The real deal on attraction ...


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
Somewherez in USofA
I'm talking about the 'gut' level attraction that a woman feels for you without even having talked to you yet.

So how does she get this feeling right away? How do you get it for a woman you're attracted to right away? First let's define a couple of terms:

Maleness = the essence of being a man or male
Femaleness = the essence of being a woman or female

She wants from you what she's lacking to balance it out .. and you want from her what you're lacking .. in the subconscious aspect of attraction this means you ache for her 'femaleness', while she aches for your 'maleness'.

Have you ever noticed the really 'girly' girls are usually with the most 'manly' males? Why? Have you ever noticed the less 'girly' or feminine females are usually with the more 'girly' or feminine guys? Why?

The more perceived 'maleness' about you she finds and her being very feminine, the more attracted she will be, and the reverse is true.

The less feminine she is, the more attracted she will be to a guy that has some female characteristics .. and the reverse it true.

While this concept is not for the faint of heart, if you can grasp what is going on here in terms of the 'gut' level attraction at the biological level, you realize that it's not so much about what you say or do at all, it's more about not blowing it. In other words it's more about not turning her off as opposed to turning her on - because the attraction framework is already there, right from the beginning.

Think about your own situation. Are you 'manly' .. what type of girls do you go after, or that chase you? Are you less 'manly' and go for girls that are dominate?

It is interesting stuff no doubt, and to me is the best explanation for attraction at the 'gut' level'.

Food for thought ..


Senior Don Juan
Nov 29, 2004
Reaction score
i seem to attract both girly and dominant females. or atleast the domant ones act girly in my presence to hide thier dominating characteristics. ones i known them longer thier dominant nature comes out.

you said its about not blowing it and thats correct, because some women who fancy you would rather you didnt even open your mouth, they just like looking at you all day and playing stupid childish games. say hi and that might spoil it for you.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
Somewherez in USofA
Kewl .. yeah does make sense. It's the only tride-true explanation for attraction that i've found. It really drives home the fact that nature really is all about balance and everything in it, including us!

It makes sense that the male/female integration to become one would be based on attraction that is what the other is lacking, hence craving. Both men and women have estrogen/testosterone. It's a certain level that makes us male or female. Males with high testosterone (and no .. this doesn't mean you have to be big to have alot) will seek females with more estrogen than other females with less (and yes, studies show that some females - the more 'girly' females have more estrogen). The more female she is, the more of a 'male' she will be attracted to.

Some guys can be very 'manly' but not show alot of their 'maleness', and this is where the 'display' comes in. How we project ourselves to the best of our potential.

It's kind of funny, but if you think about it, the 'manly' types that don't show alot of 'display' are usually conservative and don't put any effort into projecting their potential.

If you're 'manly' with alot of testosterone so to speak .. just put on a baseball hat and add some 5 o clock shadow with a crooked smile and you''ll get attention like there's no tomorrow from those feminine females.
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