Rollo Tomassi said:
Again, let me repeat, beware of making your necessity a virtue. Quality implies value and value is always perceptive, not objective. If your most dire personal need is a fork and all you have in the drawer are knives and spoons, that fork is worth lots more.
For all the self-righteous indignation about how women have dropped the ethics ball or aren't living up to what we think they should, how much of this perception is simply us suiting ourselves according to our own conditions.
Perhaps you are confusing "value" with "performance". Most certainly value is perceptive and very much subject to personal taste and the requirements of one's changing conditions ,but where is the problem with that?
My automotive needs in my early twenties were rather primitive. My car of choice simply needed to drive fast, in a straight line and stop when asked to do so. It had value to me because it performed the tasks required. A 4 door sedan with a hot 454 and 4 wheels did the trick . However older men were buying themselves that dark blue,imported, and beautiful Mercedes Benz , made in Germany and built to exquisite standards of engineering excellence.
Young men like me aspired to own such a vehicle "some day" ..but in the meantime that Chev was fun and functional.
Now thirty years later my automobile requirements are more complex and more sophisticated. That noisy Chevvy with a front bench seat and a stick would be no longer be fun NOR would it be functional because MY requirements have matured.
Nowadays I want that Merc, with a reliable engine and finely designed and manufactured electrics .
Standards are measured and assessed thru performance testing, and not from consumer ratings .
UNfortunately it is difficult to find that Merc today because the vehicles are NOt made in the original factory. They are assembled in various countries using local labor and asian parts. The standard of engineering has dropped and the subsequent 'performance' as fallen. However to some people the 'value' of owning a Merc remains the same despite the changed manufacturing circimstances.
Certainly MY conditions have changed and my requirements are more stringent , however, it is frustrating to discover that the car of my dreams is not made anymore. I can buy a close copy or an asian clone of a Merc, but I want an original, dammit ! Why? Because of it's excellent build standards, and it's functional PERFORMANCE, not it's "perceived value"
I acknowledge that women are not automobiles, but now that I really want a high performance woman as well as a high performance car, I am left lamenting the fact that neither are built to the standards of the past and neither PERFORM like they used to . THis is not perception it is an evaluative fact.
Both LOOK attractive which gives them market APPEAL and therefore "perceived value", but the performance is just not there. IT just ain't..