Deadly Sin #1 - FEAR
Many of us are scared to death of living, of not being accepted, of taking a chance. The fear stunts and cripples our growth, but we allow it opting for safety instead of adventure. Dudes will study and parrot other guys game because, they are too scared to LIVE and be able to tell their own stories.
Well, duh...all they do is sit around and type all day! I would venture to say that most of you failed, not because you didn't know enough C&F or Mystery Method, but because you were too scared to take a chance.
Redemption of Fear:
Fact: We are born fearing only loud noises and sudden movements, all other fears are learned. We respond to an imagined threat and elevate our own blood pressure, accelerate our breathing and secrete hormones which alter our state of mind and make us more susceptible to fearful thoughts or behavior.
If you experience fear and are not in a life-threatening situation, then you need to recognize that you are the one making yourself all excited over nothing. Face the fear nose-to-nose and see it for the illusion that it really is.
Deadly Sin #2 - INSECURITY
Insecure people are always seeking validation, and on some level acceptance. They either try to hard to please and neglect themselves, or they just become narcissists and neglect everyone else.
This tendency to provoke or ridicule others stems from a deeper need to make oneself feel bigger by bringin everyone else other words, the easy way. It's also pretty easy to see why these saps have no real friends.
Redemption of Insecurity:
Low self-esteem and false pride (ego) go hand in hand, especially when you have little to be genuinely proud of. The only way out is to actually make something of your life. When you look back at the last 24 hours of your life, ask yourself, "Am I at least a little bit closer to any of the goals I have set?" and if that makes no sense then you need to ask yourself "what are my goals?"
A true hustler who makes things pop simply doesn't have the time or luxury of insecurity. It's misdirected energy and bad for business.
Deadly Sin #3 - ADDICTION
Addiction thrives on the imbalance you have within yourself. Instead of dealing with it, you find put it your issues on the backburner, because it is easier to find comfort in external stimulus, be it drugs, TV or internet.
A lot of you are as hooked on the personal dramas of SoSuave as bored housewives are on "Sex in the City". Most of you could be moderators for all the posts you make. I wonder if you really enjoy it here that much, or if have you just grown comfortable in your lazy and unproductive lifestyle.
Redemption of Addiction:
Taking the easy way out just makes things harder later on. Stop running away from your problems cuz they have a way of always catching up to you. The more you push them aside, the more of them you will have to deal with later on. Learn to recognize addiction for what it is.
Anything that consumes your time and inhibits your personal growth or health is an spiritual crutch.. a means to numb out your consciousness. Always be aware of what you do and more importantly, why you are doing it.
Deadly Sin #4 - LAZINESS
Confidence is not attained by living vicariously. Instead of grabbing life by the balls, half of you sit there and let it pass you by. You can't get back lost hours, days or weeks...there is no reset button in this game so stop acting as if you have all the time in the world. You are not immortal and your future is not guaranteed. Lazy people never stop to consider the legacy they will leave behind when they are dead and gone.
Redemption of Laziness:
Your success is directly proportional to how many times you push yourself to step outside your comfort zone. Game = Fun + DISCIPLINE. They go together because you achieve great satisfaction when you push your limits. Successful game comes from having a plan so always know your options.
Familiarize yourself with cool hangout spots, restaurants, parks, etc. Have plenty of places to choose from and always roll with a plan A, B an C just in case. When handling business outside the realm of mackin, be sure to keep your game tight.
Before you go to bed at night, write down the things you have accomplished that day and make a list of things to do for tomorrow. You will sleep better, and as more momentum gathers with every effort, you will wonder how you ever spent so much time sitting on your fat ass.
Deadly Sin #5 - SELF-PITY
We've seen it a million times. Newbies and old-timers alike experience the "woe is me" phenomenon. This is a pure indulgence which conveniently shirks the responsibility of your life onto outside elements. A lot of yall blame everything from your parents to their your ex-girlfriends or society for your problems.
This is self-sabotage because you ignore your personal failings and never deal with your own problems. The inevitable downward spiral that follows is only fueled by your inability to step outside of your sh!tty attitude and just handle yourself.
Redemption of Self Pity:
Realize that you are not a victim. Nobody has the power to do anything to you, unless you hand them that power, in which case, you need to see that it's your fault and yours alone.
Take responsibility for where you stand in life. It's more difficult than pointing fingers, but it is also more empowering and will lead you out of the darkness. Most of your weaknesses are your own work of fiction and you will only go as far as you believe you can. That is the power of intention: it astounds scientists, shatters all limits and changes what we believe is possible.
If a pretty girl looks your way, and the first thing you wonder is if her IL has reached a significant buying temperature for you to attempt a DHV, then chances are, you have problems. Putting this much effort into approaches, BEFORE ACTUALLY APPROACHING, almost guarantees failure.
You can't sit there and plan out human interaction. Though people may have universal reactions to certain ideas or scripts, there are too many variables and surprises in life for you to rely on this alone. Honestly, the best vibes come from someplace unexpected and the most gratifying interactions happen between people who know how to ride out these sudden waves of communication.
Redemption of mental wacking :
Enjoy being social and meeting new people. Learn to actually have a good time and let loose because that is what is attractive, not someone with a hidden military agenda and a few cheat codes drawn on his forearm.
If you have trouble relaxing and having an honest, enjoyable conversation with a total stranger, then you need to forget this seduction sh!t and work on ya social skills. It's all about straight chilling, no worries about what people think, no negative internal dialogues and absolutely no neediness. Breathe easy and make yourself at home in every situation.
"Pook may be God, but he doesn't hear my prayers to come back."
"Geez..whatever happened to AntiDump??"
"I wonder why Allen doesn't post here anymore.."
I'll tell you why. They all got lives and business to handle. They saw that time was precious and eventually outgrew this habitat of worshippers and armchair philosophers who turned something fun into a damned pissing contest. Heads get all huffy, idolizing anonymous men and demonizing others because their own sense of self is so fragile and the whole damn time they wonder why they get no respect.
Redemption of Scrotum Kissing:
Stop putting people you have never met on pedestals. Don't make useless enemies of them either. We come here to exchange information and learn from each other. In order to learn, a man must be humble, so face the possibility that you are not always right and certain things really are subjective.
Hold on a sec, got a PM message coming in...
Doing things that spark my interest and curiosity, and you?
Truth is, my schedule is often more packed than I can handle. The months have gone by by and I forgot this place exists. I will say that it's good to see some old and new school blood on the boards, throwin down some serious wisdom and guidance. All three of you guys rock!
Waitaminute....What's that sound?
There it is again.. the sound of voices talking in a far off place. I can see them now...three gorgeous women are sitting in a park on a beautiful day, complaining. They say there are no real men left. They're fed up with the wannabe players, the jerks, the niceguys, the PUAs, the AFCs, the pimps, the macks, the speed seducers, the alphas, the betas, the metros, the ones who "just don't get it". Such one-dimensional men do not satisfy their appetite.
All they want is some good lovin from someone with intrigue, dimension and sex appeal. Problem is that there really are few men out there worth fawning over. These days the Real Man has become somewhat an urban legend and you hear chicks talking about him as if he was fukking Batman or something.
I see more and more of these women now, all over the globe from Brooklyn to Bangkok.. millions and millions of frustrated hot babes who are just dying to meet that witty and daring stranger to just ride on in and conquer them the way nature intended.
But hey, if the lot of you would rather work on your computer tans and hurl crap at each other like rabid monkies on methamphetamines, then knock yourselves out.