Should be Ego-Improvement, Vanity-Empowerment...
I see so much "Intellectually opinated" people giving their political opinions so eagerly... discussing and fighting with others, thinking that they are "smart, intelligent."
But they're just a bunch of hypocrites. While they sit on their a$ses satisfying their egos defending one politician or another, thousands of children are becoming homeless and parentless, because of them, because they are the ones who voted for Mr. President.
I'm going to stay out of the political issues because this, i agree with.
Why aren't there anymore saints?? Why the imaculated men are becoming more and more often child-rapists?
There are, you just don't know who they are.
Are we so weak?? Is mankind so enslaved by their pleasure-seeking egos, that there's no turning back?
Some people only think of themselves this is true, why are their charities out there if noone donates? Obviously people are, your just assuming that they don't because you havent seen it for yourself. Theres alot of **** going on in this world but theres also alot of love and great things happening in helping the unfortunate, the annoying thing is we only ever hear about the ****.
It's not about women taking power anymore... it's about the devaluement of men... women are just reflexes of our own poverty of spirit?
Men want pure women, but how pure are they?
How can a man call himself a human when his more worried about Britney Spears' breast than about all the poor young women that are castrated in semi-primitive tribes?
Horrible things happen in nature, this is true. It is natural to us however, happiness comes when we are consistently fulfilling out natural desires, britney spears breasts are a natural attraction to us because we want to spread our genes. Rescuing the poor young women does nothing to fulfill out natural desires, people dont choose one over the other its just that they never consider the other one. People have morals but we also have natural desires.
Women are taking over, because there's no longer the passionate men. Men who have goals bigger than just chasing skirt.
Chasing skirt is natural to us i understand, but their are MANY men out their who participate in other things, who are more focused on other areas of their lives.
Our notions built here are sometimes, or most of the times, pretty frames for the shallowness of our insides... insecurity and hedony, walk together hand in hand in the heart of the young men.
Self improvement fulfills my natural desires, this is what i believe is how one becomes happy. If i feel good about my life, if im going somewhere then i really feel good about myself and donate more to charity just making me feel better. If feeling good is such an insecure act, then im insecure, i dont care:
im happy and thats all that matters. I have no shame, no guilt, and no regrets and im happy for improving myself, why shouldnt i be?
It doesn't matter if the cat is black or white as long as it catches mice"
Why have we become so lazy? Or so fearful or change? Or does it even differ the earlier from the latter ?
Because our natural NEEDS are being supplied to easily.
The rabbit hole is way deeper, as my friend matrix would say...
And no one's daring to go that deep...
So hate me, prove me wrong, but do it concretely.
I'll be very pleased to see that I'm wrong, that this place is filled with altruistic people...
As long as we don't strive for the realm of the real spirit, as long as we don't become the new generations of saints, philosophers, artists, talented sportists and brilliant scientists, will remain living in this ego-driven, downward spiral.
I don't see the downward spiral, i am happy and im having a good life. I dont have to become world famous for some "real spirit" **** to enjoy my life. I dont care if im remembered after im dead, i want to enjoy MY life while IM alive.
And it will get more and more out of control. Soon the future will become like the future in the Robocop movies (and that is not a joke)
So let us take ahold of our egos, stop them and start to think of tomorrow... let us all throw down the chains of social opression that bind us, and give this world a new hope... begin the setting of a new start...
Im always thinking of tomorrow, just i dont see why i have to paint paintings or write books or cure cancer. Hey i have an idea, instead of giving the world a new hope, lets give ourselves one.
Dont get me wrong here, i LOVE doing good deeds for other people, it makes me feel better about myself and making other people feel good is something that sticks with you for a long time.
In closing, i leave a quote.
Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself" - Ralph Waldo Emerson
I look forward to your reply.