Damn, look at you! You got some nice threads. Trust me, it will help you out. However you got a ways to go.
Cut the 'net and PS2 out of your rotation
Does this mean cut out this site? No, not until you read the rest of my posts Seriously, the purpose of this is to free up your time. PS2 is fine...if you have friends playing. Playing Final Fantasy every night is not great. Get Madden 2004 instead. Even the most popular kids play Madden and that way you have a lot of people you know who can play this game. Then you can whip their ass at it
Try to establish a social life. Not every night do you need to have something to do but if you ask me, you should have Friday and Saturday free (not too many things go on Sunday but you may need to wake up from a hangover to worry about working at 10 am) This may mean keeping in close contact with many groups of friends. However try to do something with them. You should never spend more than two consecutive nights playing video games or surfing the internet.
Working. Yes, you need to work but of course, don't work anymore than 20 hours. If you ask me, the key days to work are Sunday (nights), Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. 5 hours each at most. Tuesday in my HS was when most of the basketball games took place. I need not tell you about Friday or Saturday. Don't be one of those chumps that is a HS workaholic. Yes, they make $400-500 each paycheck but they have no lives. Thats not a good trade-off. Plus even making $6 an hour, you can make about $400 a month, which is damn good.
Get a cell phone. They are annoying, yes. However if you want quick almost instant access with your friends, get one. Get a nice one. Everyone and their dog has one but make sure you are in the 1-2% that actually uses it (a lot of people I know just have one for the sake of having one)
Get friends quick. Establish your social life as soon as possible. Yes, you may already be in HS but still, that doesn't mean that you can't improve on yours.
Enjoy your social life.
Cut the 'net and PS2 out of your rotation
Does this mean cut out this site? No, not until you read the rest of my posts Seriously, the purpose of this is to free up your time. PS2 is fine...if you have friends playing. Playing Final Fantasy every night is not great. Get Madden 2004 instead. Even the most popular kids play Madden and that way you have a lot of people you know who can play this game. Then you can whip their ass at it
Try to establish a social life. Not every night do you need to have something to do but if you ask me, you should have Friday and Saturday free (not too many things go on Sunday but you may need to wake up from a hangover to worry about working at 10 am) This may mean keeping in close contact with many groups of friends. However try to do something with them. You should never spend more than two consecutive nights playing video games or surfing the internet.
Working. Yes, you need to work but of course, don't work anymore than 20 hours. If you ask me, the key days to work are Sunday (nights), Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. 5 hours each at most. Tuesday in my HS was when most of the basketball games took place. I need not tell you about Friday or Saturday. Don't be one of those chumps that is a HS workaholic. Yes, they make $400-500 each paycheck but they have no lives. Thats not a good trade-off. Plus even making $6 an hour, you can make about $400 a month, which is damn good.
Get a cell phone. They are annoying, yes. However if you want quick almost instant access with your friends, get one. Get a nice one. Everyone and their dog has one but make sure you are in the 1-2% that actually uses it (a lot of people I know just have one for the sake of having one)
Get friends quick. Establish your social life as soon as possible. Yes, you may already be in HS but still, that doesn't mean that you can't improve on yours.
Enjoy your social life.