the next step


New Member
Aug 12, 2010
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So for about a week now I've been talking to this girl and her friend who i've only known a little bit through other friends and stuff. Then about 5 days ago they planned a movie/video game day over my house, so a couple days ago they both drove 40 minutes down to my house and we also invited one of our mutual guy friends. During the movies I noticed one of them every once in a while during a funny part or a sad part sneaking a glance over at me for a second then looking back, and when her friend called her to ask her about going to the beach that day she was saying "I can't I'm at Adam's house today". and after she got back to her house we've still been chatting on facebook and stuff and she said that she used to think I was mean a while ago but now she thinks I'm really nice and stuff. So what do all you guys think? go for her or no. If not what would you recommend? She is a good girl and religious so nothing too rash or intense.


New Member
Aug 12, 2010
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Alright, well I'm heading out of the country and will return July 10th so I asked her to go to the movies with me and some other people but she is going to be out of town and can't come back till the 21st so she said she was really sorry and upset because she really wanted to go with me to see it. And she said if she were able to come back for a day to see it she would but her program won't let her. So she asked if we can still hang out once she gets back


Don Juan
Jul 11, 2011
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I think you're giving whoever you want too much attention. Apparently you talked for a 'week' with her. When they came over to your house, they had to bring a guy, and not be alone with you. You're still chatting with her on Facebook too. I feel a friend-zone coming. Ask her out and do whatever, go for it. What you should do, is ignore her a little more to up the attraction and interest. I can't really elaborate on your guys' vacations or whatever, but if she leaves on a good foot with you and not see you for a bit, she may want you more after she comes back.