I can say that going to or throwing parties are both ways to become more popular. I was a huge partier. I own, through my grandfather passing, a 16,000 square foot office buidling that needed some serious renovations. I threw parties there almost every thursday, friday, and saturday nights. It was not uncommon to have over a 100 people come down to this place and party all night. It got to the point where we had to have a guy work the door and turn people away because we'd get people in there we didn't even know. Real nice part was there were giant iron gates that lead into so that we knew if it was a cop at the door without even letting them see us.
So where is the problem is all this? I totaled it out not too long ago and through about 3 months on these parties I spent close to 500 dollars on beer. Thats just the beer I bought, not figuring in everything my friends brought and such. True, everyone loved me because I have them a place to go and party and my phone rang off the hook with hotties asking if they could get in but it never really progessed as far as me getting any ass. I got drunk, got drunker, and then passed out. I noticed none of the guys were getting any ass at these parties. The girls came in packs, were there to get drunk and get home alive. I find it alot better to deal with a girl one on one than at a party. If you want to be popular, by all means party. If you really want to have a good time with a girl, avoid parties. All types of gamekillers. Great place to meet a girl, not a good place to take a girl.
In responce to "they will let anybody into parties" comment. Hell no. At my school you have to be in our crowd or atleast know someone in our crowd to make it into a party. We've had those loser guys come in that nobody knows (or wants to even admit they know) and they were promptly booted. You don't want somebody bringing down your party, even if it is just because they look dorky. Ever heard of a good club that anybody could get into? Exclusive is the key to cool. If everbody was cool, then what would be the point.