The 'So Suave' Problem


Don Juan
Jul 6, 2012
Reaction score
I admit I did leave this site for a while, now just returning but I am extremely disappointed with what i've come back to.
Everyone here complains about the site. The lack of field reports, the amount of online dating posts vs real world posts. Some of you making comments like 'Oh yeah, I shouldn't be surprised, i'm on so suave' when referring to something your pissed about.
I've got news for you guys, the forums are made from by the people.You included. How many FR's have you posted?

It seems like everyone here is just after the golden egg without putting any effort into donating to it's cause.
We could be one of the pua forums that works together, starts developing new strategies, gets smarter, improves as a community.
But instead we see posts with 300+ views and only 2-5 comments (mine included).
What's up with that guys?

My old account was pretty reputable.
All of the users I remember frequenting the site have left along with myself. Seeing the condition of the site now makes me regret leaving in the first place.
But i'm going to try and stay for the repairs because I owe it to this site for changing my life and instead of leeching, i'm going to give what I can back.

I dont want to make this thread to ***** about it, I want to try and initiate change.
I think we should start answering and asking more questions, be there morally for each other and most of all stop disrespecting this site and it's users.


You are right about [FR], they were 30% of the board when I initially joined. I believe most are reading, but not applying or practicing. Hence, recent topics has me frustrated at the frustrated chumps.


Don Juan
Dec 13, 2011
Reaction score
I agree...i have been on this site for years but never write anything but things will change


Don Juan
Jul 6, 2012
Reaction score
brady1124 said:
I agree...i have been on this site for years but never write anything but things will change
YES. That's exactly what I want to hear.


Master Don Juan
Jan 21, 2012
Reaction score
Eye of the storm
Mr.SomeoneElse said:
I admit I did leave this site for a while, now just returning but I am extremely disappointed with what i've come back to.
Everyone here complains about the site. The lack of field reports, the amount of online dating posts vs real world posts. Some of you making comments like 'Oh yeah, I shouldn't be surprised, i'm on so suave' when referring to something your pissed about.
I've got news for you guys, the forums are made from by the people.You included. How many FR's have you posted?

It seems like everyone here is just after the golden egg without putting any effort into donating to it's cause.
We could be one of the pua forums that works together, starts developing new strategies, gets smarter, improves as a community.
But instead we see posts with 300+ views and only 2-5 comments (mine included).
What's up with that guys?

My old account was pretty reputable.
All of the users I remember frequenting the site have left along with myself. Seeing the condition of the site now makes me regret leaving in the first place.
But i'm going to try and stay for the repairs because I owe it to this site for changing my life and instead of leeching, i'm going to give what I can back.

I dont want to make this thread to ***** about it, I want to try and initiate change.
I think we should start answering and asking more questions, be there morally for each other and most of all stop disrespecting this site and it's users.
Thanks for comming back, every "veteran fellow" is a big help.


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2006
Reaction score
bradd80 said:
i say you're all wrong! this site needs more b*tching and complaining, and less of what actually works!

Spot on! I rep you for saying what I was thinking. For the naysayers: It is called discernment. There is a ton of knowledge to be gained from this site and always has been, but you MUST find what really works and what doesn't.

I have been on here before complaining about things, not the site, per se. But I have in the past been negative. I have grown so much after this site, I have actually more than doubled the women I have been with (although I am looking for someone to spend my life with.)

This site has not changed one bit. It is a matter of perspective. Think positive and that is what you will get out.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2011
Reaction score
I've been reading this site for the past 3 years, and the quality of this board has definitely declined whether people like to admit it or not.

Now instead of automatically bashing people, let's actually help each other.


Don Juan
Jan 21, 2012
Reaction score
BeginningDJ said:
You are right about [FR], they were 30% of the board when I initially joined. I believe most are reading, but not applying or practicing. Hence, recent topics has me frustrated at the frustrated chumps.
As someone who wasn't here when they composed 30%, I'm not entirely sure what the general motivation behind a FR is. If you can help answer my question it will help in a small way to increase the percentage of FR on this site.

Is it to

1. Post a technique or dating experience that worked with women and you are then sharing it with others?


2. Are you looking for others to analysis your 'performance' and suggest improvements?

or is it a combination of both?


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2011
Reaction score
ka_mate said:
As someone who wasn't here when they composed 30%, I'm not entirely sure what the general motivation behind a FR is. If you can help answer my question it will help in a small way to increase the percentage of FR on this site.

Is it to

1. Post a technique or dating experience that worked with women and you are then sharing it with others?


2. Are you looking for others to analysis your 'performance' and suggest improvements?

or is it a combination of both?

It is definitely a combination of those two points. But it is also a lot more. When I first started coming here, I was LOST! I had no idea what I was doing. I was a 25 year old that hadn't been single since I had just turned 18. I spent hours reading about way to change my mindset, get more confidence, improve myself. It was all good information, and definitely helpful. But then I read a FR, and my eyes opened.

I came to so many realizations after reading a simple (only slightly successful) FR. It pushed me to get out there and gain the same experience that I saw the poster had gained. It gave me a better perspective of HOW to do certain things instead of simply WHY. The poster had more or less been rejected, but the lessons he talked about at the end of his FR were priceless. I knew the only way for me to really learn was to try it out for myself and get away from the computer.

Since then, every FR is motivation for me. Whether it's my competitive side trying to dissect the poster's wrong moves so that I can correct them and get a better outcome, or simply a goal the poster reached that I want to try and match.

I posted a FR about a year ago with the thought about how much that first FR helped me. I told my story, and then outlined what I had learned from my experience. The responses I got back about how inspirational it was proved to me how effective they can be in a community like this. I stepped away from this forum for a while, but I am back pretty regularly and created a new FR just a couple days ago, trying to get them to resurface on this forum.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 29, 2011
Reaction score
Field reports/journals don't get my boxers wet like they do for some others.

I'm not gonna e-high five some dude whose stories may or may be true. Especially when 98% don't have pictures attatched to them (not that i blame them, i don't think i'd want to blast girls i know personally on here either) but if I'm hearing a story about how a guy ONS an hb 9, and in my world she's actually a 6.5, what is the story doing for me?

I'm much more interested in giving/getting advice that's proven to work.

I haven't been around long enough to judge whether or not this forum is on the decline, but I certainly couldn't care less about FRs. Some forums have a section specifically for that, maybe they can do that here, so all the people who care about that stuff have their own section.


Master Don Juan
Jan 20, 2012
Reaction score
I made a post (Alpha-AFC Seesaw) the other day that described three ways I had interacted with women. Two ways were Alpha, the other was AFC. I did this to show how different my behavior and attitude was in these situations. My intent was to point out how different the results were when different modes of being are considered. It was read around 100 times and there was a single reply. Maybe no one has thoughts on the subject, maybe the post was lame, who knows -- but I do agree that discussion and insight can help those who have been in my situation.


Don Juan
Jul 6, 2012
Reaction score
PDubb75 said:
It is definitely a combination of those two points. But it is also a lot more. When I first started coming here, I was LOST! I had no idea what I was doing. I was a 25 year old that hadn't been single since I had just turned 18. I spent hours reading about way to change my mindset, get more confidence, improve myself. It was all good information, and definitely helpful. But then I read a FR, and my eyes opened.

I came to so many realizations after reading a simple (only slightly successful) FR. It pushed me to get out there and gain the same experience that I saw the poster had gained. It gave me a better perspective of HOW to do certain things instead of simply WHY. The poster had more or less been rejected, but the lessons he talked about at the end of his FR were priceless. I knew the only way for me to really learn was to try it out for myself and get away from the computer.

Since then, every FR is motivation for me. Whether it's my competitive side trying to dissect the poster's wrong moves so that I can correct them and get a better outcome, or simply a goal the poster reached that I want to try and match.

I posted a FR about a year ago with the thought about how much that first FR helped me. I told my story, and then outlined what I had learned from my experience. The responses I got back about how inspirational it was proved to me how effective they can be in a community like this. I stepped away from this forum for a while, but I am back pretty regularly and created a new FR just a couple days ago, trying to get them to resurface on this forum.
Powerful stuff there, just shows how much the community can help people.


New Member
Jul 9, 2012
Reaction score
MisterD said:
Field reports/journals don't get my boxers wet like they do for some others.

I'm not gonna e-high five some dude whose stories may or may be true. Especially when 98% don't have pictures attatched to them (not that i blame them, i don't think i'd want to blast girls i know personally on here either) but if I'm hearing a story about how a guy ONS an hb 9, and in my world she's actually a 6.5, what is the story doing for me?

I'm much more interested in giving/getting advice that's proven to work.
