The Quick N Easy Way to DJing in HS: 108 - The FAQ


Senior Don Juan
May 11, 2003
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This is the final chapter. Yes, the end of the road. Take this stuff in slowly or at least bookmark or whatever you do to save it and spend time with it. This is a good time to post whatever questions you may have.

Some FAQs I've provided

Q: She has a boyfriend but seems interested in me
A: The true DJ way is to avoid taken girls. Yes, I've even slipped out of that but we're not perfect but we can be the best we can be. The best tactic for this is to establish a lot of rapport and if she breaks up with him, you can move in for the kill or move on.

Q: Some girls don't want to take it to the next level
A: A lot of girls, especially some underclassmen, aren't really used to their sexuality. Yes, they want sex since they started going on the rag around age 12 or so. However many are actually scared of going to the next level. Yes, it happens. The best you can do is to take it slowly. Odds are if you've already made out with her, she probably wants to nail you. However she may want a good deal of trust in you. If you have to have the puss, then drop her. Although girls are losing their virginity at seemingly younger ages than decades in the past, a 15 year old will be less willing to give it up than a 18 year old.

Q: She has been ignoring me lately and treating me like sh1t
A: Drop her. A lot of girls do this because she may feel like she wants more power in the relationship and is going to try to make the man go through mud and all kinds of hell to make her happy. Let me tell you now, HS is way too damn short to mess with these b1tches. Leave them biting your dust.

Q: I don't have a car
A: Then do dates where your parents may drop you off. A football game for instance. A game to watch or even something like an Ice Cream Social or something. Having no car should not severely limit the amount of dating opportunities. It hampers it, yes, but you should still go out.

Q: Why are non-action dates bad?
A: The main reason is because everyone and their dog can go watch a movie. They can get dinner at home. Movie and dinner dates are so clichéd that unless your personality is so amazing and so brilliant that its better than a fun time of bowling, it will result in a failure. Interview dates are a big no-no. It helps establish some rapport but thats about it. You should be having fun on your dates, not wasting a good night on an expensive dinner.

Q: Your advice sucks!
A: F*ck you.

Q: Birth control
A: A subject that should never be avoided. First off, I recommend that you both get tested. A lot of men hate doing this because a swab is in your c*ck. I've done that...twice. Believe me, it does not hurt. It is so small and so quick that its almost painless. If it hurts, then you either have a very sensitive penis or you have an STD and its better that you get treated sooner than later. The girls may seem offended but you should offer to get tested.

Do not get embarrassed. Its better to get tested then a month after f*cking you start to see blisters and warts around your penis. Nobody wants herpes but the biggest reason if you ask me why it is spread so well is because people are too afraid to get tested and get burned (literally) as a result.

Next, talk to her about getting birth control. Yes, you should wear condoms but I cannot emphasize how important it should be for both parties to have protection. Condoms succeed 97% of the time in optimal conditions. Birth control for women is about 70% for the pill but each methods vary but still are around this number. In this class I took (a class I took in HS for college credit), combine both and its 99.3% or somewhere around there. See how much better it is to wrap it up and take a pill? You have a much better chance of your girl not getting pregnant. She may be embarrassed to tell her parents. Yet its better to get her protection instead of getting pregnant. Its not worth it. Surely you can afford rubbers.

Durex is the best brand. By far. Lifestyles are too thin and Trojans aren't bad but you want the best, especially if you got a lot to lose in your young life. Don't keep it in your wallet. Don't keep in your glove compartment. I keep mine in a dresser drawer in my house, which is room temperature and nice and dry. I don't do this to hide it from my parents. Heat and pressure makes latex thinner and thus less useful.

Birth control methods are extremely vital. If you can, with all the protection, try pulling out before your orgasm. You may be "in the zone" but hell, future prevention.

Another good tip is whacking it before your date. Less semen = less chance.

Of course most of the time you are good with just a condom but again, you need to eliminate as many risks as you can. It may never be 100% but you can get damn close to it.

Steel Dragon

Don Juan
Aug 7, 2003
Reaction score
I really enjoy your thread series. It was in some ways a bit more useful then the bible itself because it was centered on high school life alot more. Which in turn made it all as well easier for me to agree with. Thanks for the good info


Don Juan
Jul 22, 2003
Reaction score
Nice work on the whole series man, good to get newbies siked up to head back to school soon.


Don Juan
Jul 14, 2003
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Buffalo New York baby!
-Q: She has a boyfriend but seems interested in me
A: The true DJ way is to avoid taken girls. Yes, I've even slipped out of that but we're not perfect but we can be the best we can be. The best tactic for this is to establish a lot of rapport and if she breaks up with him, you can move in for the kill or move on.-

Sorry, but no.


Senior Don Juan
May 11, 2003
Reaction score
Re: Re: The Quick N Easy Way to DJing in HS: 108 - The FAQ

Originally posted by MoAF
Sorry, but no.
Sorry, but yes.

Why piss your time away on someone who is already taken? Why mess with the drama of dating someone who is taken. If the boyfriend finds out, 99% of the time, he is going to beat the sh1t out of you. Chances are since he is pissed off and angry, he will f*ck you up. Then you can spend a few weeks DJing the nurses in the hospital! :rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
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hyphy bay area, ca
I take taken girls.

One girl in an LT was naughty. Very sexually active with her boyfriend only. Everyone thinks she's very nice. Well things dont work that way.

We make out plenty :)

Life is exciting.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 2, 2002
Reaction score
Ahh don't answer my question...I found out that it was a Dateless Frusterated Chump.

Microphone Fiend

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2003
Reaction score
Where I be at
Just finished reading the entire series. I liked them, they are HS HoF material. I liked them, esspecially the first 2-3 ones. Are you sure there is nothing else you can add to the series?

Eric Smith

Don Juan
Aug 8, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Canadianpimpology
Ahh don't answer my question...I found out that it was a Dateless Frusterated Chump.
Sorry man, it was just that I had to adjust to college life for a while before coming back. Nothing against you.

Are you sure there is nothing else you can add to the series?
Not that I know of...for now. The reason is that next summer my intentions is to take all my tips and revamp them and attempt to make an e-book out of it, complete with visuals if everything goes well. So look for it 9-10 months from now. I may have additional stuff to add as I improve my game.