's replies.

The question that you should posed inward to yourself is; how should I respond when my son is exposed to women such as HerExcellency?

That would then be your true perspective as a woman.

I've known of mothers going to great lengths to protect their son's and justly so.

Let's put to test the feminine motherly instincts that's inherently inside both of you.
You’re not interested in our perspective, you’re just interested in getting off on tearing it apart and throwing insults, so no thanks mister. Not intetested. Tag someone else to troll.