The October Bootcamp


Don Juan
Oct 4, 2005
Reaction score
HOLY CRAP!!! I got my first rejection today!!! Damn, i don't believe it. Also, i think the reading part of the bible is really helpfull, i had such a hard time carrying a convo with this chick... damn!


Don Juan
Sep 7, 2005
Reaction score
Hey Vasa....

How bout some details? How did you approach, how the convo went, etc.....


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
Ok. I've been out drinking/partying alot lately so most of my convos and approaches has been made with alcohol in my blood. I have not been very drunk, but still..I would like to do more sober approaches instead.

Anyways, I have had more than 10 convos with girls this week, so i achived the "goal" for this week, even though it wasn't totally sober..I didn't really "hit" on any of these girls. I was just being social and treated everyone the same. I also engaged in convos with male strangers, just to increase my circle and achieve more social proof. I basically practiced on being ****y&funny, maintaining strong eyecontact and to avoid coming of as desperate or needy.

I talked to a pretty hot girl last night for a while. HB7,5. (My scale is strict, so that's pretty hot imo) I approached her and asked if she had seen where my buddies left, 'cause they were sitting on the table next to them and were gone when i came back to our table. I asked her how old she was, and she told me to guess..I said 28 just to diss her and maybe offend her a bit just for kicks ;) That's actually my standard-answer to when a girl asks me to guess their age. I'm entertained by their reaction :) Anyway, she responded by laughing and looking a bit shocked. I said "just kidding, I think you're 20". She was 25, but she truly didn't look older than 20. We chatted for a while and she was talking alot, but the music was loud and I couldn't hear most of it :p Although i pretended to. I decided to end the convo at a climax, used some kino on her back and told her i enjoyed talking to her. She said the same and I split. Didn't #close.

I went back to another table with some other friends. I sat next to 4 girls, but none of them were hot enough for me to be interested. But i wasn't gonna miss the opportunity to get some field practice, so I decided to open one of them. I waited for an opening and went in when she was about to tuck snuff under her lip (Yuck!! Disgusting) I told her Nooo!! Don't do it, please! etc etc..I told her how it was awful, especially since she was a girl. Totally unfeminin. I said that if she didn't do it i might let her make out with me later...So she put it away and we had some more convo. It wasn't very memorable and I was kinda bored, so i turned to my friends again and 5 minutes later we left for another bar.

This is where the alcohol started to take control. I was more brave and bold, but I couldn't handle and control the situations as well. My eyecontact and eyeflirting got alot better, but I couldn't keep up the interest with my convos. I sat down to talk to a girl in my school..Never seen her before, but I just crashed her table. Started flirting right away and she didn't look disinterested at first. But as i kept talking to her, my short-term memory loss kicked in and I forgot stuff we just talked about and started repeting my questions. This totally made her lose interest, and it didn't help that i gave her a hard time about her neighbourhood..I thought i recovered, and decided to try to #close. I said I was going to leave, but if she would just put in her number on my phone, I'd call her some other time and we'd hang out. She took my phone and was about to write it in, when she suddently changed her mind and gave the phone back to me. I said "Ouch" with a big smile on my face and left...First rejection so biggie.

I went on to dance with female friends and just having a good time. I forgot to approach more girls.

I'm still having problems finding good openers to use for example when I'm in the bar-line and there's a hottie next to me. I say Hi and smile, but can't think of anything to say! I try to see if there is something going on around me to comment on or something like that, but I freeze up :(
My social proof at that place is very good. I know the bartenders, and I know tons of people who usually goes there. Doesn't seem to help my game.

I know this may sound sad, but I'm pretty good at getting girls intrigued on the net. I'm much better at flirting there and I also get nice comments on my pictures. A girl i talked to 2 days ago on the net asked for my number and she also sent me an sms the same day. I might see her tomorrow, 'cause we are both hitting the clubs. She actually lives like 5 minutes away from me. So that should be interesting. Just hope I can follow up in real life. Just hoping that my desperation doesn't shine

Wish I had approached more girls, but I'm still a bit scared to do it. Atleast my mindset is DJ, but I'm still a rAFC...I used to have ok skills before, managed to kissclose very often. I was a total slut. But now I haven't even kissed a girl in over a month..weak! Problem is, I have no idea what I did right before. I had no plans, no game. I Just went for it. Maybe THAT's the problem now...I know I'm lazy, but I'll try and get better and approach more! When i had a gf my problem was to NOT do anything with other girls..Now i feel like i can't do it even if i try!

How are you all holding up? Any progress??


Don Juan
Oct 4, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by SpeedStick
Hey Vasa....

How bout some details? How did you approach, how the convo went, etc.....
It was a chick at work. I met her for the first time and she never worked in my department before, she only subbed for someone else that one day. Anyway, chatted for a little. She didn't show any high interrest, just more life being friendly. Anyway... i got off like an hour earlier than her, so i had some things to do, but i came back and asked if we could go and hang out at her dorm. She said no. Well, the boss came in, so i started talking to him, and then i just looked at her and said i was kidding, we both laughed and i left... end of story. But like i said, i was falling really short on the talking part. I had to keep thinking of things to say and that would take me a lot of time. Better memorize those things from the Bible like i said before.


Don Juan
Oct 4, 2005
Reaction score
Also... i dont know why, but lately i've been really digging asian chicks. I have no idea why, but i just find them super hot. This one was i think a phelipino or something, she was pretty hot. Also this was like the first time i got rejected in a long time (well, because i almost never approached) so yeah it kinda hurt. But whatever, almost forgot about her.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 10, 2003
Reaction score
Gville, Florida
ok i'm not doing the bootcamp anymore in the sense of "week one, week 2, etc" but i do make an effort to flirt with girls regularly. so here are some recent Cold Approaches. I swear these are all true.

CA 1:
2 girls (7's), one was wearing a birthday hat so i commented saying "your birthday?" or something.
she said yeah/ i said "how old", she was 19.

so then i did the star trek opener ("So what do you girls think is sexier? Star TREK or Star WARS?" --credit: jlaix)
they said "it's both for dorks", apparently they didnt realize i was being sarcastic so then i said something to show that i was, and they laughed.

at this point i wanted to see how far i could push the envelope in terms of being "ballsy". so i went into a long story about using glow-in-the-dark condoms as "lightsabers". (credit: i got the story from someone on masf.)

the story was too sexual and i came off as too sexual, so the girls said "OMG youre crazy" and quickly ran off to their friends. I didnt care though, i could tell that tonight they were out with their "posse" and they couldnt be isolated. so i sort of blew the set on purpose. The star wars "lightsaber condom" story is designed to offend.

CA 2: in a club. different night.
my roomate went up to two girls: HB8 and HB9-GODLIKEASS. THese 2 were club rats, but smokin. My roomate is a natural DJ by the way.

Natural says hi and then basically says "I just noticet that you girls have these... *incredible* asses and i was just wondering if i could bounce a quarter off of your ass"
my roomate says this in a perfect manner, just so matter of factly. As if he were a conesiour of fine asses and as if it were a perfectly normal request.

HB9 says no but HB8 says OK and LETS HIM BOUNCE THE QUARTER OFF HER ASS. She was hesitant at first but we were in a 'secluded' part of the club so she bent over and he bounced the quarter.
he girls were actually there with 2 other guys and their guys came back, so we couldnt close or anything. They were mindless hors anyway, and i really didnt know how to engage them. i can hold an intelligent conversation but the rules of convo with girls like that are different.

CA3: outside the club
i went outside because it was too crowded and i wanted some air. I saw a girl sitting against the wall on the corner, outside the club.
me: what's the matter? too drunk?
HB6:no, too much cigarette smoke i need to clear my head.
me: so you're not really into the club scene?
her: no, my roomies dragged me out.

at this point i initiated a standard convo with her because i was interested in her. The fact that she is not a club rat and was actually sort of introverted made me want to #close, since she is what i like to call "my type"

so anyway i ask her about school, her major, her job, etc. We end up trading stories about our encounters and interaction with "retarded people". Some funny stuff.

But she never asked about me or my life--a sign of her low interest. she never even asked my major or anything. So anyway her friends called her and i quickly decided to give her my number. I know the rule is to get HER number, but i didnt have my cell on me, and her interest seemed low so i decided i didnt care that much and i would put the burden on her. That way its her who will call if she has any interest and i dont even have to think. Shes only a 6 so who gives a ****. It's been 2 days and she hasnt called yet, so no expectation there.

CA 4:
this actually happened like 2 weeks ago but i will add it.

i was at a new club, dressed nice and wearing a pink truckers hat. I had got the hat for free at that club. I dont normally "peacock" like that but the hat was working for me. lots of girls were touching it and stuff, it was useful for starting convos. SO i think you guys should seriously consider peacocking yourself like Mystery recommends. Have something flashy or crazy. I recently saw a guy with a belt that had a digital LCD and scrolling glowing text messages on it. Now that is a convo starter.

I should also note that i had taken a Xanax because i wanted to see if it made me more outgoing and social and wild. I had also had a few shots.

anyway as i was waliking, an HB7-Blonde tries to take my hat off my head. Never met her before. Her friend HB7-Asian is watching nearby.
She asks me if she can HAVE the hat! LOL, she must think i'm an AFC.

Blonde tries to take it and i push her hand off and tell her that she better not try that again. "ITS MY HAT!"
Blonde: "i'll fight you for it"
ME: "i'll win. look at your skinny ass"
Blonde: "but you can't hit girls!"
ME: "oh yes i can. i'm OLD SCHOOL. Ill beat your ass 1950's style, and then send you into the kitchen so you can MAKE ME A ****ING SANDWICH, *****!"

At this point both Blonde and Asian are laughing and enjoying my company. And i could tell that Blonde is a dum hor, so i decide to talk to Asian. Asian became my target. I talk about standard stuff, her family (korean) and we talk about how older asians have really strong values but their kids are spoiled and shallow. Driving Rice racers and generally spoiled. ( I am not asian, I am white with a shaved head)

She turns out to be in a sorority along with Blonde, so i start negging her about being a sorority bimbo and such. Asian starts qualifying herself saying that she is 'different' from the other girls, she is not spoiled and she appreciates her parents' hard work.
i say, "your different? that's what the all say."

at this point Blonde is about to go home with a black guy (she is attracted to black guys) so Asian drags me by the arm to find BLonde. I had to help Asian ****block the black guy, LOL.

Anyway we danced a little and then Asian had to go find BLonde once again, who had disappeared with the black guy again (what a hor). I got really tired of all the running around, so i decided to #close right there. I knew the close was solid because of all the rapport and IOIs

ME: "why dont you give me your number in case we get seperated."
HER: "why, are you going to ditch me?"
ME: (thinking, "yeah" lol): "No but its a crowded club."
HER (gives me number)
ME: "cool, go find your friend, i gotta find my roomate."
HER: "ok, call me later"
ME: "yeah."

anyway i called an hour later after i got home, at 3 in the mornign. we talked for like 5 mins, and she invited me to a sosority birthday party the next day. but the next day i found that I was not in a social mood so i didnt go. The day after that, we met up for an hour downtown and i gave her a ride home.

The thing taht sucks is, guys arent allowed in the sorority house and she cant come to my house because we are doing roof repairs and there is no place to make out. i am crashing on the couch for this week and its all messy and unromantic.

The other thing is, I dont really know what i want out of this girl. She is really not my type--social diva, sorority, club rat. But she seems to dig me.
I figure i'll call her in a week after all the repairs are done and go clubbing, then try to get her back to my place. It's a great feeling though because i really dont care about her, so if she flakes out i wont care AT ALL.
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Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
Nice Isotope. I think you did some good stuff there. Keep it up. Should go for that girl, even if it's just for a night or two :D

Ok. I'm going to report in for tonight, 'cause there has been some development. I was out partying tonight. I was with a few friends at this birthdayparty and the evening started of really badly. I was getting myself all worked up before going to this party, 'cause there was supposed to be quite a few hot girls there. When I got there I was disappointed..mostly because of the way I acted. The girls were there, but I hesitated and didn't approach. I'm like wtf am i doing?? This is my chance!! So after a few beers I decided to initiate convos with a few girls. I was playing it cool and it all worked out, but I doubt the girls thought that I was hitting on them...I was being nice and friendly. Sucks...

Anyways..we decided to go out to some clubs. I had a deal with a blonde hottie to meet her at a club. This was not where my friends went, but I decided to go anyways. I met her there and we danced for a while and had a few drinks..I felt that she wasn't interested in me that way, so I left her there and went to rally up with my friends at another bar. I met some people and had a few laughs with my friends and then the club closed down. When I went outside a recognized this girl I had been talking to on the net and I went to talk to her. We hugged and started talking. She had been the most "agressive" on the net and she was alot hotter in real life than I could see in her pictures! This kicked up my interest alot, but I still tried to play ****y&funny as I did on the net. I walked her home and we spent like 2 hours getting to her house even though it was a 15 minute walk...She had 2 friends sleeping over and we just talked at her place for a while, the four of us. Drank water and I was still giving her a hard time and made fun of her. Tried to kino her as often as I could, but I had a hard time reading her signs. Finally I said that it was getting late and that I had to leave. I said goodbye to her friends and told her to walk me out..
When I left I told her that it was nice to meet her and that we should see a movie or hook up later this week. She said yeah, we should and i went in for a kiss. I touched her hair and held her face and went in for a kiss. Just a peck at first but then I gave her a real one and she returned it (I think). We kissed for like 3 seconds and she withdrew and gave me a small kiss on the lips and we said our goodbyes..I left with a feeling as though i wanted the kiss more than she did, but I'm not sure. This girl was better than i thought she was, and it actually made my interest level go up quite a bit. I'm not sure what willl happen, but I won't give up on this girl yet. I'll see how she'll respond to me in the following days....I'll know more then, but I think I somehow blew it.
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Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score


Don Juan
Oct 4, 2005
Reaction score
I think i'll have to restart the bootcamp, this week i haven't even thought about the bootcamp because i was studying for the exam and i have a very ****ty mood. So after i get the exam done i'll go back to the bootcamp, as for now, peace out ;)


Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
Crap people, I'm really sorry for dropping off the face of the earth. I'd imagine this thread is on like page 300 by now. Somewhere back in mid-October, still trying to struggle my way through the hi's, a long-awaited thing that I think was at least intended to be a date with a girl I knew finally happened. Long story short I drop about $200 on a delicious steak dinner, not so much as a hug at the end, next day she spends the night in the room of someone who used to be a good friend of mine before we lost touch... I literally got an ulcer and felt it for over a week.

I think I broke every rule in the book with this one, fell flat on my ass as a result. It was a result of being a wbAFC, probably a contributor to continuing as such. So I couldn't show my face around here for a long time...

Meanwhile another girl came around and used me for all I was worth. This girl figured out that just by rubbing her hands on my chest and breathing into my ear I'd start hyperventillating and my teeth would chatter... I think I'm completely screwed for life.

Ohh, and after interviewing with 13 companies and applying with many more, I still don't have a job.

Back home now, in a semirural area in the South where it's all too easy to avoid people. Socially dead at the moment, and feeling down to boot.

Leaving in two weeks for the Caribbean. Spending a week on some of the islands in the French West Indies, then doing a cruise. Bit different from normal cruises: this one is on a sailboat, has about 120 people on board, extremely casual. I found out that it's a singles cruise, and the youngest person on board aside from myself is 29--remember that I'm still in college. So this will be interesting. I plan to spend the first week attempting a compressed version of the first few weeks of bootcamp, figuring that it's an easy place to get to know people, then using the cruise to try to get things to work. It's worth a shot.

I'm guessing the only way any of you people who were posting before on this thread will see it is if you subscribed to it, but if you do see it I'm hoping to hear what you've been up to for the past two months. Have you kept on going? Given up? If you've stopped the program are you maintaining your same level of, umm, proficiency, or are you losing what you've built up?