I've read the Royal Elite's post about SOB, and this relates to that quite a bit.
When i look back at my encounters, i see that the best results i've ever got (best and most faithful girls) are the one's that were looking to hook up with me before i even considered it.
Dont get me wrong, you cant just expect the woman to approach you, ask you out, kiss you, take your pants off... this isnt how women work ( this is where all the nice guys start crying... this is #1 nice guy's dream)
Women, if they like you WILL GIVE YOU signs, you just need to have a basic understanding of flirting, and recognize when she is giving you positive feedback. (i dont go on IOI like ASF, all that stuff is way too overcomplexed for me..)
Right now i look at general things..
Does she look at me (check me out for a longer period of time) when we first meet?
Does she ask me questions (Does she pull instead of me pushing?)
Does she initiate body contact? (Kino, if you like..)
That is basically it. I do all three, if girl does them back, we are in like flynn
However, you must know when these signs happen and be ready to go for it (take action)..
Nice guys never notice the sign, the woman keeps giving em out but loses interest overtime becuase of no response. = No result
A jerk will not look for the signs and go for it... = No result, or very limited result (sluts)
A good guy sees the sign, and either Goes for it, or TEASES the girl becuase he realized the signs
(not to be overdone)
Simple people. Really simple yet very effective.