Just want to say I'm impressed with most of the replies to this post, even though most of the arguements against it are by mic fiend.
I think that we can all agree that a separate forum would be bad, very bad, for everyone. I also don't think that was ever the idea of this.
Lets just assume that we're all trying to make this board better:
We have...
A) Experienced posters
B) Receptive learners and potential puas
C) Dead Weight.
Dead weight are the people that won't like what they read and ditch the whole thing. There are a lot of these people, and since post count means NOTHING (I would know- "master don juan"!? Please, I'm "master" of **** all) you can't distinguish them form the guys that really want to achieve something.
Sounding a bit like jester here, but **** them.
Though this has come across as an idea that aims to split up the people here at the disadvantage of receptive newbies, concider this:
If guys who knew their stuff here got into SEVERAL small groups, that would help them because the whole site would get more personal. This is a GOOD THING! I got chatting with the other HSers from Britain in a small group type thing last year, and it helped a bit (problem was in my opinion none of us were good enough to carry the whole thing). This would still all be done in the same forum as always, it would just give you specific people to look out for and to help you.
These groups would then see when a newbie is receptive and is making an effort. They could pick him out and help him personally. SO it wouldn't be on POST NUMBER but POST QUALITY.
Of course, may be pre-empting (sp?) mic fiend on this one, who cares that much? My sketchy advice: Everyone that has "signed up" for this instead make a concious effort to promote a more helpful and personal board. PM someone if you think they're doing good and such-like.
Be a Don Juan:
Enjoy life;
Self Improve;
Get ass;
Help the new kid