Victory Unlimited
Master Don Juan
Yo SunnyD,
Reading in between the lines of your posts here lead me to believe you are NOT in any kind of emotional state to even consider such an abstract form of "relationship" WITHOUT getting hurt. In short, I believe you care TOO MUCH about this guy to sufficiently protect yourself emotionally. But there's always a possibility that I could be wrong ( does happen sometimes...
This is something I wrote in another thread, about a very similar subject. I wrote this to a group of men on here, but my answer to you (a woman) would still be EXACTLY the same. Just mentally replace every time you see the word "he" with "SHE", and you're good to go.
So please read it and take from it whatever you can use...but ONLY if you find that it rings true to the core of who YOU are:
Why Fukk Buddy/Friends with Benefits Scenarios often end BADLY
Enough Tap Dancing, Soldiers!
This IS NOT directed at any one person in particular, but rather to the Fukk Buddy/ Friends with Benefits Scenario as a whole. Because MANY of us have been in this emotional twilight zone you have just posted about.
Here's the truth about Fukk Buddies, Friends with Benefits, and "Friends" (in quotation marks):
You'll RARELY hear this on a site like this due to the inordinant amount of pride, ego, and testosterone that most men allow to clog up their reason. But the truth is...all these types of "pseudo" relationships are volatile in nature----these "relationships" all have a TIME LIMIT attached to them.
They NEVER stay in the previously agreed upon category. NEVER. Even if you can maintain it for 40 years, I can GARAUNTEE you that on year 41, SOMEBODY will want MORE than what was originally agreed upon.
If a man has a heart and he still has NOT burned his conscience to the point of NO RETURN, and if he keeps routinely fukking a woman, he WILL develop an emotional attachment to that woman whether he intended to or not.
SEX is a spiritually, biologically, and emotionally BONDING experience that is designed to KEEP two people TOGETHER----even when they're NOT having the "SEX".
And if you DOUBT the validity of the above statement, then simply ask yourself:
"If sexuality does NOT eventually lead to emotional attachment, and it is NOT The Natural Order of Things, then why is it that most men (and WOMEN) have to fight AGAINST developing ONEitis, rather than fight FOR it? Hmmmmm???"
We often like to PRETEND that only women get attached, but that's just a bunch a macho bullshyt. Men get attached too---they just HATE to admit it. Guys who aren't in the Sosuave Army think that any emotional INVOLVEMENT with a woman is WEAK----while MANY guys IN the Sosuave Army have been programmed to think that it's AFC.
But SOME emotional involvement is natural---and it always leads to emotional attachment over the LONG HAUL---so choose sexual partners WISELY. That's why AFCs lose control and turn into stalkers, killers, or suicide victims. And that's also why so-called DJs (players, macks, human dildos, etc) often hide behind the revolving door of fukking multiple biiitches to AVOID the reality of emotional attachment that SURELY awaits them IF they stay with any given woman TOO LONG.
You see, INSIDE we all KNOW that sex is bonding----it's just that some men become quicker and more agile when it comes to running from it than others. But again, IF they still have a heart, even THEIR legs will eventually give out. So that's why they choose to GET THE HELL OUT (of a possible, newly FORMING relationship bond). Hence, the fukking of multiple biiitches once again ensues...
But this is like playing roulette----THE RUSSIAN KIND. True mature men should realize that if they meet a woman who MIGHT be worth their sole attention, even if it DOESN'T work out, you are STILL prize enough to replace her with just ONE day/night of approaching.
That is, if we really BELIEVE the things we've learned here at the SosuaveTrainingAcademy...
Often times. Friends with Benefits, Fukk Buddies, etc, CAN be a form of acting out of FEAR and a lack of SELF-CONTROL.
Now, I'm NOT saying that one shouldn't interact with as many women as possible if he's not ready to be serious and just wants to have fun. Or, if he's actually trying to eventually select just ONE. Just remember that despite what some of us have been taught; people are NOT pawns in a game. There are ALWAYS consequences to our actions. What I AM saying is that we should all do a gut check from time to time.
Are we out here throwing our Dikks around because we are INSPIRED, or are we doing it because we feel DRIVEN.
INSPIRATION you can guage, measure, and control. But being DRIVEN is when you feel forced or compelled, which is EVIDENCE of a lack of a certain amount of self-control.
So, if we are engaging in these types of fukk-buddy manuevers because we are AFRAID to be alone, or are afraid we can't eventually find ONE particular woman who may be worth our extra time, OR are CONTROLLED by our hormones and can't help ourselves------then we have to realize that we still have a lot of MATURING to do.
Think about it. Why else would we as men choose to endure 6 months of POSSIBLY being stalked by a HOLISTICALLY undesirable or unavailable woman JUST to experience the fleeting thrill of a pent-up ejaculation?
Is walking through the possible mine field of emotional detonation devices really WORTH the risk of her (unselfishly), or US (totally being blown to smithereens????
For many of us, the answer is still ironically....YES. I've personally been in this type of situation before, and whether it's ended badly or "mildly", there's always been a little piece of damage left on my psyche ( my mindsets concerning women get a little more JADED...) which is a bad trade off for me ULTIMATELY. But respectfully, to each his own...
However, the ONLY exceptions I have seen to my above observation that "everybody ends up getting emotionally ATTACHED" are those people who have sacraficed their feelings, their emotions, and even their humanity to such an extent where they have crossed the line into either a numb, amoral, or SOCIOPATHIC mode of behavior.
And those types of guys that I have met, no matter how many biiitches they fukk, no matter how HARD they try to act, and no matter how much SHYT they try to talk------seem to have a dark, empty place inside them where their SOULS used to be.
So the final result of the Seeds of Relationship Ambiguity that we've sown is usually the Harvest of Emotional Ambiguity that many here repetitively vomit up------increaslingly evident by noticing the mindsets behind the subjects that constantly post about.
And also, we must remember that there is NO shame in refusing to lower our relationship standards in the face of REAL or IMAGINED scarcity (current lack of worthwhile romantic options).
In fact, I would suggest to you that there is instead an invaluable amount of WISDOM and HONOR in choosing to use our time to redouble our efforts to hunt for a true PRIZE (a more IDEAL relationship candidate).
And while we're hunting------we can also be simutaneously better preparing OURSELVES to be the kind of MAN (an ideal relationship candidate) that similarly prize-worthy women would be willing to compete for in order to WIN!
This has been from the desk of Victory Unlimited...and I APPROVE this message. day.
Reading in between the lines of your posts here lead me to believe you are NOT in any kind of emotional state to even consider such an abstract form of "relationship" WITHOUT getting hurt. In short, I believe you care TOO MUCH about this guy to sufficiently protect yourself emotionally. But there's always a possibility that I could be wrong ( does happen sometimes...
This is something I wrote in another thread, about a very similar subject. I wrote this to a group of men on here, but my answer to you (a woman) would still be EXACTLY the same. Just mentally replace every time you see the word "he" with "SHE", and you're good to go.
So please read it and take from it whatever you can use...but ONLY if you find that it rings true to the core of who YOU are:
Why Fukk Buddy/Friends with Benefits Scenarios often end BADLY
Enough Tap Dancing, Soldiers!
This IS NOT directed at any one person in particular, but rather to the Fukk Buddy/ Friends with Benefits Scenario as a whole. Because MANY of us have been in this emotional twilight zone you have just posted about.
Here's the truth about Fukk Buddies, Friends with Benefits, and "Friends" (in quotation marks):
You'll RARELY hear this on a site like this due to the inordinant amount of pride, ego, and testosterone that most men allow to clog up their reason. But the truth is...all these types of "pseudo" relationships are volatile in nature----these "relationships" all have a TIME LIMIT attached to them.
They NEVER stay in the previously agreed upon category. NEVER. Even if you can maintain it for 40 years, I can GARAUNTEE you that on year 41, SOMEBODY will want MORE than what was originally agreed upon.
If a man has a heart and he still has NOT burned his conscience to the point of NO RETURN, and if he keeps routinely fukking a woman, he WILL develop an emotional attachment to that woman whether he intended to or not.
SEX is a spiritually, biologically, and emotionally BONDING experience that is designed to KEEP two people TOGETHER----even when they're NOT having the "SEX".
And if you DOUBT the validity of the above statement, then simply ask yourself:
"If sexuality does NOT eventually lead to emotional attachment, and it is NOT The Natural Order of Things, then why is it that most men (and WOMEN) have to fight AGAINST developing ONEitis, rather than fight FOR it? Hmmmmm???"
We often like to PRETEND that only women get attached, but that's just a bunch a macho bullshyt. Men get attached too---they just HATE to admit it. Guys who aren't in the Sosuave Army think that any emotional INVOLVEMENT with a woman is WEAK----while MANY guys IN the Sosuave Army have been programmed to think that it's AFC.
But SOME emotional involvement is natural---and it always leads to emotional attachment over the LONG HAUL---so choose sexual partners WISELY. That's why AFCs lose control and turn into stalkers, killers, or suicide victims. And that's also why so-called DJs (players, macks, human dildos, etc) often hide behind the revolving door of fukking multiple biiitches to AVOID the reality of emotional attachment that SURELY awaits them IF they stay with any given woman TOO LONG.
You see, INSIDE we all KNOW that sex is bonding----it's just that some men become quicker and more agile when it comes to running from it than others. But again, IF they still have a heart, even THEIR legs will eventually give out. So that's why they choose to GET THE HELL OUT (of a possible, newly FORMING relationship bond). Hence, the fukking of multiple biiitches once again ensues...
But this is like playing roulette----THE RUSSIAN KIND. True mature men should realize that if they meet a woman who MIGHT be worth their sole attention, even if it DOESN'T work out, you are STILL prize enough to replace her with just ONE day/night of approaching.
That is, if we really BELIEVE the things we've learned here at the SosuaveTrainingAcademy...
Often times. Friends with Benefits, Fukk Buddies, etc, CAN be a form of acting out of FEAR and a lack of SELF-CONTROL.
Now, I'm NOT saying that one shouldn't interact with as many women as possible if he's not ready to be serious and just wants to have fun. Or, if he's actually trying to eventually select just ONE. Just remember that despite what some of us have been taught; people are NOT pawns in a game. There are ALWAYS consequences to our actions. What I AM saying is that we should all do a gut check from time to time.
Are we out here throwing our Dikks around because we are INSPIRED, or are we doing it because we feel DRIVEN.
INSPIRATION you can guage, measure, and control. But being DRIVEN is when you feel forced or compelled, which is EVIDENCE of a lack of a certain amount of self-control.
So, if we are engaging in these types of fukk-buddy manuevers because we are AFRAID to be alone, or are afraid we can't eventually find ONE particular woman who may be worth our extra time, OR are CONTROLLED by our hormones and can't help ourselves------then we have to realize that we still have a lot of MATURING to do.
Think about it. Why else would we as men choose to endure 6 months of POSSIBLY being stalked by a HOLISTICALLY undesirable or unavailable woman JUST to experience the fleeting thrill of a pent-up ejaculation?
Is walking through the possible mine field of emotional detonation devices really WORTH the risk of her (unselfishly), or US (totally being blown to smithereens????
For many of us, the answer is still ironically....YES. I've personally been in this type of situation before, and whether it's ended badly or "mildly", there's always been a little piece of damage left on my psyche ( my mindsets concerning women get a little more JADED...) which is a bad trade off for me ULTIMATELY. But respectfully, to each his own...
However, the ONLY exceptions I have seen to my above observation that "everybody ends up getting emotionally ATTACHED" are those people who have sacraficed their feelings, their emotions, and even their humanity to such an extent where they have crossed the line into either a numb, amoral, or SOCIOPATHIC mode of behavior.
And those types of guys that I have met, no matter how many biiitches they fukk, no matter how HARD they try to act, and no matter how much SHYT they try to talk------seem to have a dark, empty place inside them where their SOULS used to be.
So the final result of the Seeds of Relationship Ambiguity that we've sown is usually the Harvest of Emotional Ambiguity that many here repetitively vomit up------increaslingly evident by noticing the mindsets behind the subjects that constantly post about.
And also, we must remember that there is NO shame in refusing to lower our relationship standards in the face of REAL or IMAGINED scarcity (current lack of worthwhile romantic options).
In fact, I would suggest to you that there is instead an invaluable amount of WISDOM and HONOR in choosing to use our time to redouble our efforts to hunt for a true PRIZE (a more IDEAL relationship candidate).
And while we're hunting------we can also be simutaneously better preparing OURSELVES to be the kind of MAN (an ideal relationship candidate) that similarly prize-worthy women would be willing to compete for in order to WIN!
This has been from the desk of Victory Unlimited...and I APPROVE this message. day.