A lot of new DJs burst out of the gates, feel great, meet some girls, and die down to a simmer in short order.
A big problem is overconfidence. Actual confidence is gained from the inside out. If you have confidence from day one, it's probably not real confidence--not the kind that will infuse your every thought and action. What you have instead is a high and an illusion that you're more powerful than you really are. That rush will push you beyond where you should be. Your temporary "super-confidence" may be perceived as arrogance, and a player attitude. Be careful. You can burn some bridges without realizing it.
Anyway, I think that's path one.
Path two starts the day when you start working on yourself: start working out, being methodical about approaches, sharpening your appearance.
Path two grows at a slower, but more steady and reliable rate. It's the turtoise to the hare that is path one.
Remember, confidence is attractive because it suggests you have other qualities that a female wants in a mate. You can't have real confidence without having those qualities. True confidence is a biproduct.
So build your body, your wit, your financial independence, your ability to lead socially. The rest will come (including the women) in due time.
A big problem is overconfidence. Actual confidence is gained from the inside out. If you have confidence from day one, it's probably not real confidence--not the kind that will infuse your every thought and action. What you have instead is a high and an illusion that you're more powerful than you really are. That rush will push you beyond where you should be. Your temporary "super-confidence" may be perceived as arrogance, and a player attitude. Be careful. You can burn some bridges without realizing it.
Anyway, I think that's path one.
Path two starts the day when you start working on yourself: start working out, being methodical about approaches, sharpening your appearance.
Path two grows at a slower, but more steady and reliable rate. It's the turtoise to the hare that is path one.
Remember, confidence is attractive because it suggests you have other qualities that a female wants in a mate. You can't have real confidence without having those qualities. True confidence is a biproduct.
So build your body, your wit, your financial independence, your ability to lead socially. The rest will come (including the women) in due time.