The Power of A Strong Libido


Senior Don Juan
Sep 16, 2006
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I noticed something....many of the guys that are really good with women...have POWERFUL libidos(they are horny as hell). They're not scared of their maleness. This gives them a HUGE advantage over the rest of the male population. These men approach women without hesitation. In fact these men are so out of control when they approach they don't even think to consider ANY of the possible consequences. They are in touch with their maleness. And the very SIGHT of a HB turns them into HORN DOGS. And because they are so HORNY..they don't feel FEAR(or reason for that matter). Obvisously this type of behavior gets them into trouble. But it also keeps their behavior very MASCULINE. And it does another thing. IT TURNS WOMEN ON.

Instead of letting these bad boys have all the fun. UNDERSTAND HOW THEY ARE SUCCEEDING. They have the advantage of a STRONG libidos. This allows them to approach every women with intensity. The STRONG libido is key. He doesn't worry about rejection because his desire is INTENSE. He's focused....he's determined. You see...because we are MEN...we are SUPPOSED to have POWERFUL libidos. In fact in many's that strong desire that attracts women in the first place.

The problem is that many us use this "ADVANTAGE" the wrong way. Instead of using our STRONG libidos to approach women in a sexual way...instead of using our STRONG libidos to behave masculine around women....we watch amateur porn or the latest episode of MILF HUNTER.

strong like bull

Senior Don Juan
Nov 5, 2002
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theres a great post on the board that elaborates on your subject. its called "Sexuality Projection" and is about gettin' back to the natural order of things. how to identify and harness and build that inner desire and go get what you want.



Master Don Juan
Aug 13, 2005
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I travel
They're not scared of their maleness. This gives them a HUGE advantage over the rest of the male population.
When you get older are physically fit with a stable job, lots of friends and surrounded by attractive women that will fuck you at your convenience but your not quite as horny as you once were (in your early 20's) does that mean your afraid of being a man or your masculinity ???

do other guys really have an advantage over you ?? what advantage do you think they have ??


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2006
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There's a fine line between being passionate and desperate.I believe most of the times women decide if they would have sex with you (im talking about ONS here) before displaying your character at all (only through BL and social proof,and dare i say..looks).The key difference is acting upon it though and that's where "bad boys" stand apart.


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
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I think that certain women are attracted to overt sexuality, and other women are moe attracted to covert sexuality.
If you have other interests, hobbies, puruits, etc, you will be a naturally sexy man that is interesting. You will attract women who like this.
This is a true Don Juan.
If you're just horny all the time, and have nothing on your mind or any other passion other than sex, sure, you will find compatibel women, but what kind of man are YOU?
Which is more preferable in the long run?
What are your goals?

I believe that women are attracted more deeply to men whi are more in CONTROL. This does not mean repressed.
DO not repress your sexuality or desires.
Be disciplined.
You will find women are attracted in amore deeper level and consider you a higher class Man.

Nothing wron with a strong libido, or projecting it.
I believe in Gunwitch's method very much.
Every guy here shoudl take a look into it.
And also Pook's Book.
But you need to understadn yourself. Who are YOU?

Just a "Horny Guy"?
Or something more?

Don't hide YourSELF.
DOn't be a coward in front of a woman.

And don't ever, ever, afraid of expressing your passionate, sexual side to a woman.
If she gives you the signals, go for it. Right?
Natural, right?
Be natural.

Self Discipline.

I've always had a little saying in the back iof my head:

"Always be a Gentleman. But be capable of NOT being a Gentleman. Especially when your Lady doesn't want you to be very Gentlemanly with her."

Meaning, have Self Control, but have the capability of going "caveman" and Manhandling her. This also goes for "putting a woman in her place'.
Which has many meanings behind that phrase. None of which, after careful thought, should be misconstrued as being Misogynistic.
Don't be a Woman Hater.

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
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When I read this for some reason it reminded me of Jeffy's quote

"The hand is banned" :)

Seriously though I've tried this and I'm TOO horny for my own good. I remember wanting to bite this girls ass because it was inches away from my face. Or my all time favorite when I brushed my divk on this girls shoulder and she kept playfully shoving me that way her arm could feel my divk. Man o Man you're going to cause me to Ban the hand again.