Most of the pickup community is overcompensating. If you’ve ever observed cool guys who get girls, they are usually relaxed and chill. There’s no “I’m the prize” thought process in their heads.Sure, I know the theory, but I just can't help but poke holes in it, because a lot of this PUA stuff always sounds like high school drama to me. Especially since biology doesn't seem to back up Pook's assertation that "I am the great prize to be won". Women are the choosers, men come to them. We r of the approach them and get approved or rejected. It reminds me of what Mystery used to tell his students: "We're all tens". Okay, he's trying to psych them up. But I don't believe in tens. And the fact is, men see most women as desirable, but women see most men as unattractive (there is research to back this up).
Certainly you must be self assured when approaching women. To do otherwise is suicide. Men must be rocks of stability. But I've never felt the need to tell myself that my value was greater than anyone else's in order to communicate or compete with someone.
Usually when I am on the top of my game, I’m not walking around thinking I’m the prize. I’m usually just really enjoying myself. Women see it and I’m able to enjoy the moment with them.
When you are genuinely high value, there’s no need to psych yourself up with the “I and the prize” mindset. Truly high value people simply seek connections with people on their wavelength.
If your excuse for having to psych yourself up is because women do it then you are reacting. You are no better than the female 5s who think they are the prize.
Really high value people have zero need for any form of overcompensation.