Men and women are different. Quite different. Hopefully this isn't news to you. The difference between the genders is known as sexual dimorphism to biologists. Why is this interesting? Because, as any biological anthropologist will tell you, sexual dimorphism in primates implies a non-monogamous species. This isn't an opinion, this is an empirical fact that's observable in nature.
For those that didn't just follow that piece of science what it means is that, biologically, humans are not actually evolved for a strictly monogamous relationship. Sure, we can do it, but let's say we're going against the grain that every other monkey fits into. It's not in our genetics to be pick one person and be totally and unequivocally devoted to them, we literally aren't designed for that.
So where does this leave us? What is our natural 'state'? The answer we get to is a distribution of males - some who are 'beta', struggle to find any mates and hence are not very successful and some who are 'alpha' and have their choice of mates.
I think we all know which side of the fence we want to be on. That's the whole point of this site - we're all striving to become 'alpha', to have all the women we desire. The source of our alphaness is our masculinity, the sexual dimorphism that separates our genders.
When you interact with a women, she wants to know which category you rest into - where abouts on the distribution you sit. This is where my 'war' analogy comes in. The most feminine women (read: attractive) want to bag the most masculine men and as such a power struggle between the two occurs. Does the man's masculinity shine through, dominate her femininity and have her become the one chasing him? Or does the man buckle under the pressure of her femininity and give her all the power - put her on the pedestal and let her control him? Being truly alpha is realising that this is where the war is, not with the women but with our own masculinity. Do not fight the war with the women, fight it with yourself.
Every question on this site about 'should I do this and this with women?' hints at a more underlying problem than whether or not they should or shouldn't have said this/done that. These people are compromising their masculinity in the hope a trade can be done for the women's femininity.
Unfortunately such exchanges do not occur. Betas attempt such exchanges as it's the only way they could hope to get any hope of a partner - as such they will only ever get their beta female-equivalent partners. An alpha never, ever compromises himself for anyone else as to do so implies that the other person is above them and as such they will treat him as though they are.
Work only on yourself, on your masculinity and on your life. This is stated so many times on these boards and everyone throws up their hands in support and cheer it on, only to turn around and post some thread about 'girl didn't phone back, what's wrong???'. Do not focus on the girls - flirt with them when the opportunity arises, approach those you find attractive but bear in mind the real war that's going on when you do so. Every time you give them any priority in your life over the things that are about you you compromise your masculinity and as such, your power in the relationship between you and the girl.
The ideal relationship, in my view, is one where you are both equally balanced in this power struggle; your masculinity and her femininity are matched. If one person realises they are more masculine or more feminine than their partner they will begin to get bored, lose all attraction for them and start looking elsewhere.
So what's the moral of this story? Work to reinforce good behaviors and eliminate bad ones from yourself. Stop worrying about if you're doing everything right 'for the girl' and try to catch yourself when you're acting beta and stop it. Focus only on securing your alpha status and the girls will come as a by-product; you need to have faith enough in this to not be tempted by beta-style behaviour - you have to know that, however logical it may seem to play the beta role to that person, it's only going to lose you the war you're so desperately trying to win. This war never ends, there's never any point when you've 'proved' your alpha status and then that's it - being alpha is a way of life and not a technique just to get women.
I appreciate all of this will sound very familiar to anyone who frequents these boards a lot - I've not put forward anything that hasn't been said before a million times (apart from the comment about the biology of sexual dimorphism, which I think is quite interesting to consider - if anyone wants a better explanation of this I'm happy to try explain some more) but I hope it puts everything in a light that makes it comprehendable.
Opinions/critique/torrents of abuse welcome.
For those that didn't just follow that piece of science what it means is that, biologically, humans are not actually evolved for a strictly monogamous relationship. Sure, we can do it, but let's say we're going against the grain that every other monkey fits into. It's not in our genetics to be pick one person and be totally and unequivocally devoted to them, we literally aren't designed for that.
So where does this leave us? What is our natural 'state'? The answer we get to is a distribution of males - some who are 'beta', struggle to find any mates and hence are not very successful and some who are 'alpha' and have their choice of mates.
I think we all know which side of the fence we want to be on. That's the whole point of this site - we're all striving to become 'alpha', to have all the women we desire. The source of our alphaness is our masculinity, the sexual dimorphism that separates our genders.
When you interact with a women, she wants to know which category you rest into - where abouts on the distribution you sit. This is where my 'war' analogy comes in. The most feminine women (read: attractive) want to bag the most masculine men and as such a power struggle between the two occurs. Does the man's masculinity shine through, dominate her femininity and have her become the one chasing him? Or does the man buckle under the pressure of her femininity and give her all the power - put her on the pedestal and let her control him? Being truly alpha is realising that this is where the war is, not with the women but with our own masculinity. Do not fight the war with the women, fight it with yourself.
Every question on this site about 'should I do this and this with women?' hints at a more underlying problem than whether or not they should or shouldn't have said this/done that. These people are compromising their masculinity in the hope a trade can be done for the women's femininity.
Unfortunately such exchanges do not occur. Betas attempt such exchanges as it's the only way they could hope to get any hope of a partner - as such they will only ever get their beta female-equivalent partners. An alpha never, ever compromises himself for anyone else as to do so implies that the other person is above them and as such they will treat him as though they are.
Work only on yourself, on your masculinity and on your life. This is stated so many times on these boards and everyone throws up their hands in support and cheer it on, only to turn around and post some thread about 'girl didn't phone back, what's wrong???'. Do not focus on the girls - flirt with them when the opportunity arises, approach those you find attractive but bear in mind the real war that's going on when you do so. Every time you give them any priority in your life over the things that are about you you compromise your masculinity and as such, your power in the relationship between you and the girl.
The ideal relationship, in my view, is one where you are both equally balanced in this power struggle; your masculinity and her femininity are matched. If one person realises they are more masculine or more feminine than their partner they will begin to get bored, lose all attraction for them and start looking elsewhere.
So what's the moral of this story? Work to reinforce good behaviors and eliminate bad ones from yourself. Stop worrying about if you're doing everything right 'for the girl' and try to catch yourself when you're acting beta and stop it. Focus only on securing your alpha status and the girls will come as a by-product; you need to have faith enough in this to not be tempted by beta-style behaviour - you have to know that, however logical it may seem to play the beta role to that person, it's only going to lose you the war you're so desperately trying to win. This war never ends, there's never any point when you've 'proved' your alpha status and then that's it - being alpha is a way of life and not a technique just to get women.
I appreciate all of this will sound very familiar to anyone who frequents these boards a lot - I've not put forward anything that hasn't been said before a million times (apart from the comment about the biology of sexual dimorphism, which I think is quite interesting to consider - if anyone wants a better explanation of this I'm happy to try explain some more) but I hope it puts everything in a light that makes it comprehendable.
Opinions/critique/torrents of abuse welcome.