The rebound? (long story)


Don Juan
Dec 11, 2017
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Had an interesting experience about three months ago which lasted less than a month...

A friend and his now ex moved to the city I live about a year ago and that is when I met her. The first couple of times we hanged out (when they were still together) I noticed how she looked and smiled at me even in his presence, but never made any approach and it was like she did not exist for me up until six months later when she decided to tell me that they have now broken up (after a 4-year relationship). Fast forward six months (to September this year) and we are texting quite frequently, even met up for the first time after I last saw her (November last year).

Amazing first unofficial date, a lot to talk about, tons of smiles and banter. It all kicked off from that point and we started going out at least once a week (as long as she was free - busy work schedule). She was very affectionate - tons of kisses and hugs, but I got shut down for sex every single time it came up, always finding an excuse for it to not happen (working early tomorrow, changing accommodation, etc.). That should have been the first red flag, but I went AFC very quickly in all this and it was like someone pulled a curtain in front of my eyes. While we were on this stage, she kept talking about introducing me to her inner circle, which I found very strange as it was not exactly aligned with how things are going between us. We actually went out once with a friend of hers and she was acting with me like we are exclusive or w/e.

Anyway... Two days after we celebrated her birthday, I had an accident with my bike (car involved), got injured pretty badly and I stayed home for a week while taking quite strong painkillers. Without being able to work out, go outside and meet people, and after a huge fight with my BFF I started losing my sh*t pretty quickly, she was like the only thing I was hanging on to at this point (HUGE MISTAKE). A week after the accident I wanted to see her as I was in a really bad state, which she might have felt to be the case. Anyway, a pint or two later after we sat a local bar, I didn't feel like staying there anymore (painkillers and booze is not a good idea) and hinted to her we should go home together and again I received a refusal. At this point the hamster in my head started spinning and as I was on my way home I texted her that I wanted to meet her before we go to a gathering her colleagues were hosting at their place on Sunday. Funnily enough she knew what I wanted to meet her for and I decided to ask straight: what the hell is going on? I am being introduced to your inner circle, you are acting with me like we are exclusive, but we haven't even spent a single night in bed. At that point she told me that she was not sure if it is going to work out between us and all that crap, but for the rest of the day at her colleagues' place she was more affectionate than the females in the couples there (WTF?).

The next day she went silent, not a single message all day up until the evening when she decided to tell me via Facebook that it is not going to work out and we should stay friends. That drove me nuts and we actually met each other two days later when I received the usual crap - you will find someone better than me, I am not sure if I am going to live here anymore, etc. etc....

Went NC at that point, but lasted about a week before I texted her and for some reason (still unknown to me) I agreed to go to the cinema, although I was thinking about flaking... Anyway, half way through the movie she started rubbing her legs against mine and pushing her arms slightly against mine at which point I didn't do anything because just a week before that she was spinning the friendzone record...

Fast forward two days later, we were texting and I told her how bad I took all this that happened and she went ballistic at that point, started blaming me that I want to make her feel bad about her choices. I just said that's not the case and went NC. She kept ghosting me for more than a month until she started liking a lot of my posts on Facebook, but I finally pulled the trigger and removed her accounts. On top of that she won't stop liking whatever her ex posts and I got sick and tired of seeing this sh*t. I just hope she doesn't decide to text or call at some point...

That's the first time I ever experienced anything like this. Reflecting back on her behaviour, it felt like I was a rebound for her (minus the sex). The worst thing was that I couldn't resume my normal life after all this due to the accident (no working out, no late nights with friends...)... October and part of November was a very dark period.


Don Juan
Dec 11, 2017
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Yes, literally everything is about them and what a victim they are
Apparently so. Just a couple of days before that she was like: if you ever feel like talking about it with me, I am here. Obviously NOT.

Now when I think about all that, I was beta as f*ck... At least it was a learning experience.

It motivated me even more to work on myself.


Apr 25, 2016
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She wanted someone to keep her company while not giving into sex. Friendzoned with a touch of teasing on her part.

She used you knowing all along that nothing would ever happen.

Delete her number, BLOCK her on social media if you say you dont want to hear from her again and mean it.


Don Juan
Dec 11, 2017
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And that's what I have done. I told her when we met that I am not in for the "friends" game and that it will not work.

Enjoying day 47 of NC. It is getting better with every single day that passes. Now that I have deleted her from all social media, I feel great.


Don Juan
Dec 11, 2017
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Ugh... I know. Never again. At least it's all good with him, we spoke about it.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
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you really ****ed this up, not only you break the bro's code, but you was played like a fool you are, one point on your whole tale I started wondering who is the female of the relationship, getting emotional? serious using painkiller and being in pain shouldn't change your behavior, that is a weak excuse


Don Juan
Dec 11, 2017
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Yep, this whole thing was a complete f*ckup, but a great learning experience nonetheless. Everything was kind of okay until I started acting like a classic AFC... Oh well, I guess we have all been there at some point.


Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2017
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You sir, were a rebound! It wouldn't surprise me if her "busy work schedule" was her banging other dudes or the ex while hanging out with you. I fell victim to the rebound during my AFC years and everything you posted sounds similar to what I went through. No sex but constantly love bombing me, wanted to introduce me to her family, then poof I got ghosted, she went back to ex. Stay away from this chick or just FWB.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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You sir, were a rebound! It wouldn't surprise me if her "busy work schedule" was her banging other dudes or the ex while hanging out with you. I fell victim to the rebound during my AFC years and everything you posted sounds similar to what I went through. No sex but constantly love bombing me, wanted to introduce me to her family, then poof I got ghosted, she went back to ex. Stay away from this chick or just FWB.
That's not the rebound...that's just her getting her orbiters count up.

Rebound involves sex quickly and then her realizing within a month or two its not going to work and goes ghost...basically rebound involves her fvcking and becoming involved with someone she normally wouldn't then putting the brakes on once she gets it out of her system.

This is not rebound, this is orbiter.