The eurythaycin thing (spelling can never be arse* to memorize it).
Is expensive yes, it is hard to come by, yes.
Is it worth it, YES.
Now the cream on the link lasts easy around 4-5 months you only need a few drops if mixing in with jojobo oil and BP, remember your using 3 products, so even if you wanted to use loads, you cant, you can only apply so much cream, so at worse if used like a nutter, it will still last 3months miniumum +.
I dont know where to get it from, sorry, i just know it WORKS and with BP and jojobo it works for virtually EVERYONE who as tried it.
Face washes are not a cure.
The face wash can reduce bacteria.
This is a model of bacteria.
bacteria multiplies every 10mins, 1 become 2, 2 become 4, 4 become 8, this multiplication happens every 10mins, so yu can imagine after an hour + the bacteria as almost all come back.
Creams that work on bacteria that cause spots, work overnight and reduce the bacteria even further, that a face wash can not.
Also face washes even branded ones contain other chemicals that irratate the skin.
you have to keep in mind the companys that sell these products are about MAKING MONEY, so they want people to use there products, if they produced a line of chemicals that worked, they would not make money after the first application, so think about it.
The best products are:
jojobo oil, cheap free.
this is available at ALMOST ALL HEALTH SHOPS, or on the internet
BP, which is the main acne fighting cream, think OXY 10 e.t.c This stuff as been proven to work for a very long time.
Erythamycin, stops the bacteria from being able to feed and this mutliply, so the bacteria on the face cant reproduce, so after a few applications the bacteria is left open for BP to totally finish the rest.
Now, internet is a great tool a powerful tool, use it and you may find these items in your area cheap.
As for VitB5 10mg is upto to take, i take 1MG only, my face is clear.
Also i NEED TO use all 3 combined to fully clear me, but even jojobo a face wash and BP is mostly all i need, if i want to be 100% clear i use all 3.
Look for something called DAN CARNS regieme, this stuff is only coming to the surface, people who have cleared this affliction are seeing the positve application of certain products.
Also the products i have suggested are not standard branded items, they are items where company's dont have an hidden agenda.
ACNE is big money, stop feeding the companys that feed of it.
Your face wash.
Should be as pure as possible.
Baby soap if you want!
I use a brand from boots, that contains nothing but good clear ingredients, i used to use clearasil, i dont anymore.
Try this regieme if you wish, no one is forcing anyone.
But if your not getting great results, hey it cant be any worse then what your currently doing.
jojobo oil is also a CARRIER, it carriers the BP further into the skin.
Think, microbes, well jojobo oil is thinner then the small holes on your skin, combined with BP it allows the thicker then the holes on your skin cream to penetrate DEEPER into the skin, i.e a CARRIER.
So even if jojobo oil is not wanted for its ingredients, it can help give BP a boost by allowing BP to penetrate Deeper and getting to bacteria deeper in the skin.
Is that clear?
Instead of asking question, just go buy the dam stuff
For people in the UK.
alternativly go to your GP and ASK for a product called, benzymycin Gel, you will get it for perscription price and it contains erythamycin and BP, you can only get it on prescription. BUT the company that makes it are always running out, since it is such high demand, so i make my own!
One simple search on google later: GEL.asp?prodid=BENZAMYCIN GEL
Seems its available in Canada
dont be afraid to buy online it is safe, i get most of my vitamins and creams online, delivered to your door and no need to wonder around town or shops e.t.c