The significance of a piece of rock?

women haze

Senior Don Juan
Jun 20, 2009
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I really would like to see a sensible woman's perspective on this.

I mean a Ring budget really makes sense to me in this topic. Yet, isn't the point of a proposal for marraige about that special day, he proposed to me in such a suprise, romantic way. This will build that emotion that women treasure so much, and let her know you ar enumero uno guy....

having a Ring budget talk with her just kills the romance, the emotion in me anyways. As far as the OP's problem I would run away, run far far away setting a requirement for marriage is just wrong.

If you buy her an expensive ring it's because you love her, and you can afford's not an entitlement.

The Assistant

Jan 5, 2011
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lordtwiggie said:
But my personal judgement is :
She feels she has trapped a guy (until 2 months ago she was probably right)
She feels the world owes her something (the 1 carat argument sortta proves this)
She is just lazy and wants to live on a guy's paycheck, despite screaming equality!
She's self centered and lacks any kind of genuine empathy (except maybe for dogs)

Oh yes and Btw, just in case you guys are curious, she's just a 5,

How come I was the only one who noticed the OP's description of his piece of trash of a woman?


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
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The Assistant said:
How come I was the only one who noticed the OP's description of his piece of trash of a woman?
Oh trust and believe, I noticed it.

She's wearing the pants and will be soon sitting at home admiring her one carat while he slaves away to pay for the house and car he bought for her. She will continue to make demands and he will continue to jump as high as she tells him to. She caught herself a great man slave. Kudos to her. :up:


Don Juan
Feb 2, 2011
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Thanx guys
The Assistant - thanx for pointing out (albeit very directly), I got your point...As mentioned in the posts prior to your response I have already decided on what to do. Don't take me wrongly, I appreciate your words to me :)

Zekko - yes...which is what I want ultimately if marriage ever comes into question, ring or no ring it's a go kinda thing

samspade - yes that's true, you gotta look properly at least to find the right ones, we make mistakes and I guess I made a mistake in not looking properly enough, lesson learnt at least, and I don't think it's too late for me, I have yet to even hit 30. Thanx :) and btw she isn't American LOL!

Colossus - Thanx for the advice, yes...I am sure we can find better women, like samspade has mentioned too

Danger - LOL...PRE-NUP is a good idea but anyway if I ever wanted to do that, I would make sure I would marry a bombshell....this trash with me is just a 5. :)

squirrels - yeap...definitely dropping her and your statement on "buying" a girl definitely hits this case it's like buying her...and to be honest, she has done nothing deservingly to "buy" her....heck she doesn't even compensate in the looks department....but she hunts like one....time to settle things as you said :)

TomSwift - nope...I don't deny it and I admit it, right now I do not know her well enough and crap can happen in a split second....thanx :)

logic1 - LOL!!! That cracked me up :)

women haze - I agree...setting requirements is just wrong...she should want to marry me not the damn rock! :)

Warrior74 - Thanx for the eye opening description of my apocalyptic future...which I am already avoiding like the black plague now :)

Thanx guys :)


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2010
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Razor Sharp said:
I went through this exact same thing with my longest LTR. We were pretty serious and talked often about the future (house, kids) I really loved her. Everything seemed to be going great.

We attended a friends wedding one day and it was a REALLY expensive affair (his folks spent almost $200,000 which I think is ridiculous but whatever) Of course she absolutely loved it and started gushing how it was the perfect wedding, etc etc. The bride's engagement ring was 4k btw, looked a lot like this:

Right then I knew there were going to be problems but we just enjoyed the day and went on with our lives. Two, count them, TWO months later my friend is getting a divorce. They had both been cheating on each other for years apparently, yet saw no problem with blowing a huge chunk of his life savings on that stupid wedding. F*ckin morons.

Anyways the subject of money came up again and my girl said it didn't matter if they broke up because the wedding is the bride's "special day" and no one could take that away from her. I tried to reason with her, pointing out the fact that these folks could have bought a freaking house AND a car with that money instead of renting the sh*thole they live in but she seemed pretty adamant. Things just went downhill from there.

She came out of pocket and said that she didn't want no cheapskate husband and if I wanted to move forward with our plans I'd have to "put a ring on it", and a heavy one at that. At the time we were both pretty poor so this whole thing seemed like some Twilight Zone sh*t. I asked her a simple question:

Ok then - what sacrifices are YOU willing to make to be with me?

She looked at me like I was crazy, then gave me the usual BS speech about taking care of me, loving me etc. I told her "No, that's something you already do. What specifically can you do for me that is comparable to months or even years of hard work to pay for a ceremony and a trinket that you really don't need other than to impress your friends?"

As you can guess this deteriorated into a full-blown conflict. I let her know that I didn't want someone so materialistic and superficial with f*cked up priorities by my side. She let me know that she basically wanted a sugar daddy. We broke up that same day and didn't speak for years.

Last time we saw each other she had indeed found her sugar daddy, this Papa's boy whose family owned several restaurants and a hotel in the city. She had everything she wanted, the extravagant wedding, 6K on her finger (one 4k rock with two 1Ks as neighbors, kind of resembling male genitalia strangely enough). And guess what? She was already cheating on him - in fact she came onto me wanting to have a "go" for old time's sake. I was far too disgusted to even think of it.

Right then I decided two things:

1. I will probably never get married. It's just a huge, meaningless waste of an institution engineered to seriously f*ck a man over, and holds absolutely no guarantee other than people's "word" which is practically worthless nowadays

2. If I ever did get hitched, the girl I chose would care more about me than material bullsh*t. Plain and simple.

As far as I'm concerned your girl has waved a HUGE red flag, and is showing you the type of entitlement bullsh*t you will probably have to deal with for the rest of your life should you choose to get locked down.

Just a heads up from someone who's been there. Be smart about who you choose as a life partner. They should hold the same core values that you do or you will be in for a world of hurt and misery down the line.
Razor a very incisive story, thank you for sharing it.

Do you mind my asking how come a woman of this ilk had managed to be your longest LTR, though?

Razor Sharp

Senior Don Juan
May 8, 2010
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Desert of the Real
@Boilermaker, Looks like someone's paying attention :)

I was young and very stupid. She was the first girl I loved and it blinded me to a lot of things that in hindsight I can only observe now and say "D'OH!"

Despite how she turned out, our time together was sweet. She was very supportive, sexy and took really good care of me. I thought this was because she loved me, but it turned out that she was really just protecting her investment the whole time. She knew that someday I'd be well off and wanted her share.

I should have seen the signs though. She was not very giving with her friends, and would complain when people would get her cheap gifts for her birthday. I would always get her something nice, not really to "appease" her, but because I felt she deserved it as the woman I loved.

Her taste in music also reflected her attitude. Her favorite song of all time was "Material Girl" followed by Destiny's Child "Bills Bills Bills". The list goes on.

In the end I totally f*cked up and let my feelings override my common sense. I was also pretty insecure at the time and thought that I couldn't do any better than her (she was smoking hot). As a result she enjoyed the best years of my youth and I will never get them back, but I definitely learned a valuable lesson and never made those same mistakes.

I have had shorter, more meaningful relationships since then and I attribute this to the fact that my screening process has become brutally unforgiving. She has to be more than a cheerleader to be on my team, she must be a SOLDIER and really go out of her way to make me happy. She has to earn her stripes and demonstrate loyalty and generosity, not just with me, but with the people around her.

That's just how I roll, and it's only natural for me to expect that of whoever is by my side. Anything less and she's just a lay .. if she's lucky.


Don Juan
Feb 2, 2011
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Razor...not to sound shallow here, but at least she's smoking hot
In my case I think I did something stupider by settling for less....I thought simpler looking women are much simple minded...I was wrong obviously :)


Don Juan
Oct 28, 2010
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lordtwiggie said:
In my case I think I did something stupider by settling for less....I thought simpler looking women are much simple minded...I was wrong obviously :)
All the red flags are there at the very beginning, IF we just know what to look for. Obviously hindsight makes that easier, but let me explain. I met my ex-wife when she was 20 (I was 25). She was not smoking hot, but very cute, about a 6, European, and seemed to be everything I wanted. But had I paid attention, I would have noticed:

1) she came to this country because of a Hollywood fantasy (wanted to be an actress)
2) always read "fluff" and "entertainment" magazines
3) was overly concerned with fashion, makeup, hair, exterior presentation, etc.
4) wanted to be famous
5) everytime we watched TV or a movie she would comment on how the actor/actress LOOKED (could care less about the actual acting)

Later in the marriage when money began to get tight, she would tell me "I thought I was going to be marrying a famous musician" (I was on the local scene for a while).

So her splitting SHOULD have been no shock to me, except I didn't read the signs. So lately, for me, it has been LESS about looks and more about substance.



Senior Don Juan
Oct 2, 2009
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So tell us what you do when you apply what the people here said.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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lordtwiggie said:
Warrior74 - Thanx for the eye opening description of my apocalyptic future...which I am already avoiding like the black plague now
Chalk up another torpedoed relationship for SoSuave! :)


Don Juan
Feb 2, 2011
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TomSwift - it happens, I guess I've been blinded long enough too

Pierce - What the people here said is common altogether, she's bad news, she has to go...which is what I am practicing what they have preached now

Zekko - ditto! ;)


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
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Gold Coast. Aust.
TomSwift said:
1) she came to this country because of a Hollywood fantasy (wanted to be an actress)
2) always read "fluff" and "entertainment" magazines
3) was overly concerned with fashion, makeup, hair, exterior presentation, etc.
4) wanted to be famous
5) everytime we watched TV or a movie she would comment on how the actor/actress LOOKED (could care less about the actual acting)

Later in the marriage when money began to get tight, she would tell me "I thought I was going to be marrying a famous musician" (I was on the local scene for a while).

So her splitting SHOULD have been no shock to me, except I didn't read the signs. So lately, for me, it has been LESS about looks and more about substance.

Nature has played another one of its hoaxes.

I have long suspected that one of the side effects of a constant erection is a kind of foggy blindness to a particular woman's lack of character.
I suspect that nature is determined to have us impregnate the best genes available and shuts off our ability to evaluate her "quality" (or lack of it).
After all marriage , LTRs, committment, loyalty are all irrelevant to biology.
Making more kids is what it is all about .


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
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Gold Coast. Aust.
zekko said:
Chalk up another torpedoed relationship for SoSuave! :)
Indeed, I believe that this is the second recent rescue of a guy who was about to drown in the marriage Matrix.


Don Juan
Feb 2, 2011
Reaction score
jophil28 said:
Indeed, I believe that this is the second recent rescue of a guy who was about to drown in the marriage Matrix.
Just second recently? very few guys ask here for help?


Senior Don Juan
Oct 2, 2009
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Well Wiggie when you do something please let us know what happened.


Don Juan
Feb 2, 2011
Reaction score
I will....I have yet to see her actually, and I don't wanna do it by text or phone, I would prefer to confront her despite knowing she will shed more crocodile's something I have to go through I guess....and also I am just going out and having fun with my guys to clear my mind out properly.
Thank You Guys :)


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
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Gold Coast. Aust.
lordtwiggie said:
Just second recently? very few guys ask here for help?
No, I am only talking about SUCCESSFUL rescues.
Many guys show up here asking for help, we toss them a life rope but they mostly drown in their own swill, or swim back to shore where she is waiting.

BTW, for the sake of completeness, you might want to post a report on your resignation speech and her reaction to it.

Good job so far, Wiggie.

The Assistant

Jan 5, 2011
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jophil28 said:
Indeed, I believe that this is the second recent rescue of a guy who was about to drown in the marriage Matrix.
In Twiggie's case, the problem isn't even marriage......hell the problem isn't "marriage" in most guys cases.........the PROBLEM is that guys commit themselves to goddamn awful useless women, JUST because those women have shown interest in them, and the guys lack the experience to know any better.

It's a sad reality


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
The Assistant said:
In Twiggie's case, the problem isn't even marriage......hell the problem isn't "marriage" in most guys cases.........the PROBLEM is that guys commit themselves to goddamn awful useless women, JUST because those women have shown interest in them, and the guys lack the experience to know any better.

It's a sad reality
True enough. and indeed sad.


Don Juan
Feb 2, 2011
Reaction score
Thanx jophil28, I will be sure to post up whatever that's happened

The Assistant - yes, that's a mistake I made to commit myself earlier on...a lesson learnt well at least...and I hope to use this knowledge on all my future adventures :)