Originally posted by Wyldfire
1)Interest and Attraction...this is where two people initially see or meet each other and decide they both want to get to know each other better.
2)Infatuation and Falling in Love...this is the stage where you become blinded by your emotions and often times behave like a love sick puppy dog. The attention and mushiness of the other person makes you feel really great about yourself and you begin to fall "in love"...this is all about how YOU feel about yourself because of the other person. IT is NOT love. It is that thing that reduces you to a slobbering fool who speaks in "baby talk".
3) The Comfort Zone...this is where you start to relax, and move out of the infatuation stage into something more "real". This is also the time where feelings begin to deepen towards the other person while experiencing a reduced feeling of being "in love". After being in this stage for awhile many people make the mistake of thinking the relationship is in trouble because they aren't still infatuated. In reality, the relationship is beginning to grow into Mature Love. So many people bail at this point and never actually reach the "Love" stage.
4) Mature Love...this is the real deal, folks. You have reached the point of having a genuinely mature relationship, that, if you have chosen the right partner, is a beautiful thing.
Reaching Stage 4 doesn't mean the fun is all over, though. You can and will go from stage to stage at different times throughout the relationship. You can even learn to do things that will make you and your partner feel infatuated and falling in love all over again.
Most relationships are either made or broken during the Comfort Zone. That is the most important time to really work your DJ skills in a relationship so your partner doesn't bail.
Damned good post, Wyldfire. This is all true, and you have defined it to a "T" Stage one is all important, it is setting the bait, and waiting to see what bites. Lots of times, women (and men) play the game and never bother with Step Two, but they love step one. They love superficial flirting, only to have it lead nowhere. A little weird to me, but to each their own, I guess.
There are others who dig on step two, and never want to leave it. They love the thrill of the endomorphin rush of infatuation, the thrill of "new love" and the adrenaline rush one gets when he/she is falling hard for someone. That bolt of energy you get when the cell rings, that wonderful anticipation right before you meet each other on a Friday night to hit the town, and the amorous feelings of pure lust as you enter the bedchambers to practice the Kama Sutric Arts.
Step Three is where lots of men and women bail. Like "Vangie" my unfavorite Attention Wh0re, who last night was lamenting about not having a man in her life. I asked her if she REALLY wanted to give up the freedom of the dating scene, in order to be on a one on one relationship with a man, and she actually admitted, that although it was lonely, she just couldnt give up the late nights out, the flirting, and the freedom of being single for Step Three, being with a man 7 days a week, and staying faithful and true. She'd be bored silly in a week, and there are many others like her, male and female. She wants her "cake and eat it too"....She wants a man in her life to love her and worship her (and pay her bills, supply her with a house, ect) on the other hand, she wont give up her flirtatious ways, male friends, and nights on the town (without him)....Wyldfire, give me some feedback on this woman, she repulses me physically, but I have to admit, I could write a book on her dysfunctional life.