The Official Boot Camp Results Thread


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2006
Reaction score
Week 1:
51/50 "Hi"s to random people

Week 2:
9/10 convos with strangers

Week 3:
7/10 convos with girls

stopped at week 3, school ended Im keeping week 3 goign for a while, just going to keep talkign to girls, on monday Im goign to a language school in Toronto, Canada, will go and talk to the hottest ones and make FRIENDS with them, ima be there for around a month, I'll see what progresses from there my intentions will be makign friends with them at first (by this I dont mean acting afc) see what happens and probably game the ones I like after, I will also be goign out with my friend a lot and I will do some cold approaches while Im with him


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2007
Reaction score
Week 1:
50/50 Hi's
Week 2:
10+/10 Convos
Week 3:
10+/10 Convos
Weeks 4:
5/10 Number Denials (havent gone out in a while.)


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2007
Reaction score
I just got 3 more number denials, 1 was a 2-set.
This is the HB6/HB7 Group
ME: Hey, you guys come here often?(Refering to Ritas Water Ice)
Them: Why do you ask that?
ME: It shows, just kidding. (I didnt smile or laugh, just a straight face.)
Them: Yea... ok...
ME: So can I get some numbers?
Them: No, your an A**hole.(Only one replied but i'm guessing neither were interested.)

Then I saw an HB7.5
Me: Heyyyy, whats up?
Her: Hi! Do I know you?
Me: Well I was going to ummmmm....
Her: (Just waits for a response as I look at the ground and go ummm)
Me: Like your kinda nice sooo...
Her: Ok... I gotta go so like, see you later...ok?
Me: Number.
Her: Oh, sorry I have a BF...
Me: Ok good. Bye.

Second one felt awkward b/c she wasnt trying to be rude and I knida felt bad about it so I tried to end it quick. 2 more for me.


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2007
Reaction score
Tommorow Night i'm finishing my number denials, how is everybody else doing?


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2007
Reaction score
Done my denials, taking a weekend to chill with some girls i'v epicked up and starting week 5(?) monday. How is everybody else doing?


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2006
Reaction score
holy crap I love Toronto, Im at this internationa language school atm, lots of international studes and GOD, I havent really been "gaming" like playing the field, but no kidding I got got so many girls interested in me, and canadians genealy like me too :p this girl at is all over me and Im working on my confortabilit around girls and Im getti g pretty confortable now, its awesome, only did 1 approach so far and the girls were 15 and I didnt even approach, itwas my friend but I got into the conversation, anyways the whole body language thing does wonders, most girls are interested, gotta work on the moving foward part, atm theres this girl who Ive been teasing a lot and shes always acting pissy at me bt then shell kiss me (on the cheek) and yesterday she came from behind and kissed my cheek when I wasnt looking, so yeah things are pretty good :p


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2007
Reaction score
Yo, I think i'm going to be finished bootcamp, I don't need it anymore, the dates are easy for me so i'm finished!


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2006
Reaction score
man, I dunno if I need this but I already madeout with 2 chicks in less than a week and I have like 4 all over me, so yeahh Im prety confortable with chicks now and also I got 1 rejection if thta counts


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2007
Reaction score
GJ, yea from this point on now I think we are both g2g.


Don Juan
Jun 21, 2007
Reaction score
N. Andover
I'm Committed.

For the past few days, ive been working on generally improving my life. Yesterday I took out a notebook and wrote the first entry of a journal. I pretty much summed up the main point of my first entry in this sentence:

"I have wasted most of my time in recent years on unfurfilling pursuits (T.V. videogames, etc.). Today this ends."

I committed to spend this entire week without playing one single minuite of any videogames, starting 12:00 yesterday (Sunday). So far, i've had more free time than I could ever imagine; time for doing constructive things, like homework, exercise, guitar, etc.

The way I see it, this is the perfect time for me to join the Boot Camp. If I don't make changes now, it is only going to be harder for me later. I've done my reading, dutifully ignored my suggested music :D , and I am ready to commit to my new life without regret.

I'll be doing my eye contact and hello's mostly at my school. Most of the people there are strangers to me so i'll have plenty of "subjects." I might try to go to the mall this weekend, but that place is starting to really bore me. Anyone have any interesting places they like to go for this stuff? I just got my license, and the car will be avaliable this weekend so I really need to expand my horizons.


Don Juan
Jun 21, 2007
Reaction score
N. Andover
Alright Gents,

My first week is ending early. I dont think I ever really had trouble with eye contact, since ive been working on that ever since I joined the forum. Eye contact and casual hellos are not a big deal for me, so I didn't even keep track this week.

Conversations, on the other hand, are a different story. After doing the second week's reading, I've realized that im a rambler. I'm so nervous about converstaions that I just spill my guts over the poor HB's I talk to.

The reason my week is ending early is because I have a bunch of parties this weekend for halloween, so I want to take advantage of it by working on more intense Boot Camp. I'm committing myself to introducing myself to every stranger I meet at these three parties. After this weekend, I'll get my remaining convos (if any) in lunch lines at school, after school, etc.

I've been really frustrated lately, because in this process I can finally see how much I've cut myself off from the world. I just need to stop taking myself so seriously. Lifes a rollercoaster; I can be scared in the dips and loops, or I can enjoy it. Why am I afraid?


Don Juan
Oct 5, 2007
Reaction score
good point on not taking life so seriously. that my short term goal.

week one complete with 50/50 hi's and with 2 minutes to spare. (i start at 6:30 every friday)

awesome week, week 2 seems so intense!


Master Don Juan
May 13, 2004
Reaction score
Just reading your posts is inspiring guys. It reminds me of when I did my first boot camp when I was 17. Thanks and keep up the good work.


Don Juan
Jun 21, 2007
Reaction score
N. Andover
Ok if this was millitary bootcamp, the drill seargant would make me do pushups until my arms fell off. But I really don't care.

I'm doing this "to my own tune," as they would say. I never took the 50 eye contacts seriously, and while I did talk to plenty of (beautiful) strangers at those halloween parties, I probably would have anyways.

I've found that I really don't need to concously open to girls and as long as I am social with the acquantances I already have, the oppertunities pretty much come to me. My problem was not that I wasn't attractive, it was just that I was hiding my attractiveness with dreary clothes and an equally dreary attitude. But now that I'm actually "breaking down my wall" as Pink Floyd would say, I don't need to work to get women.

This program is lacking intensity for me, but this thread is giving me a good outlet for my feelings as I improve myself on my own terms; using the bootcamp as guidance. I'm kinda feeling like I need a little intensity in my life, so I'll do the cold approach for week three tomorrow in school, and this weekend i'll start working on my rejections.

While for most of my rejections I'll put in a little more effort, im thinking one should be extremley blunt --> "You're hot. Can I have your number?"

Who knows, it might work, and if not, it'll at least make a good story... :D


New Member
Dec 3, 2007
Reaction score
Good evening gents!

I'd like to briefly share why i decided to take part in the bootcamp:

I spent the last 20 years being the nice guy it worked alright for me but 4 weaks ago my long term girlfriend broke my heart by wanting to have a "break" so I decided thats enough. I have most of my life sorted really apart from the social / girls thing - I hope by doing this bootcamp i can push my boundries and become a more social person.

I have so far had 3 His only one of which was with a girl. I am a natural introvert so i am finding it extremely difficult to talk to people. However i really want to make this through as i think it will greatly benefit me.

I shall try to get at least 20 his tommorow and i will not come back home from uni until i have them.


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2007
Reaction score
Sevs said:
Good evening gents!

I'd like to briefly share why i decided to take part in the bootcamp:

I spent the last 20 years being the nice guy it worked alright for me but 4 weaks ago my long term girlfriend broke my heart by wanting to have a "break" so I decided thats enough. I have most of my life sorted really apart from the social / girls thing - I hope by doing this bootcamp i can push my boundries and become a more social person.

I have so far had 3 His only one of which was with a girl. I am a natural introvert so i am finding it extremely difficult to talk to people. However i really want to make this through as i think it will greatly benefit me.

I shall try to get at least 20 his tommorow and i will not come back home from uni until i have them.
The "Hi's"o go quicker if you're standing up straight, looking up, and smiling. Get used to that and it'll be no problem.


Don Juan
Dec 11, 2007
Reaction score

This Boot Camp looks great. I started last night/today I guess you could say by reading Week 1 and planning to get hi's at school today. I was pumped. I thought it would be fun and easy. Wow, I was wrong. I went walking around the school in the busy hallways, trying to get myself to say hi to even one person and I couldn't do it. I was worried it would be seen as stupid, gay, awkward or weird. Additionally, I seem to blush a lot whenever I do something social so that makes it even more awkward. Something I noticed in the hallways between classes since there are so many people in them, is how would you even get a "hi"? People are rushing to their classes, so I find it hard to think about doing that, but at the same time I want to. I know a suggestion might be go out somewhere and do the hi's, but the school in my opinion is where most of the socializing will/would happen. I do plan to go out next Friday night but that is the beginning of my second week which by then I need my 50 hi's and right now I am at zero!

Any suggestions? The reading really helped my views change last night, I just really need to put them to focus and get out there and do it.


Don Juan
Dec 11, 2007
Reaction score
yo what up?

so this boot camp is EXACTLY what i've been lookin 4. the nice guy thing is pretty much me...i always wondered y i got the rejections, the ansawers, and the never getting called backs lol. but now that i read the week 1 stuff i get it now. i got 6-8 hi's today and about 3-5 pretty fine grls to say hey 2 me first b4 i said anything 2 them. lookin in the eyes rlly i usually look @ their mouths when they talk. and lookin in the eyes makes like a kind of weard connection....i cant rlly explain it even with my girl---friends, (femail friends) but yeah me and someone800 r having a competetion...the one who finishes each weeks objectives first has bragging rights for that week, so its a kind of modivation for us.