I love how your solution to every mans issue with women is to go to the gym, get a nice haircut and buy better clothing and a better paying job.
Actually, its not a solution for their "issue with women," but a solution with "the issue with themselves." Once they get their act together, they'll no longer have to work for women, and all they'll have to do is actually meet them and give them a chance to get to know them.
And just going out and talking to them isnt much of a solution for them if they dont know what to say, how to say
it, and how to keep things fun and interesting.
Honestly, the guys i know who are the most successful with chicks talk to them the same exact way they talk to their buddies, with the same kind of charisma, excitement, confidence, etc. The guys who talk to women as if they're something special get nowhere. Now, you have to be charismatic before you can act that way with anyone, but that's when taking care of your life comes in. Once you do that, charisma, confidence, etc develop on their own. They're natural.
I know plenty of guys PLENTY who look good, have perfect bodies, drive the best cars etc and absolutely suck with women! They have no inner game!
They have no conversation skills, they have huge egos which is a result of poor self esteem
Sounds like they should get their inferiority complexes looked at. I think that studying seduction is the LAST thing they should be doing
Information helps people. If a guy is insecure, clingy and socially inept do you think his nice body and designer clothes are going to help him when he's out on his date?
No, but they won't damage him. "Seduction techniques" will. If he's got a good life, all he has to do is be himself and he'll do great!
Telling people to not read books
Books are incredibly important, but not hollow seduction ebooks. REAL books, on philosophy, psychology, finance, history, etc.
telling them to upgrade themselves with a better job and a better body is like telling a drug abuser to quit doing drugs but take up gambling
Not a really valid analogy
Gambling is damaging, while a healthy body and a great career are just the opposite.
I've been on this earth 40 years and have been out with close to 300 women and I can see things that work and dont and just having nice material and physical attributes is good but its only 1/3 of the pie! 1/3rd!!
Tell us about the other 2/3