The problem is not that girls don't know how to love, but rather girls don't know how to be grateful.
In general, men are active, women are passive.
To love someone is to be active - that is masculinity
To be loved, or more specifically, to be grateful - that is femininity
The problem is not so much that girls don't know how to love, it is that girls don't know how to be grateful for what her bf/husband/ or even men in general do for her.
A prototypical example is the feminists. They show absolutely no gratitude towards the sacrifices, innovations, and hard work, that men in general have poured out. And thus they become very unattractive in our eyes.
I think most of us guys would willingly work hard for the girl we care about, IF ONLY she would show gratitude for what we have done.
The disillusionment guys face is that they work so hard for the girl, and the girl is simply unappreciative and starts to complain about other things. Then we think: 'Why bother?' and then we think: 'Ok, whoever puts less effort in the relationship always wins.' And then the downward spiral starts.
A good litmus test to use on girls, is to see if she is grateful for what others do for her. For example, if a waiter provides extra good service, is she grateful or does she just act like a spoiled brat?
I've learned that gratitude is a beautiful character trait and I definitely need to screen girls on this.
In general, men are active, women are passive.
To love someone is to be active - that is masculinity
To be loved, or more specifically, to be grateful - that is femininity
The problem is not so much that girls don't know how to love, it is that girls don't know how to be grateful for what her bf/husband/ or even men in general do for her.
A prototypical example is the feminists. They show absolutely no gratitude towards the sacrifices, innovations, and hard work, that men in general have poured out. And thus they become very unattractive in our eyes.
I think most of us guys would willingly work hard for the girl we care about, IF ONLY she would show gratitude for what we have done.
The disillusionment guys face is that they work so hard for the girl, and the girl is simply unappreciative and starts to complain about other things. Then we think: 'Why bother?' and then we think: 'Ok, whoever puts less effort in the relationship always wins.' And then the downward spiral starts.
A good litmus test to use on girls, is to see if she is grateful for what others do for her. For example, if a waiter provides extra good service, is she grateful or does she just act like a spoiled brat?
I've learned that gratitude is a beautiful character trait and I definitely need to screen girls on this.