Holy crap Batman!
Jesus on a crutch but you guys are ****ing ridiculous!
Here's a few tips to help you wise up, man up and shut the hell up!
1. Stop BLAMING everyone and everything else for your problems! "Oh but blacks are portrayed better!" or, "It's the Jews! It's ALL a Jewish conspiracy!" I've never heard such a pansy-assed bunch of racist, xenophobic, idiotic crap in all my life.
2. EDUCATE yourselves. Learn some ****. Become an informed individual, and not some knuckle-dragging, one trick pony idiot who spouts opinions with enough bile to digest the phone book. LEARN about history. LEARN about science. QUESTION things, don't just blindly follow what is easiest or simplest to believe - that's what your detractors would have you do. DON'T become a self-fulfilling prophecy - "People say white males are stupid and good for nothing, so I MUST be stupid and good for nothing!" GROW, EVOLVE, absorb information and use it to become a smarter man, a BETTER man. Idiots don't run countries. Idiots didn't come up with the inventions that changed the world. EDUCATED MEN did.
3. LOOK AROUND YOU. Pay the **** attention to what's going on locally, nationally and globally. Currently, America is far from being a global leader across a raft of disciplines - math, science, technology (apart from Apple etc). WHY is that? Nearly 40% of Americans DON'T believe in the Theory Of Evolution. WTF!!! THAT is a prime example of people NOT educating themselves, of people being lazy etc. WISE UP! Would you rather adhere to a scientific theory which has a vast weight of proven, PHYSICAL evidence to back it up, or would you rather believe that people rode around on dinosaurs and that everything will be ok if you just pray that liiiitle bit harder? Yup, see if you can guess which option is the reason America is trailing behind the rest of the world...
4. TAKE ****ing CHARGE of your life. Be RESPONSIBLE for WHO you are. Had a ****ty childhood? Boo ****ing hoo. YOU get to decide who you're gonna be - NOT anyone or anything else! You're a MAN, ALIVE in the 21st ****ing century. You're life can be EPIC. Sleep with as many women as you want, as often as you want, but USE A ****ING CONDOM if you do! Think single mothers are to blame for everything? They're not the Virgin Mary for christsakes! Some guy knocked those women up and DID NOT stick around to be a father and a role model, not to mention a husband. Sure, not every relationship would've survived had all those guys stuck around, but you can be DAMN sure if they'd ALL used a condom there'd be a hell of a lot fewer people collecting welfare right now. You old enough to call yourself a man then you're old enough to use a ****ing condom when you're getting your rocks off buddy.
5. Bring back DISCIPLINE. National Service should be compulsory. Prison should be hard labour. Kid talks back to a teacher in class? Right now the teacher can't do a damn thing about it. WHAT message is that sending our kids about discipline? You should RESPECT authority (but NOT follow it blindly - that's how dictatorships start) not laugh in its face. Think of the toughest people you can. navy seal? Firefighter? Think they go around doing whatever the hell want all the time? Think they expect to have life handed to them on a plate? HELL NO. They follow rules, they're drilled and disciplined in everything they do, otherwise they end up DEAD. Have punishments fit the crimes better. If you faced getting the lash if you stole something, you'd damn well think twice. If you knew causing the death of someone would end up with YOU forfeiting your own life, you'd think twice about driving drunk etc.
6. VIOLENCE isn't always the answer. ANY man who beats his wife or kids is a bully. Bullies are known to be weak and cowards. You wanna be a weak coward, go on ahead and beat on your wife. It is NOT ok for a wife to hit her husband either, and anyone who says so is an idiot. You got a temper? Go work it out at the gym. If your wife annoys you so much you lash out, well, what does that say about your ****ty taste in women as well as your staggeringly underdeveloped ability to cope with your own emotions. HULK ANGRY! HULK SMASH! You're not a baby you're a goddamn grown man with the ability to THINK and RATIONALISE. If the lawn needs mowed, why wait until the wife nags you into doing it?! Just DO it. Mow it perfectly and act like it's nothing. You're a goddamn stallion with mad skills my friend, show 'em off! Nations weren't built by men sitting on their fat backsides drinking their own body weight in beer. Nations were built by men who DID things. GREAT things.
7. Strong women are NOT YOUR ENEMY. In nature, species don't survive by the males being super strong and the females being all weak and useless. If the females aren't strong the species DIES. So you want a woman who fawns over you all the time and has your dinner on the table at 5 every day? Well, good luck with that buddy! Unless you have a time machine and can go back to the '50s your dream's a bust! Life today is expensive! Most couples both have to work just to make ends meet. If your woman has a better paid job than you, don't moan about it or resent it, be thankful she has any job at all and you can afford to eat steak whenever you want! OR take a course, do a degree and GET a better paid job instead! Resentment and anger get you NOTHING.
8. Don't be LAZY. Think you're better than the next man? ****ING PROVE IT. Are you better educated than him? Stronger than him? Faster? Funnier? PROVE IT. And IF you aren't, DON'T sit in a bar getting drunk whining about it, IMPROVE yourself. Get fitter, learn more, get an interest, be involved in politics etc. DON'T think you're entitled to life being handed to you on a plate. There's this guy, ever heard of him? His name's Bill Gates. Sure, he's no Mr Universe and you could probably take him in a fight, but he applied himself, worked hard and to his strengths and NOW he's on course to help eradicate Polio from our planet. One of his plans is to ACTUALLY WIPE OUT A DISEASE THAT HAS CRIPPLED/KILLED MILLIONS. As plans go, that's pretty big. What was YOUR plan when you woke up today, hmm? You can bet your ass it was for **** compared with THAT. You can be just like the next lazy idiot OR you can be like Bill. Be MORE.
9. REAL men can admit when they're wrong, learn from it and move on. You WILL make mistakes. You ARE human. DON'T go all Chris Dorner and see conspiracies round every corner. Take your lumps, take it on the chin and get on with your life. You are NOT a god, you are NOT infallible, and blaming anyone/everyone else WILL NOT help you or anyone else. OWN it and LEARN from it if you're wrong etc. People will respect you more if you do, than if you are always shifting blame and wheedling out of things.
10. LEARN how to ****ing well SPELL and use GRAMMAR. Just sayin'...
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