The power of delaying text replies


Don Juan
Nov 14, 2014
Reaction score
Hi fellas, from experience I have come to the conclusion that delaying your text responses and keeping it to an absolute minimum is a tool which allows you to control and lead your relationship successfully, on your terms.

You might think it's such a small and feeble matter which shouldn't play a part in how you lead your relationship. But trust me I have learnt from others and used it and it works wonders.

When you delay your responses, these happens

- She starts wondering what you're up to at that moment
- She examines how you two have left of last you spoke or met and see if there's anything she's said or done to p*ss you off, which in-turn triggers a variety of emotions which can only be a good thing. Remember your goal is to inject as much emotions as possible so you don't become 'boring' in her eyes. Woman love that!!
- Forces her to respond to yours quick so she can 'encourage' you to do the same
- Starts the text with something on offer which you can't refuse
- Portraits you are a valuable man who has a lot on his plate with not much time for text chitchatting (that's for her girlfriends)
- That your don't give a f*ck about what she thinks or does as you control your time regardless

need I go on ...

I am about 2 hrs in before replying back to my GF as I type this ...


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
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I think it's useful if you don't delay them all the time, though. Push-pull.


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2014
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Miami, Florida
You're intentions are noble but your reasons are AFC.
I'll post an example I texted a girl at 6. She replied at 7 and 30 minutes later she replied again and excused herself for the late reply. I then replied at 9, not because I'm trying to gain some inexistent sense of control but because I was busy, she replied within minutes and I did the same. And that is how you do it

Slash Dolo

Senior Don Juan
Feb 25, 2014
Reaction score
Agreed with Danny. If you intentionally delay all your texts she will eventually do the same. It'll take days to plan something.

Delaying them if you don't want to reply at the moment or are busy is a different story, but you need to mix it up. Predictability is bad.


Master Don Juan
Feb 7, 2014
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Might work on BPD damaged goods aged between 18-25 who lack self-confidence.


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
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Not Always...

What if she texts you that she's feeling horny and wants to meet up for some skin slappin fun? Do you delay your message 2 hrs then?


Don Juan
Jun 21, 2014
Reaction score
As others have said, I get back to my gf's texts when I can. Sometimes that will be an hour, sometimes 15 minutes and occasionally I'll be able to respond in minutes.

Don't become predictable.


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
You delay then text her, then she delays, then you get all panicked on why she hasn't responded.

The thing is if you are consciously delaying then that's not much use. Its a tactic but it means she already means something to you, that's why you are delaying.

It may give her the impression that you don't care but if that isn't really the case then you have a problem.

Delay or don't text back because you don't care...Walk away because you don't care. Don't make the threat to walk away if you can't.

Is this what you mean?

Coz later the dude gets all strung up coz she delayed also...


Master Don Juan
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
London, UK
I think you just got to be intelligent about it.

I think if you have to work with text tactics then you are trying too hard. It should be natural.

However, I do agree that randomly ignoring a text and making them send you another the next day/ in a few days is a good way to keep it real.


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2012
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PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
Along this line,

I guarantee you that texting a chick all the time and then going ghost for 4 hours is 100x more effective at enhancing interest level than what OP has done, although both are effective. I have experienced it myself(anny change in behavior=red flag) as well as seen its effects on women. Personally, I don't worry about it...I am naturally a big texter, probably a flaw but oh well if that is enough to destroy IL then I didnt want the girl anyway.
Agree. It's the delta of IL/attention you give her that she will notice to most . If you delay texting her then she thinks that normal. You need push/pull.
Of course that is if she has any interest in you to begin with! If she hasn't then delaying or any other tactics will be useless.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2015
Reaction score
No.Danny said:
You're intentions are noble but your reasons are AFC.
I'll post an example I texted a girl at 6. She replied at 7 and 30 minutes later she replied again and excused herself for the late reply. I then replied at 9, not because I'm trying to gain some inexistent sense of control but because I was busy, she replied within minutes and I did the same. And that is how you do it

"Faking it" doesn't work.


Don Juan
Nov 14, 2014
Reaction score
mikey2012 said:
Agree. It's the delta of IL/attention you give her that she will notice to most . If you delay texting her then she thinks that normal. You need push/pull.
Of course that is if she has any interest in you to begin with! If she hasn't then delaying or any other tactics will be useless.
I feel this needs clarification. If a girl isn't interested in you then she isn't and you move on to the next. This applies to a girl who is and how you successfully manage to keep the mystery and IL high for as long as you can. Problem with most chumps is jumping on to the first text they get and responding back within seconds which makes her wonder is there anything going on in their life other than thinking about her. If you do then you're not a challenge anymore and game is over.

Also another point raised by some soldiers here is the idea of faking it. Well there's a saying 'fake it till you make it'. At the early stages of the relationship she has no idea who you are and what's going on in your life and it's her job trying to find out as much as possible. One way is through calls and texts. What does it tell her about you if you announce everything you do and glued to your phone waiting for her to text?

The fundamental concept of being alpha, even before the text game is to have a purpose in life, a mission a goal which sets you apart from others and a woman is not one of them. On that mindset the texting game comes naturally because you have so many things going on in your life which needs your constant attention and your girl will get a small portion of it at the time of your choosing. You leave the rest when you see her.

The attention you give her maybe short or long depending on the circumstances but never rush to hear from her or give it out willingly at the time of her choosing because then she knows she's in the driver seat. You don't want that.