The NFL and Alpha Males


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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We all know what's going on in the news.

Assaulting this woman, beating this kid, etc.....I have lost track.

What is clear is that alpha males have a lot of problems with domestic violence.

I know that most of the old timers on this site preach being alpha at all times, but I think that many times it can backfire.

Think about how many alphas are in jail, or dead, because of how alpha they are. Their high level of testosterone gets them doing things that get them in a lot of trouble.

Some say "a real man would not beat a woman" but if Ray Rice isn't a real man, I don't know who is. He's highly alpha and we all know that. But the fact is that he is very flawed even though he's alpha.

I'm starting to think that being alpha and being moral are in conflict with each
other. Betas are ridiculed on this site, but they aren't going around bashing people's faces in and getting collared all the time.

Ultimately, I think it's ok to be alpha and beta at the same time. If you're 100% pure alpha, you'll have many relationship/legal problems in your life. If you're 100% beta, you'll get no puss and will be on SOS 24 hours a day. So that's why it should be balanced. Don't be so aggressive that you end up in jail, and don't be such a faggot that you act needy all the time.


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
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The whole alpha/beta thing is largely BS as far as how women look at men. Attraction goes much deeper than that.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 2, 2010
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True alphas/DJs can control their emotions.

Does assaulting someone, man or woman, suggest that they have control over their emotions?


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
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jimmy18 said:
True alphas/DJs can control their emotions.

Does assaulting someone, man or woman, suggest that they have control over their emotions?
Is that from the Encyclopedia of the Alpha man?


If the girl's dad was short-tempered, she's more likely to be attracted to short-tempered guys. If her dad was calm, she'd be more likely to be attracted to calm men.

If you look at the research on attraction, it's way deeper than alpha/beta BS that is talked about on PUA communities.


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
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I don't see why the women getting smacked around aren't catching some heat for being with these types of guys or continuing to stay with them after it happens. Victim my @$$, they are nothing more then money grabbers and that's why they haven't left them. This kind of behavior will continue because men see women REMAINING with guys who do these actions time and time again.


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
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Robert28 said:
I don't see why the women getting smacked around aren't catching some heat for being with these types of guys or continuing to stay with them after it happens. Victim my @$$, they are nothing more then money grabbers and that's why they haven't left them. This kind of behavior will continue because men see women REMAINING with guys who do these actions time and time again.
I believe Rice's wife was with him since high school. However, yes, if a woman is with an abusive man willingly, her fault. She's most likely fvcked up in the head.


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
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Espi said:
I personally could't care less about the so-called Alpha rules. I would never hit a woman, even if she hit me first. If I were a father I would never physically lay my hands on my children...ever. It's not something I personally believe in. I abhor subservience. When I taught English to college students, I refused to allow them to address me by anything but my first name.

I also enjoy treating women with respect and buying women gifts and flowers on occasion.
Everyone I know in this life I regard as my equal. EVERYONE.

That's really beta bro. You'll never get laid like that.



Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
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Espi said:
I personally could't care less about the so-called Alpha rules. I would never hit a woman, even if she hit me first. If I were a father I would never physically lay my hands on my children...ever. It's not something I personally believe in. I abhor subservience via violence of any kind.

When I taught English to college students, I refused to allow them to address me by anything but my first name.

I also enjoy treating women with respect and buying women gifts and flowers on occasion.
Everyone I know in this life I regard as my equal. EVERYONE.
I agree with everything you said. However, the whole "how you treat a woman" is all about timing in my opinion. Buying flowers, buying gifts, treating her with respect is fine and dandy when it's for a girl that likes you and goes out of her way to show you she likes you. Doing those same actions for a girl who has no interest in you and who you are all hungup on is pointless. I learned that the hard way. I don't mind doing this for a woman, the hard part is finding those women that are worth doing things for and who don't try to take advantage of you because you will do those things.


Don Juan
Sep 6, 2014
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Espi Good points on Everyone. Robert28 your right about being able to express that to important people and not just everyone.


Master Don Juan
Oct 21, 2010
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The Wild Wigga From the West
i don't have AP or ray rice on my fantasey football team and I thank GOD for societies views on this.

i mean. AP was surposed to play this week.. but everyone kicked up ****.. so they said he wouldn't play this week. they guy i am playing this week has AP!

my team needs all the help it can get ( got pick 11 in the draft)


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
One of the many side effects of repeated concussions and head trauma is a lack of impulse control. That's why so many ex-nfl players commit suicide. The impulse to hit a woman when arguing is not any different. We're putting the biggest men we can find into a high speed head-butting competition, and then calling them immoral when they exhibit the symptoms of brain trauma.

sylvester the cat

Master Don Juan
Sep 30, 2012
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Alpha is all relative. This guy might be alpha to the average afc but in the NFL he's just a pawn to the managers and the guys who run the show.


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2014
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Espi said:
I personally could't care less about the so-called Alpha rules. I would never hit a woman, even if she hit me first. If I were a father I would never physically lay my hands on my children...ever. It's not something I personally believe in. I abhor subservience via violence of any kind.

When I taught English to college students, I refused to allow them to address me by anything but my first name.

I also enjoy treating women with respect and buying women gifts and flowers on occasion.
Everyone I know in this life I regard as my equal. EVERYONE.

Really? My experience is that people spout this nonsense to show what a great person they are but when it comes the crunch, they'll do the opposite.


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2014
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sylvester the cat said:
Alpha is all relative. This guy might be alpha to the average afc but in the NFL he's just a pawn to the managers and the guys who run the show.

These alphas are certainly having a great time in life for sure.

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
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I watched the video and Rice hitting her wasn't as bad as people make it out to be. She lashed out at him and charged at him. He put his arm out and she got decked. Simple. It wasn't like he went off on her and started pounding her.

Just a simple misunderstanding that the white knight media is blowing out of control.


Master Don Juan
Jan 29, 2014
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Houston, TX
Beating people you love is NOT caused by an alpha attitude. Be careful not to confuse correlation and causation.

In my opinion, the cause is more likely to be that many of these men have been favored their whole lives, coddled, and never really required to take responsibility for their own actions off the football field. They are giant spoiled brats.

One of my daughters is dating a 6ft 6" 300 pound ex-college football lineman. The kid is practically hopeless. All through growing up all he had to do was be big and strong and hit the guy on the other side of the ball. So he never Learned things like how to control his emotions, how to communicate effectively, how to function in large social situations. He never learned how to preservere while attempting to do something your not good at.

His education also sucked. He figured out very early that as long as he could play football well they would make sure he pass the classes he needed to pass. So now what you have is a 23-year-old great big walking Treestump who has the emotional maturity of a 10-year-old.

I am sure the NFL is full of these types.

skinnyguy said:
We all know what's going on in the news.

Assaulting this woman, beating this kid, etc.....I have lost track.

What is clear is that alpha males have a lot of problems with domestic violence.

I know that most of the old timers on this site preach being alpha at all times, but I think that many times it can backfire.

Think about how many alphas are in jail, or dead, because of how alpha they are. Their high level of testosterone gets them doing things that get them in a lot of trouble.

Some say "a real man would not beat a woman" but if Ray Rice isn't a real man, I don't know who is. He's highly alpha and we all know that. But the fact is that he is very flawed even though he's alpha.

I'm starting to think that being alpha and being moral are in conflict with each
other. Betas are ridiculed on this site, but they aren't going around bashing people's faces in and getting collared all the time.

Ultimately, I think it's ok to be alpha and beta at the same time. If you're 100% pure alpha, you'll have many relationship/legal problems in your life. If you're 100% beta, you'll get no puss and will be on SOS 24 hours a day. So that's why it should be balanced. Don't be so aggressive that you end up in jail, and don't be such a faggot that you act needy all the time.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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People seem to have a profound misunderstanding of what the term "alpha" means. Alpha = leader. The only man who qualifies as the alpha on a football team is the quarterback. Everybody else is a beta by definition. When you hear news stories about NFL players committing various crimes, beating up their wives, abusing their children, etc., the perpetrators are almost never quarterbacks (the only exception I can think of is Michael Vick). In other words, it's the beta NFL players who are committing the vast majority of crimes.


Don Juan
Oct 1, 2013
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Bokanovsky said:
People seem to have a profound misunderstanding of what the term "alpha" means. Alpha = leader. The only man who qualifies as the alpha on a football team is the quarterback. Everybody else is a beta by definition. When you hear news stories about NFL players committing various crimes, beating up their wives, abusing their children, etc., the perpetrators are almost never quarterbacks (the only exception I can think of is Michael Vick). In other words, it's the beta NFL players who are committing the vast majority of crimes.
Yup. although quarterbacks can be "beta" as well. LOL johnny manziel posting twitter/instagram pics of his "escapades" comes to mind. Just cuz your a pro athlete doesnt mean you have great character and inner strenght which is what "alpha" really is imo. THese guys behavior is the exact opposite of that. Unfortunately that word has been twisted and mangled to the point where some naive individuals actually do view things like this as proof of being an alpha male.