Look, alot of good information on this site, i dont think anyone is argueing that. What I dont like, is that this site is about being a DJ or a Don Juan, so why is it being inflitrated by self help guru trash? DJ was a guy who could get girls and it was about his mentality to do that, thats what it should be about, not self improvement. There are so many damn places to get this kind of help, go pick up mens health, or askmen.com, or maxim, its everywhere. This site imo should be about pimpin, not what to eat and how to have the motivation to do crunches, or some ther personal routine. Being a DJ imo is getting a woman period. This site has given me lots of good info esp what pook and antidump and other legends around here have wrote, but to me its seems like some of the people are tainting it with self improvement crap instead of focusing on the sites niche, which is girls. I dont think we need another mens all-in-one self help site. I hate when people keep saying, "its not just about girls", so then work on yourself, if you pee the bed or have anxiey disorder go to a psychiatrist, if you cant walk, go to a physical therapist, if you wanna lose weight, go to Jenny Craig, or whatever and then come here and talk about tips on picking up woman, and what works and what doesnt.