The One you should love forever!

Hot Ice

Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2002
Reaction score
I’ve read lot’s of stuff you guys think that you should find a person you love for sex.
I let you inside of my head for a moment. Feel Welcome.

What is the One?
The One is truckload of bull****.
It's against nature. Let me explain.

In history, time called The Enlightment started it all.
Men started to think as individuals. Now alone that's a good thing.
We started to think that instead of killing/permanently injuring criminals we should cure them.
A human life started to have value social wise. We needed every man to work for society. If you weren't important to society you were piece of sh*t. Even more piece of sh*t than before. It’s still that in these days too. If you have no job you are worth nothing. If you can’t serve society as a slave, you are nothing. Now when we add couple of historical things to this fact e.g. Romanticism, basic human rights, equality, work getting more easy, media, capitalism, globalization… There are really many things that lead to this point in history that lead to this point and the fact we are here on sosuave. I think men were still common in the times of WW2, but not much after that.
I think you got my point here. It’s not our fault that we might have false thoughts in our mind we have been brainwashed with.

Face the facts!
The ideals of Feminism are in the head of every woman you see!
And even more scarily, in the head of every man you see!
It's a chick thing to manipulate and poison mind of a man to commit to just a one woman which is more biologically beneficial to women!
Females, they are not used to handle power. Throughout the history it’s been Mans duty to do!
Now when they finally have the power, they destroy themselves!

I've never had so-called chick thing as "meaningful sex".
(I think that's what you do when you love your partner, right ladies?)
Making love to the One you love… aaawwwwwww!! How cute is that!
I’ve always had those casual sex partners.
You know, I've never had a real girlfriend.

Loving someone is great and having sex with a person you love could be really great.
But everywhere (INCLUDING HERE!) people get the whole love thing so wrong. I know because I was once like some of you... "I would never have sex with someone I don't love".
At least deep inside you KNOW it’s just crap that society and grannies have taught to you!

I just have this warm feeling right now because I know I've reached the natural state of a human- being in me.
The only females I love and really try to love are my mother (because she is a really sweet and caring person! That’s why.) and Mother Nature! I do not 'seek' for love. It's not natural human behaviour! You seek to be loved more likely. That's what most of you guys confuse. Love is something you feel (feeling is lame word for that, it's beyond it) towards someone even if you don't have anything back! Now most of you seek 'to be loved' that is just a combination of insecurity and lust. Hear me here. Love isn't something you go and search from clubs at weekends. First comes a relationship then comes love, in case you really achieve it at all. I can honestly say I love everything in this world, even a group of thugs that try to steal my money. (I might be just like them in different environment. They could be just like me in different environment.) Love is confused with desire. I don't desire a bum even if I love his smelly ass! It's hard to explain. In the future I will find a woman I truly love. That's for sure. And I will find someone I commit to the rest of my life. No problem. But I don't go out and seek her now. It happens when it's supposed to happen. You all have time to find her. Believe me. You will find your love when you are ready for it!

Sex and love are totally two different things. They are not tied together.
Real love is something you do forever. No matter what happens. That's true love.
Most of people never love someone like that.
People are fooled to believe they love something.
It's just a strong emotional bond they think it is love.

So you ask me about sex…
Ever noticed when you've masturbated while watching a porn flick that after you have your climax, all the excitement towards the porn is gone. It may even be disgusting to you afterwards. That's what chemistry does to you. The desire is just chemicals in your body that make you feel funny so you have to react somehow to it. It's nature's way to keep us reproducing. Do you think you would desire sex so much if your level of those chemicals was as low as after having a satisfaction? I bet it wouldn't be so much in your mind all the time!
What I'm saying here is that sexuality is a basic function of a human being. It's like desire to eat when you are hungry. It's so natural thing.

As I feel it's so natural thing to do, I don't feel that I should do it with someone I love. It's just my natural urge of reproducing. I just want to keep my body thinking I'm like the largest gorilla in a group of monkeys and I spread my genes everywhere. Now when society is in the way I can't really do it, but I still like it going around where I like spreading my seed everywhere (wearing a rubber between, though :p)! I like the idea of sex as a natural thing to do and just expressing your sexuality.

Of course taking love (which has nothing to do with sex) in it would be a great experience. That's maybe the reason many people want a relationship. So they could be more emotionally tied with their sexual partner.

Now here comes the question!
Have you always dreamed of being between sheets and having sex with one person you truly love???


I thought so…

For me it's called masturbation!!
Maybe you get more fulfilled if you learn to truly love yourself first so there is always a person you truly love in bed.
For me it's enough! And I bet it would be enough for you to have one person you truly love in bed too.

Once you get truly in love to the person you are, you have found the One you have a love story with till the end of your life. That brings happiness along. Including success, women, adventure… whatever you want!
The journey begins within.

The Worlds greatest masters, gurus of life, spiritually enlighted people who are developed mentally have found everything looking deep inside them. They do not look it from outside e.g. religions.
Because God (or whatever you want to call it) is in everyone of us. A human-being is amazing creature that is like a God himself. But the power lies within. It’s no use to search it outside.

You must not seek happiness from outside or of someone (like the One).
It’s found closer than you ever imagined.
This isn’t taught commonly because most people just don’t get it or don’t want to get it.
Capitalism plays a big part in it too. Big bucks are in things that people think that make them happy.
Remember that I do not say that you should throw all your things away and go live to a nearest mountain in Tibet.

But once you learn to truly love yourself and listen to yourself you get everything you’ve always wanted.
There is nothing bad to do things that are good to you.
Start from small things. End up what ever you want.

- Hot Ice


Don Juan
Sep 27, 2003
Reaction score
Your post was way too long, I'm not going to dignify it by reading all of it, instead, I'm going to tell you about my day. No, I'm not going to even give you the pleasure of that. Take your pseudo-intellectualism and long-winded speeches to someone who wants to sit and wade through a river of crap.


Hot Ice

Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by DYDevotee
Your post was way too long, I'm not going to dignify it by reading all of it, instead, I'm going to tell you about my day. No, I'm not going to even give you the pleasure of that. Take your pseudo-intellectualism and long-winded speeches to someone who wants to sit and wade through a river of crap.

mmm.. cute.
You know I love you.


Don Juan
Nov 14, 2003
Reaction score
I am not trying to start a flame war, or to belittle you, but you are 18, your life experience is minimal. I don't think you can give any advice regarding "love" until you have actually experienced the real world.


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Squid
I am not trying to start a flame war, or to belittle you, but you are 18, your life experience is minimal. I don't think you can give any advice regarding "love" until you have actually experienced the real world.
I am not going to start a flame war either, but you have 1 post, either you are:
- or -


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
The one you should love forever should be your mother.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
Originally posted by Squid
I am not trying to start a flame war, or to belittle you, but you are 18, your life experience is minimal. I don't think you can give any advice regarding "love" until you have actually experienced the real world.
yes, well i have almost 1000 posts, and i agree with Squid.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
Reaction score
At home
Im with Cold Fire


Senior Don Juan
Mar 25, 2002
Reaction score
Mmm, Hot Ice has a point, but a pretty one-sided one, if you ask me.

I don't think there is any such thing as true love. As I see it, it is simply the case of mental attraction combining with physical attraction. Nothing real about it, as it can change any minute.

It does seem however, that Hot Ice is looking at this purely from the side of physical attraction and is completely ignoring the aspect of mental attraction.

I do agree that happiness is something that ought to come from the inside (though i find it curious that Hot Ice uses this as an excuse for random fvcking around, and even cites gurus, who traditionally live lives of celibacy, to back up his point). As much as I hate to quote other posters on this forum, something George Gordon said elsewhere on the forum recently is interesting:

Do you think I’m talking about exactly the same thing as you are? The impression I had about marriage before I started my quest was that man and woman are united together in the sense that they owned each other. There’s some element of possessing each other. That want of control or power. Ridiculous. Something I disagree with SO strongly now. Everybody’s a stranger leading their own life yet we meet others and share ourselves, sometimes, like marriage, we make commitments to each other; however we do not cease to be our own person free to explore as we please—there interjects an certainty of respect for that person, that is all. No one can be truly known.
The thing about most people's idea of love is that of some kind if unison, they expect the other part to make them whole. I prefer to be a whole being on my own.
However, there is no ignoring the fact that certain people in your lfie do tend to inspire you to growth, earn your respect for reflecting positive qualities that you would like to see in yourself. And sometimes, these are attractive women, and your reptilian brain injects the notion 'vow, I want to fvck that!' and tadaaa:

"This must be true love!"

Well, not really if you ask me, but it might just be healthy for you, if you know how to handle it.

On the other hand, there is also the very realistic consideration (for me anyway) that the Buddha had the right idea and that women (not by definition, but by definition of of our attraction to them) at the end of the day are merely another obstacle towards true self-realisation, in which case I might just shave my head and become a monk. Oh well. Plenty of time to find out. :D


Don Juan
Nov 14, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by MVPlaya
I am not going to start a flame war either, but you have 1 post, either you are:
- or -
What exactly would I be scared of? Knowledge comes from experience, how can you possibly be an expert on relationships and "true love" at 18.


Master Don Juan
Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
3rd rock from the sun
Why the age descrimination?

Some kids have a keen sense of rhythm and melody prior to taking music classes. They are geniuses.

How can you critise something when you have not read it? Why judge a book by it's cover?

Don't hassle a 18 yr old concerning his opinion about true love when he could have gained insight by having discussions with much older folks.


Jun 4, 2003
Reaction score
World of enlightenment
Shut the fvck up Squid.

First off, your logic is flawed...

Your one of those people that would say to a kid, " You can't do college level math, you are just a kid," when in fact there are kids that CAN do that kind of math... because they are gifted and use other things besides experiences.

Dumb asses like you think.... KNOWLEDGE is EXPERIENCE.... whent here are many different ways of getting knowledge and experience is just one of them.

I've grown up with people like you that think somebody's input is invalid because of their age. Fvck you.
Children are smarter than adults in so many ways.
Sit down and let kids teach there lessons on love and they will use more of their minds than adults.


Don Juan
Nov 14, 2003
Reaction score

First off, I didn't post on this thread to start attacking anyone, unlike yourself. There have been some good points made on this thread, too bad you take away some of the validity of yours by acting like an a$$. Make your points without the name calling and hostility, it will have a greater effect.

I'm not saying anyone here is full of sh**, I was just trying to make a point that some people here seem to have their mind set on things when they haven't really had a chance to experience them. I read posts like "marriage is afc, or stupid" from people who have never even experienced it.

Let me give you an example of what I meant, I loved motorcylces as a kid, I read about them, watched racing on tv, even played the video games. When I first went out to the race track, I knew the theory inside out on how to lean around the turns. Guess what, when I took the bike out the first time, it was scary as hell. My knowledge helped me out alot, so I picked it up faster than if I was unprepared, but doing it the first time was nothing like reading and watching. Do you get what I am saying?

Some of you guys are a lot further ahead than I was at your age, I admit that, but you need things to happen to you before you truly know what the experience feels like. If I made the impression that I was saying "your just a dumb kid" I apologize, that is not the point I was trying to make.


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2003
Reaction score
i know im probably wrong but i still enjoy believing in stuff like connections, love, the one, and all the other unprovable stuff people spout to give life some kind of meaning aside from what science can prove is just "chemicals".

remember that just because you know the truth doesnt make you a happy person.

overanalysis and philosophy will bring you heartache and pain.

tis so ture that ignorance is bliss. from time to time i love to decieve myself:D

educate yourself to a certain point in the ways that will make you happy (i.e. how to be a man and a DJ) but try to stear clear of becoming to extentialistic and science-based.

remember that we cant explain everything in life and theres some room somewhere for the unexplained whatever that may be.

i like to wonder and experiment and try out new ideas and thoughts without being held by the laws of physics alone.


Don Juan
Nov 2, 2003
Reaction score
Well Squid.

He said that he had no real girlfriend.

He kinda tried to give his own definition of love in his post.

And some young person might have more experience than older with thought from the outside, especially with love, because people seem to be crazy when apparently under it ;-)

Love is like the Matrix. A lot of people have different opinion about it!? ;-) Whetever I won't do too much of a parallel there.

Our philosophy might change.

Some people will begin by thinking, I will go with only one person and love that someone, and then end up the other way. And some other will have ****load of ****, then end up in wanting only one person.

But if her is 18 and have been dealing with relation around him, by himself, living it, feeling it, thinking about it since 5 years. And you are 30 but did that only 4 years. Who has the most experience?

And the people who used to die at 20-30, our ancestor... they never knew about love?

You can claim someone is unexperienced, etc. But do not make too much fast assumption. And maybe he is not even 18! Maybe he just put a random number. Maybe he is 14. Maybe he is 30.

Maybe I think too much, but you should also think a little before make such comment ;-)

It is like adult that say to youngster "you will understand when you be older", when in fact those adults just do not want to EXPLAIN IT. You are acting the same way, but are not correcting him or make it clear what you are trying to say or what is your viewpoint on it, if you are so mature about it.


Don Juan
Nov 14, 2003
Reaction score
You know MickoZ, I think you'r right. I re-read this post and realize that when I first posted, I was thinking "I'm 32 and I still am not sure about anything, how can this guy know". Obviously that wasn't a fair assessment, you know how it is, old people always think their right;)


Don Juan
Nov 2, 2003
Reaction score
No matter how smart we think we are, we all made false presumption and that is why a lot of guy are coward with chicks, etc.

That is also why some people here probably "hated" your comment ;-)

But I remember too much the person who have told me "you will understand later, you are too young, etc." that my opinion back then have not changed much on those subject and they just tried to put themself on another level when in fact they were not that much on an higher level, however... ;-)

Glad you are back on the right track grandpa Squid!!!! =P


Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2002
Reaction score
That's not such a bad post. I don't think too much about "the one" which is probably a good thing but i seriously do think i have found her and i think she very well could be the person i am going to marry. I could be wrong but if we are seeing each other in a couple of years time i'm proposing to her. :)

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Originally posted by Hot Ice
I’ve read lot’s of stuff you guys think that you should find a person you love for sex.
We do?:confused: ? You've read lot's of stuff HERE about that???!!! Exactly where? I don't think that there is too much of that around here, at least not for anyone that's not looking for LTRs.