The One.


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2016
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Yes, make sure your ideas are always subordinated to your instincts. Ideas are fallible, instincts are what make you you. All of us have a deep down desire for 'the one' even if we don't admit it. The age-old ideal of Unity still reverberates within the soul.

Yet we don't live in the past, so some armor [game... amor/amour] may be required for your relations with women. Sadly, they are no longer the fair maidenly creatures they once were [just as we are no longer chivalrous] but have shape-shifted, with the desert of the times, into voracious wild beasts.

Avuncular Advice

Learn to develop rustic tastes -
Not overly refined,
[why ask of art totality,
Which is religion’s line]
Nor the dumbed-down pleasure of brutes –
To make existence kind.

Neither a bookworm nor dunce be
But keep a leisured read,
For sturdy bookends of the mind
When life’s emotion bleeds;
A canonical companion
When comes the quiet need.

Neither monk nor socialite be,
Enjoy your solitude,
Think then act, and never react,
And never be a prude;
Enjoy with friends some merriment,
Don't sit alone and brood.

Make sure to balance faith and doubt
By which to what we bind;
Where instincts flow to natural ends
There doubtlessly allied,
While labyrinthine thought will wind
Through fabricated mind.

Last, considering ambition,
Your goal on God’s green earth;
Whether the pursuit of happiness,
Or of a humble hearth...
With a cultivated garden
And some domestic mirth.


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2013
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I believe the origins are part of Greek mythology, old a** fairytales if you will.

Funny though, I was at a buddy's bday party last night and there was a guy that was there with his newly acquired fiancé. He admitted he finally found the 1, he said it a couple times. His girl just smiled and didn't say a word.

I just acknowledge it and chuckled/cringed in my head. He didn't say soulmate but came pretty damn close to it. He's in his mid 30's, you'd be surprised how many grow men believe in the fallacy of it.


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2015
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There is no ONE.. I am not saying that out of cynicism. You will meet people you connect with, some you will feel able to form a deep emotional bond with (if you are capable of it, not everyone is). There is no relationship that doesn't require work though. Just because she might be your ONE now doesn't mean she will be in a year.

The idea of your perfect soulmate waiting for you is limiting. It discourages commitment. "Although I like her and we have fun she isn't quite the ONE, NEXT"
I am not arguing for or against commitment.
I think it also takes the power away from men when they believe they have found the one. They would not do anything to risk losing her and that fear takes away the ability to make the best choices. Also people think because they have found their one that the other person has found theirs.

I also think if you are attractive and charming you will be other people's ONE more often than the short fat neck beard.