Now this is a Man that people can respect. People can respect men like him. Not enough heros like him.
Central Illinois Man Drowns Trying To Save Child
DECATUR, Ill. (AP) -- A Decatur man has lost his life trying to save a child who was tossed into Lake Decatur in a boating accident.
Twenty-six-year-old Antonio Austin was pronounced dead at Decatur Memorial late yesterday (Sunday) after his body was found by divers.
Austin had been out on the lake in a boat containing another adult and two small children, when, according to authorities, for some unknown reason the boat sank.
The other adult and both children -- including the child that Austin kept afloat -- were quickly rescued by the Decatur Lake Patrol. However, Austin disappeared from view.
Macon County Coroner Michael Day says Austin was found after a three-hour search.
Authorities say the accident is being investigated by the Lake Patrol and the Illinois Department of Natural Resources.
(Copyright 2006 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)
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