Convo between two women of my acquaintance:
With such mental abuse and brainwashing directly from their nurturers from early childhood, the poor children have no chance.Woman A:
So my 3yo niece had been saying "I need a strong song!" on the way to school recently and I assumed she was referring to a kids' song about eating all you greens or something, but this morning I took the other car and it turns out the song in question was on a cd in the player: an 'RnB number by Adeaze which goes "I don't want nobody else, I don't need somebody else to tell me about love, I am strong on my own". She is going to be one kickass little lady!
Woman B:
Gee if only my son said such deep and meaningful things, but no, yesterday he says to me "I like boobies!" Omg he's only 4 and its already started!!!!