You are not here for sex. No one here is. I'm convinced of that. You may think you're here to find out how to fvck more chicks but you're really not.
If all you wanted was simply sex, you would not have seeked this site out. Sex from beautiful women is actually quite easy to acquire. There's prostitution, strip clubs, pornography, masturbation, etc... If you want sex with beautiful women you don't need this site to get it. So why are you really here?
Technically, sex with a woman is the same as sex with your hand. In both cases your reproductive organs are stimulated and upon orgasm you ejaculate. So I ask again, why are you really here?
You are not here for an LTR either, so quit lying to yourself. If you want an LTR with a beautiful girl, all you have to do is be friends with her. LTRs don't have to be sexual. How hard is it to be a woman's long-term friend?
So it's too demeaing to pay for sex and its torture to be platonic friends with a woman you are attracted to, and in frustration you've come here. Yet you insist that you want sex and LTRs.
What does sex and sexual LTRs provide that the alternative don't? I'll tell you. DESIRABLITY.
You here because you want to FEEL desired and wanted. This is natural and has almost nothing at all to do with sex.
Here's a lesson I had to learn the hard way. There needs to be something in your life other than women and sex that feeds your ego. It could be music, sports, career, business, whatever. The ability to attract a mate is something that every creature on this earth posesses, so don't make it more of an issue than it needs to be.
By all means mack on, but still have things and people in your life that VALUE you. Become desirable. Learn how to look good. Learn how to like what you see in the mirror. Learn how to talk. Learn how to manage yourself and your emotions. Become a complete person and value all aspects of your life. Do these things and you will grow to not need the approval of any
other human being to validate your existence.
You will feel desired. You will feel wanted.
For that is your true goal. It is the real reason you are here.
Later men,
PS: Respond to the poll. What small thing can you do for yourself to FEEL more desirable (that has nothing to do with women or sex)?
If all you wanted was simply sex, you would not have seeked this site out. Sex from beautiful women is actually quite easy to acquire. There's prostitution, strip clubs, pornography, masturbation, etc... If you want sex with beautiful women you don't need this site to get it. So why are you really here?
Technically, sex with a woman is the same as sex with your hand. In both cases your reproductive organs are stimulated and upon orgasm you ejaculate. So I ask again, why are you really here?
You are not here for an LTR either, so quit lying to yourself. If you want an LTR with a beautiful girl, all you have to do is be friends with her. LTRs don't have to be sexual. How hard is it to be a woman's long-term friend?
So it's too demeaing to pay for sex and its torture to be platonic friends with a woman you are attracted to, and in frustration you've come here. Yet you insist that you want sex and LTRs.
What does sex and sexual LTRs provide that the alternative don't? I'll tell you. DESIRABLITY.
You here because you want to FEEL desired and wanted. This is natural and has almost nothing at all to do with sex.
Here's a lesson I had to learn the hard way. There needs to be something in your life other than women and sex that feeds your ego. It could be music, sports, career, business, whatever. The ability to attract a mate is something that every creature on this earth posesses, so don't make it more of an issue than it needs to be.
By all means mack on, but still have things and people in your life that VALUE you. Become desirable. Learn how to look good. Learn how to like what you see in the mirror. Learn how to talk. Learn how to manage yourself and your emotions. Become a complete person and value all aspects of your life. Do these things and you will grow to not need the approval of any
other human being to validate your existence.
You will feel desired. You will feel wanted.
For that is your true goal. It is the real reason you are here.
Later men,
PS: Respond to the poll. What small thing can you do for yourself to FEEL more desirable (that has nothing to do with women or sex)?