The Perfect High School for the Real World


Don Juan
Dec 27, 2009
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I'm going over my old e-mails from College...a buncha study notes and crap and I would say I forgot a good 50 percent of the information I was suppose to retain. That's one of the aspects that sucks about the school system, you study for the grades and vomit everything out after you pass the test.

This is one of the reasons why High School was such a f&*)*^ waste of time, you didnt learn the stuff you were suppose to learn to help you thrive when you get off Mommy and daddy's nest.

Our Public School system blows. All the basics were suppose to learn, we coulda learned it waaay back in Junior high....subjects like basic Math, how to write proper english, basic science. High School in my opinion should be a place to help you succeed with your goals and aspirations.

Let's Make the PERFECT High School Course Requirements thats designed for the real world.....And I'm NOT JUST... talking about classes either...I'm talking about HANDS ON Training.....CLASSES W HANDS ON TRAINING! Here would be mine:


- Time Management 101
- Learning how to budget
- The art of Network Marketing
- How to build a business and Prosper
- different ways to make revenue

People Skills:

- Learnin different cultures
- how to communicate according to one's needs
- A CLASS totally devoted to the ART of building rapport and a sense of connection with others. DEMONSTRATIONS are required.
- Social intelligence 101
- Public Speaking ( this is a big one)
- Talking to strangers and leaving a good impression Club

Hollistic needs:

- Learning basic spiritual principles to be happy
- Learning the art of changing one's state of mind
- Emotional intelligence 101
- A class that inspires them to seek their purpose ( This is a Big One.)


- Basic fitness 101
- COOKING CLASS - nutritious and delicious food


- Football, basketball, soccer, tennis , choir, band, chest, cheerleading, hockey, wrestling, etc AND MANDATORY COMMUNITY SERVICE HOURS.

Again....I would totally focus on THE HANDS ON TRAINING...and watch the students demonstrate atleaast 70 percent of the time instead of wasting time on the overhead projectors.

I believe if The High School system Really devotes their time on these basic areas I've provided, we'd have a more productive generation of kids .

AND.....I'd also keep emphasizing These Basics throughout their four doesn't matter if they're a freshman or senior. The only difference would be the maturity, knowledge and skill level of the courses above.

You might say...that some students needs help learning how to write better english or some might not even know how to add or freakin multiply. But these are stuff they can learn in their own time and there are different agencies we can refer those kids too.

I can assure you that learning these skills, knowledge and traits is faaaaarr more superior and would benefit these kids in the long haul than learnin how to solve a chemistry equation your likely never going to encounter while your in that morning shift.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
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The 7th Dimension
Excellent post.

Also needed is a course of study to teach boys to become men, including a rite of passage of some kind.

Of course, this is dream-world stuff in today's social and political climate, but it's desperately needed.


Don Juan
Dec 27, 2009
Reaction score
I agree.

The Millitary or joining The Coast Guard is a perfect place for that. That's what it did for me.

But even then like you said, everthing is feminize these days including our Millitary. My supervising Non commission officers treated my female colleagues waaay better than me. It sucks.


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2006
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I agree 100%. I considered dropping out of HS and getting my GED, I'm thankful my parents convinced me to stay and get the social experiences, and I dual enrolled in college courses instead. I know I took my state required graduation exams in 10th grade and passed them all and it was all material from years before! If that's the stuff the school system insisted I need to know before graduating why the heck didn't they just let you graduate after passing them.

I walked into a grade school classroom today and saw a lot of new technology that wasn't available to me until college. I'm glad to see classrooms are finally catching up and getting away from the overhead projectors (well at least the transparencies), but I don't understand how we have new ipods and TV's coming out every few months, but technology in the classroom takes at least a decade to change. I suppose it has something to do with budget cuts. It's a real shame.

I'll make sure I devote time to extra education at home with my kids and have them dual enrolled in college while they are in high school

J. Darko

Senior Don Juan
Nov 11, 2009
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I understand how you feel about the school system. Now school's almost over, I feel lost and helpless in the big bad world too. But to be honest, you do learn these things in school.

For example, rom day 1 in school, you noticed how there were popular kids and unpopular kids. You noticed what popular kids do, how they behave, what their rewards were and what they accomplished. If you stayed unpopular for all these years, it means that you refused to learn how to build a network, how to communicate with people and how to increase your social intelligence. While the ''books'', the popular kids were always there to study.

You see, it's not only the school system that determines what a student learns. It's also the student. Social skills are a part of the school system, but not every student is willing to take that course. ;)


Don Juan
Mar 22, 2010
Reaction score
Math, science, english, etc. Are all important even if you don't plan on going into a field that requires a heavy amount of it.