I saw this video and wanted to comment.
The problem with tradwife concept or stay at home wife is this. The woman is basically using Game to manipulate men into providing for her leisurely lifestyle. Game is what defines an Alpha Male and Alpha Males always have more Game than women. Hence, an Alpha Male or Pimp, will never pay for a woman in any way for simple reason that to pay for a woman is to pay for Game. Hence tradwife is simply the same the same as prostution or only fans, whatever it is, whatever the deal, whatever you get, the one paying always has less INTERPERSONAL value than the one being payed. Hence it goes Pimp > Hoe > Trick, these is the order of INTERPERSONAL ie Game value.
Thus for a man to pay for a woman to stay at home he is just being Gamed, no matter how you look at it. A pimp can Game a Hoe but Pimps have high-level Game but a woman, esp trad-wifes Game is simply to put on Makeup, do her hair, wear nice clothes and that is it. For a man to be Gamed by such a low-level of Game as presented by Tradwives is demeaning and humiliating for a guy.
For if a woman goes out to work and the man stays at home, he can build a side-hustle with his free time, learn coding, write a book, develop new skills, get involved in socio-political work but for a man to pay a female to be a tradwife all she does is pointless housework ALL day which literally only takes one hour for an efficient person to do.