The Natural Order Of Things revisited...
Hold on kid, let me put on my PuertoRican_Lover hat…it’s been a while let me find it - where did I put it? Ahhhhh, here it is!!! In perfect condition, just a little dust on it but it looks as handsome as ever! I’ve been reading Socrates and Plato recently and they have strengthen my logic and resolve on this matter of sexuality amongst the sexes. I do not want to debate you because in a debate you need parameters and specifics to be discussed and this topic is to wide to be confined. I would rather discuss my premise that “Sexuality is the duality that creates life” and restrict the conversation to this premise!
JJ, I have 4,300 posts under my PR_L screen name and my first post was “Say ‘No’ to hos”, and my last post was say ‘No’ to Ho-mos! Unfortunately, or fortunately, the latter was directed towards a few of the Mods who were deleting my posts without justification and wanted me to tone down my rhetoric on Hors and Ho-mos, which I refused to do and thus my banishment! I don’t write long descriptive posts nowadays but I’ll do so to entertain you.
I read your refutation and it was so convoluted and my words were so purposely maligned with malice of forethought that I disregarded it, but I gave you the benefit of my doubts considering that I was drinking, so I read them anew without the influence of alcohol and your logic was actually worse than I first perceived it to be! But I don’t think you followed the rules of logic but rather your words were influence by your prejudice and dislike of me based on my posts as LMS.
Jay Jay said:
The masculine is creative, not dominant.
The feminine is receptive, not submissive.
There is a logical flaw here – do you see it?
Can men be creative and dominant? Of course men can, as I started in my original post! Why must they be mutually exclusive?
Can women be receptive and submissive? Of course they can. Why not?
We are dynamic in our humanity and both sexes experience both conditions but in regards to our sexuality there must be a duality and complementary forces to create a harmonic balance!
If a female is receptive, as you state, then what is she receptive to? Yes, she is receptive to the advances of the male as THE dominant force. Contrary to the common belief here, men are the “choosers”, NOT the women! We initiate! Women, either receive us favorably or unfavorably! We are the “action” aggressive dominant force and women are at the receiving end of our sexual interest!
1. Capable of or qualified for receiving.
2. Ready or willing to receive favorably
1. Exercising the most influence or control.
2. Most prominent, as in position; ascendant
The male (us) make the decision of who we will pursue and the female either receives us favorably or rejects our advances (not necessarily us).
“Once” she receives us favorably then there must be a ”Natural Order Of Things” because when there are two people in an interactive environment, where decisions must be made, the generic rule of “majority rules” does not and cannot apply!!! Why? Because there can never be a majority; thus, a continuous stalemate or unresolved state will be maintained and therefore create a disharmonic unbalance and conflict and chaos will be the result!! Why would two unite to create a state of strife and conflict? This is a very dangerous state to be in considering that a family unit will be created and it will not stand in such a weak fractured state!! As evidenced by today’s dysfunctional familial structure in America!
So because we only have two human forces involved there must, in the end, be a final decision maker who is dominant and the other must submit to this dominance or else there will be a clash!!
Women have influence, but men have the "most" influence and thus are dominant in this regard!!
This does not refer to inanimate objects since decisions, in a familial structure, are a human characteristic and trait and unique in regards to sexuality.
Just as the electrical receptacle outlet is receptive to the pronged object to be electrified there are roles that each other must actualize to receive the full benefit of electrical energy – neither object on its’ own accord can realize its’ potential unless combined. This is a metaphor – can we procreate with two males or two females? NO! There must be complementary natures in the realm of sexuality to realize our full potential as human beings to further our species – sexuality is the duality that creates life! Truly it is!
1. To give over or yield to the power or authority of another
2. To yield oneself to the power or authority of another
3. To defer to another's judgment, opinion, decision, etc.:
The meanings of “Receptive” and “Submissive” are intertwined when looked at in context of the argument.
Women do have power because they are made of the same essence as men and by the same creative force who made their complementary natures, BUT when in combination with the dominant force (the male) they “submit” (i.e. Yield) their power to the dominant male! Why? Because this is their nature and must be so if there is to be a harmonic balance in the relationship and family unit! This does not subscribe them to an inferior role, as feminists charge, rather it is a complementary role as nature intended, to prepare for an organized and harmonic unity between the sexes!
As I said, when there is a union of two then there must be an authority since the majority cannot rule, since it does not apply; thus, the female “defers” her judgment, opinion, decision to the male to prevent a fracture in differing opinions, decisions!
1. To yield respectfully in judgment or opinion.
2. To submit for decision;
3. Submit or yield to another's wish or opinion.
In simple summary, the female defers and submits to the dominant male her powers as a complementary nature so that a harmonious familial unit will be the result! This is a genetically wired trait in the female and not her voluntary decision! If she goes outside of this genetic universal law then a fracture is the result!
The Hor, as encouraged by the feminist movement, wishes to artificially go outside of her complementary nature as a woman and thus we have our current state of “battle of the sexes” which is wholly unnatural and detrimental to the male/female dynamic and the family structure!!