The problem with "looks matter".


Don Juan
Feb 3, 2015
Reaction score
Parts unkown.
Peña said:
Yep. I hit the gym 5-6 times a week and lift hard. I'm not bragging when I say that the age of 40 I have a physique that guys in their early 30s would be proud of. I dress in clothes that show off my shape, groom with good hygiene etc.

But I'm only 5ft 8 and my face ain't the greatest. Look at my profile. That pic is me from last week. Single for two years, had some pretty nasty feedback from women during that time. I signed up on here as my confidence is rock bottom and I'm after advice on how to get out of this. I've had bona fide uggos push me out of the way when I've attempted to say hi and as for Pure hatefest. Yep, looks matter alright.


Master Don Juan
May 11, 2001
Reaction score
Queens, New York
1. How many guys out there do you think are "truly, truly" ugly as far as their face is concerned? I don't think as many as men perceive because unfortunately a lot of them have their value judged by some h0r that wears 2 pounds of makeup.

2. I will say this a million times, over and take Mr. Average ( he could be overweight, skinny, skinny fat, etc.) and compare him to his exact genetic clone that is in great shape and confident...who is going to win that pageant?

3. A lot of guys surprisingly miss the boat on this one. Lets just say you do have an average to below looking face... do you have other strong facial qualities to offset/diminish/distract/enhance your overall look? Good haircut, perfect grooming, Great white teeth, great smile (it amazes me sometimes how some guys don't smile enough and don't realize that they may be average but have a good smile to offset's insane)

If you have other great physical qualities that you can showcase and learn how to diminish your weaknesses you could still be very successful. What's mind boggling about all this is the lack of self worth (one's personal foundation) that these guys have. How do you expect someone to be with you if you truly don't like yourself?
Feb 4, 2015
Reaction score
Christopher columbus was an ugly loser who didn't really discover america. christopher columbus is a homosexual. he sux