Master Don Juan
ok, so if a kid watches a TV show and decides to make one of the cast members their role model and emulates the behavior they see on TV your gonna blame the show ???Except you fail to realize this is a MTV show. Lots of elementary school, middle school and high school kids watch this sh!t. So when they see things like Snookie, the Situation etc. some of them decide to follow them as role models.
.....and what about the parents ?? Im guessing YOU think that parents are PERFECT people who can do no wrong. If you have a kid and your kid decides to emulate what they see on TV and behaves like a follower instead of a leader what does that say about YOU as a parent. (this dialogue between us in itself is silly because kids try different things that are exciting and new to them. WE ALL HAD OUR STAGES OF TRYING DIFFERENT THINGS THAT WE LIKED OR THOUGHT WAS COOL.)
What about horror movies that show violence and gore ?? how about hip hop music with half naked girls dancing in videos and sexually explicit lyrics ?? Everyone is so quick to jump and cry about a TV show and the effects it has on a nation.
Everyone is so quick to blame ANYTHING and EVERYTHING else on their stupidity, failures and mistakes....but so far I have yet to hear someone own up to their own shortcomings and admit to themselves that:
Some people don't have the ability to think logically. NOT everyone on this earth is smart nor do they have the potential to be smart. The world has fools, crooks, good people, bad people, short people fat people, a television show didn't make them that way.
according to your logic EVERY kid who listens to explicit lyrics, sees any type of violence or reads anything vulgar WILL become a killer, rapist or Loser. You act as if young people DON'T have the ability to think for themselves and take accountability for their own actions and choices ??Sure it's fun now but when you see Snookie wannabees in the streets and a generation of guys trying to be douchebags
What I find stupid is how some of you fools come on here thinking an intelligent person can't enjoy a television show because YOU don't personally enjoy the show.
Even worse...some of you idiots are upset that someone is successful from a TV show you don't like to watch. Seriously...You all need to think about what you say before you say it ! Instead of displaying your pathetic feminine traits of jealousy you should worry about your own lives and how to be successful yourselves because I can assure you, "Situation" could care less about a bunch of poor whiny losers who don't like his show and therefore feels he doesn't deserve success.
p.s. ALL MEN WILL TRY ANY TACTIC TO GET LAID AS EASY AND AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE !! Some guys will try the guido, douchebag approach, some guys will ask adivce from other guys on the forum, some guys will read the DJ Bible !!!!Sure it's fun now but when you see Snookie wannabees in the streets and a generation of guys trying to be douchebags
Its all the same thing !!! TECHNIQUES TO GET LAID !! some techniques are approaches are different than others but than doesnt mean they are any less effective depending on the type of person using them.