The "Once a day challenge" Who's with me!?


Senior Don Juan
Jul 10, 2007
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Here's the deal: The "Once a day challenge" is meant to force myself to break my barriers and exit my comfort zone. I've noticed that one of my main issues is that I lack motivation to do anything. I have all these ideas of grandeur, but in the end, I'm not that motivated. Sure, I'll do some all-day activities, sure I'll do some sports, I'll try new things, etc., but I often feel like I lack a lot of motivation for many things. For example:

When I'm at home, I lack motivation to be productive and do productive things, such as study, read, draw, write... Instead, all I do is play video games.

When I'm outside, I lack motivation to approach, instead I create excuses as to why I didn't this one time and how next time will be the right one.

When I want to do a long-term project (learn an instrument for example) I also often lack motivation and give up very quickly.

Regarding my social circle, I also lack a certain motivation. Yes I often see my friends, but it's always the same ones. I hardly ever see my friends from work because I don't feel like organizing anything with them.

So I decided to create this challenge to try and change my habits a bit. Already I've improved so much compared to 2-3 years ago (I used to be a pure couch potato, now at work I'm known as the guy with a thousand different and exciting hobbies), but I still feel like I procrastinate way too much. The challenge consists of making a list of everything I want to do but always lack motivation to do, whether at home, a long-term project, approaches to do in the street, a full-day activity, etc.

So here is where you guys come in play. If you're interested, everyone make your own personal list, like I just did. I split it in two sections, what I want to avoid to do, and what I can do instead. The latter is re-split into different sections. Then, we can always take ideas from each other's list. If not, feel free to make suggestions that I can add to my own list. The goal is to always force myself to do at least one thing from the list each day, until it becomes second nature to me. Finally, if you decide to join in, feel free to post your progress!

What I want to avoid
Fairly simple here, only one aspect: Video games

What I can do instead
At home
  1. Draw
  2. Paint
  3. Work on my novel
  4. Read
  5. Staff spinning
  6. Study
  7. Play chess
  8. Play an instrument (related to long-term project)

To escape home
  1. Go for a walk
  2. Go for a bike ride/roller-blade ride
  3. Go to a public area (e.g.: Library, coffee shop)

Full-day activity
  1. Go for a hike
  2. Snowboard
  3. Kayak

Outside home
  1. Cold approach
  2. Yoga
  3. Climb

Social life
  1. Organize one-on-one hang-outs with various friends
  2. Organizer small social gatherings with many friends

Long-term project
  1. Learn to play the violin


Senior Don Juan
Nov 4, 2009
Reaction score
Hey dude that's a great idea. Hope it works out for you.


New Member
Oct 8, 2011
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I'm with you dude!

Here goes:

What I want to avoid

1. Video games
2. Doing stuff unproductive in general

What I can do instead

At home

1. Read
2. Practice DJing (As in DiscJockeying)
3. Learn to cook good food
4. Keep the house clean
5. Socialize on social media

To escape home

1. Go jogging
2. Go to the gym
3. Go to a public area (e.g.: Library, coffee shop, malls...)(to hit on chicks)
4. Go to a friend
5. Get some fresh clothes and accessories (something I'm lacking on right now)

Full-day activity

1. Go for a really long bike trip

Outside home

1. Cold approach
2. Football
3. Gym

Social life

1. Organize one-on-one hang-outs with various friends
2. Organizer small social gatherings with many friends
3. Approach girls more

Long-term project

1. Become a better DJ everyday (diskjockey)
2. Start going to the gym on a regular basis
3. Get girls
4. Take control of my life
Last edited:


New Member
Oct 9, 2011
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What I want to avoid
Playing video games
Spending entire weekends with my friends just sitting around and doing nothing in particular (this is what gets to me most)

What I can do instead
Work harder on studying
Go to clubs and parties more often
Focus on my Jiujitsu

To escape home
Go shopping or just walking around in public spaces

Outside home
Cold approach

Social life
Organizer small social gatherings with many friends
Become a part of the party and club scene in my city (something i really need to do)

Long-term project
Learn to play the piano
Build a better body


Senior Don Juan
Jul 10, 2007
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Buddha_Mind said:
So what is the "once a day" part? You pick one of these activities to do once a day?

Ever hear of this? You might enjoy:

"Benjamin Franklin's Thirteen Values"

There is no doubt it is this method of thinking that underpins many many successful people.
Very nice read! I liked the values!

And yeah, basically, whenever you have free time, pick one of the things to do. It's really that, a list of alternative to procrastination.


Don Juan
Sep 9, 2009
Reaction score
Shivastorm this is a great idea; do you happen to be in Denver/Boulder?

HouseIsAFeeling - I like your style man so I'm going to copy and paste

What I want to avoid

1. Video games
2. Randomly surfing the internet

What I can do instead

At home

1. Read
2. Keep the house clean
3. Build/fix stuff

To escape home

1. Go for a walk
2. Go to a public area
4. Go to a friend

Full-day activity

1. Hike
2. Snowboard
3. (Hrmm have to research this more)

Social life

1. Organize one-on-one hang-outs with various friends
2. Organizer small social gatherings with many friends
3. Approach girls more